Max Payne 3 -- When Rockstar 'pushes the envelope'

Lmao @ this Peter Duck guy from Gamespot.

Giving MP3 a 6.5, and rated Sniper Elite v2 a 9.0(i believe) Such a joke.

I'm only at chapter 4, but this is quite possibly the best $60 i have ever spent this year.

The pros
-Lives up to the Max Payne series
- delivers the sick gunplay mechanics. makes things very refreshing
- cinematic/epic progression pacing style gaming. Wtf am i playing Carlito's Way; the 90's movie with Al Pacino & Sean Penn?
- Optimization, graphics, slow-mo-matrix bullet physics, it's all there folks

and i can just go on and on.... Multiplayer is rofl worthy. Had some epic match in the Alleyway, i barely held the lead , timer was at 4 sec, some moron behind me tried to go slow-mo 360 air bourne, and just failed miserably, then i just popped him in the face with the AK-47, and i won the round. LMAO.

can't wait to do all the arcade and single-player content. My contender for GOTY. Easily rating it a 9.0 for now, and possibly higher when i have more hours logged.
So I clicked on the fucking PC launch trailer thread because I wanted to watch the trailer, and got spoiler-ed in the ass.... :(

And Gamespot is a joke.
Just finished playing. I honestly prefer the darker themes of the earlier ones. The cut scenes were good. The storyline needed some more oomph.

The mouse movement was frustrating slow and some points and fast at others (not just regular mouse accel either). Multiplayer is alright don't see much competition developing so I didn't bother.

Single player is nice, but multiplayer gives a reason to stay. Rockstar has never been a competitive gaming developer.
Just finished playing. I honestly prefer the darker themes of the earlier ones. The cut scenes were good. The storyline needed some more oomph.

The mouse movement was frustrating slow and some points and fast at others (not just regular mouse accel either). Multiplayer is alright don't see much competition developing so I didn't bother.

Single player is nice, but multiplayer gives a reason to stay. Rockstar has never been a competitive gaming developer.

Can't say I agree with anything here, but personally never had mousing issues, everything felt right, at all times. I'd say Rockstar's pretty competitive. Perhaps not in your face, but they're right up there with setting standards for high-quality games.

breh, this is the pc gaming section. Dunno why you're pulling out the X360 page/reviews.

I'm referring to some gamespot user who was the first to review it.

The guy is such a nit-picking whore, i swear. Crying about any single thing that can ruin his "oh so precious" gaming experience. I think he rated Mafia II a 3.5. Hate this guy's guts so bad.
breh, this is the pc gaming section. Dunno why you're pulling out the X360 page/reviews.

I'm referring to some gamespot user who was the first to review it.

The guy is such a nit-picking whore, i swear. Crying about any single thing that can ruin his "oh so precious" gaming experience. I think he rated Mafia II a 3.5. Hate this guy's guts so bad.

Ah, okay. And I grabbed that link because that was the only review posted (and it didn't really specify anything about being Xbox-centric, just that it was on "XBOX PS3 PC").

So why does anyone care about what some random tool rates the game? I thought someone was saying it was an official review.
Don't get why everybody praises the multiplayer. I played for an hour and couldn't take it anymore. Aside from the bullet time, its same shit different theme. I want to like it, don't know what I'm missing.
The game is great. It is challenging and the graphics are amazing and the storyline is actually pretty good.

In terms of the people saying the environments are poorly rendered? What? You're kidding, right?

Keep in mind I have the graphics all maxed out at very high, max FXAA, basically all the settings Hard OCP suggested for the 680 except I have a 670.
Keep in mind I have the graphics all maxed out at very high, max FXAA, basically all the settings Hard OCP suggested for the 680 except I have a 670.

maxing everything out with a 570 @ 1080 reso. mostly 60 - - sometimes 55 fps.

great optimization IMO.
In terms of the people saying the environments are poorly rendered? What? You're kidding, right?

They're not "poorly rendered" but you can't deny the environmental textures, in general, are much lower quality than the character textures. I mean the difference is like night and day for some of them.
They're not "poorly rendered" but you can't deny the environmental textures, in general, are much lower quality than the character textures. I mean the difference is like night and day for some of them.

Isn't that always the case?
They're not "poorly rendered" but you can't deny the environmental textures, in general, are much lower quality than the character textures. I mean the difference is like night and day for some of them.

I only really notice this in cutscenes...
I'm thinking there will be some mods. Gta 4 I know has a crazy mod scene. Hopefully somebody will come out with a texture pack for this game.
I'd say Rockstar's pretty competitive. Perhaps not in your face, but they're right up there with setting standards for high-quality games.

I'm pretty sure he was referring to the clan/team/competition aspect of other multiplayer games. Something Rockstar doesn't really deal in.
After playing a few more hours of Multiplayer...goddamn, I must say, this game could make me rage HARD. You die so fast you'll sometimes respawn and be dead again easily within 10-15 seconds. I might have to stay away from playing the MP hardcore or I might break some of my nice computer equipment.
I thought this game was going to be demanding but my rig maxes everything out at 1080p with a steady 60 fps w/ adaptive v-sync enabled. Another reason not to upgrade... definitely easy on the eyes...gonna wait for star wars 1313 and watch dogs before I decide to upgrade...
I love the way the game ended. I hate muilt it just sucks including the spawn points.
is there someone with a SLI here?
how this game scales on SLI?

is it possible to max out the games and have a framerate >= of 60FPS with a SLI conf GTX570 or better?
Should be fine. Supposedly at 1080p you can max it out with a single 570.
just checked my Steam file size for the game and it shows as 29185 Mb...I'm assuming that's an error correct?...shouldn't it be 29185 MB (capital B)?...29185 Mb would only equal 3.6GB...while MB would equal 28.5GB
just checked my Steam file size for the game and it shows as 29185 Mb...I'm assuming that's an error correct?...shouldn't it be 29185 MB (capital B)?...29185 Mb would only equal 3.6GB...while MB would equal 28.5GB

It's a 30GB download.
I would like to get numbers. >=60FPS as a minimum framerate?

Good luck finding many setups that will give you 60 fps MINIMUM in a game like this. Looks like 680 SLI will do it, but other than that you're probably SOL unless you run a lower res.

570 SLI is more or less on par (if not a tiny bit better) than a single 680, so you can go off of that.

My original comment was in relation to a picture that surfaced that said a single 570 should be able to max out at 1080p (no MSAA presumably). But it was an nVidia thing so who knows if it's biased. Here's another one that might be biased (from the GeForce website):


(Replace #### with geforce . com - [H] doesn't like it for some reason)
just checked my Steam file size for the game and it shows as 29185 Mb...I'm assuming that's an error correct?...shouldn't it be 29185 MB (capital B)?...29185 Mb would only equal 3.6GB...while MB would equal 28.5GB

anywhere outside of telecom/storage ads/references you can assume b to denote bytes and not bits, they're really the only ones who use this metric. this is probably why the euros use 'o' instead of B (Go/Mo, o = octet = byte), but americans like to keep their customers as confused as possible, just to make scamming the layman easy.
Really wish they'd explain how you're supposed to do the command line if you are on retail pc.

I try to make a shortcut to the maxpayne3.exe and put in the command line target, but I try to run it it says "Please run Max Payne 3 from the launcher" and won't let me run from the exe nor shortcut.

You can't put a command line in the launcher nor the default desktop I am totally lost on how to use it.
Anyway too turn off the incredibly annoying constant rainbow and annoying camera effects during cut scenes? I know some of them are videos but i can't stand it anymore and only 40 minutes in.
Ok with my specs in my sig, easily maxed out on this game about 76fps avg but drops to mid 50's when I'm in the Sao Paolo favela area. Only running in SLi, my third card died last week. I just managed to rescue the Giovanna chick from the favela storyline is so far so good.

As for the 16GB of recommended RAM space, total BS, alt tabbing see's MP3 only using about 1.6GB max. A 6GB system should even get away with it with having plenty of ram memory of the game + the O/S etc etc.
Ok with my specs in my sig, easily maxed out on this game about 76fps avg but drops to mid 50's when I'm in the Sao Paolo favela area. Only running in SLi, my third card died last week. I just managed to rescue the Giovanna chick from the favela storyline is so far so good.

As for the 16GB of recommended RAM space, total BS, alt tabbing see's MP3 only using about 1.6GB max. A 6GB system should even get away with it with having plenty of ram memory of the game + the O/S etc etc.

The requirements for this game are not in fact requirements, they're pretty much "If you have at least this, to at BEST this, the game will run, from crap, to awesome".

Nobody on earth would actually take these seriously. Rockstar should just remove that section off the box to be honest, since they don't understand the concept of ACTUAL requirements.
This is the best game I've played so far this year. It's also one of the best pure action games I've ever played.

The other night my sister walked by and asked: "What Blu-Ray movie is that?"

This is yet another videogame that just flat out shows up Hollywood across the boards. Fantastic!

Max Payne 3 PC patch released

among the fixes:

-Stretched Image / Wrong Aspect Ratio

-issues with needing service packs, compatibility with incorrect OS

-Mouse Acceleration

and more...

Good news. Prompt support.
This is the best game I've played so far this year. It's also one of the best pure action games I've ever played.

The other night my sister walked by and asked: "What Blu-Ray movie is that?"

This is yet another videogame that just flat out shows up Hollywood across the boards. Fantastic!

Good news. Prompt support.

Not to nit-pick, but who says "Blu-ray movie"? :p