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    27" Dell P2715 4k monitor. $450.

    Thanks for this -- I work remotely and am back home for the holidays. I decided to order this from amazon as a temporary work display since the only monitor at my disposal is 1440x900. Hopefully the ppi won't be too high to work comfortably at 100% scaling. I haven't used a 4k monitor below...
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    Comcast Low Data Caps Hurt Competing Video Providers

    Hmmmm......I wonder how all of these utility companies gained monopolies in the first place. :rolleyes:
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    Acer Predator XB271HU - 27" 1440p 144Hz G-Sync IPS ULMB 144hz

    I may have incredibly low standards -- but I just bought a XB270hu while waiting for the PG348Q and have had 0 problems so far.
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    Black Friday deals.

    If you're interested in defending yourself from 'white trash Americans.' The DI system is probably good enough, but Adams is known for their piston uppers.
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    Acer Predator X34 is being recalled.

    Honestly, if the industry sucks that bad, you have a tremendous opportunity to be entrepreneurial.
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    Predator X34 Owner's Club & Discussion.

    Sales tax? I'm not sure what that in Montana we don't pay sales tax. :D
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Is this the most scrutinized monitor in history yet? :D
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    Laughable Anti-Title II Propaganda Video

    Let's see........government subsidized monopoly or government subsidized and regulated monopoly. Which path should we choose? I hope the government regulates everything, inventing its authority from thin air. It really doesn't matter at this point. People generally get the government they...
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    Google Announces 4th Quarter And Fiscal Year 2014 Results

    Because of efficient markets, the assumption is that the expected earnings are already priced into the stock. Of course, if those expected earnings are not met, prices will drop to reflect the actual earnings release.
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Yeah - it's a little strange if you're looking at it from a single system perspective or exclusively for gaming/media. 3x40" in the corner would be amazing. However, these are connected to 2 completely different systems and are needed for 2 completely different reasons. It's difficult to...
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    These phone pics will not do the immensity of these monitors justice - my apologies. For now, I don't have the stands, desk space, or cables to arrange these any other way. 2x Philips 40" on the outside. 1x Crossover 27" in middle. The 2 displays on the right are running off of...
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Hahaha! This one powered right up! Thanks again - everything looks great. I'll get a picture up in a few minutes.
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Ahhhhhhhh - these 2 beautiful 40" monitors sitting on my desk right now. :D :D :D
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Yep - you can use the display splitting functionality to divide a single monitor into many small parts.
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    This is part of my setup, as a comparison between the 40" Philips and a 27" Crossover. Pardon the focus/brightness/color -- this is from my phone. I've gone with a cheap $30 VESA mounting option until I figure out how I'm going to arrange the setup. Unfortunately, I don't *think* I will be...
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Hahahaahahha! I started out just wanting one and assumed the Korean 40" would be okay. I then saw that jp was selling his and I couldn't pass up on a good deal! By Wednesday, I should have 2 up and running -- they'll be completely replacing my 27" Korean PLS/IPS panels. So far - this display...
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Sorry luke! I would have been okay with the delayed shipment.
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Count yourself lucky. You narrowly avoided the wrath of my stupidity. :D
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    ...........................hopefully no one from work is on hardforum. I will never hear the end of this. "Toggle on - click - click - click -, it's always my luck that I get DOA items." Not only am I pessimistic and cynical, I'm also impatient. Meaning, I have 0 time for the...
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Haha - thanks for your input. Unfortunately, I'm not an electrical engineer - so technical trouble shooting is out of the question. I honestly would have very little idea of what I'm looking at/for, in regards to monitors. BTW - the power led isn't turning on.
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Hi all - I've purchased two of these monitors. (One from a Korean seller on Ebay & the other from jphughan ^^^ above ^^^^ - thanks again) Sadly, the Korean monitor ended up arriving DOA. At this point, I'm not sure what course of action I can even take. I paid $200 shipping to my home and now...
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    If you do, make sure to make a complaint thread about it.
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Anyone purchase this monitor from Ebay? How long did EMS take? (Not Fedex) I'm being quoted the end of January by the seller, but all of my Korean monitors arrived in under 5 days.
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    I've ordered 4 displays from SK sellers on Ebay and have had 0 problems so far. Shipping has taken an average of 3 days. And honestly, Ebay protects buyers much better than sellers, in my experience. You do risk getting a panel that needs to be returned, which will be another $200 if you go...
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Thanks for the great info. Also, any consensus on monitor stand and 100mm to 200mm VESA adapter? Ideally, I'll have the bottom resting on my desk, but currently don't have a stand that will allow this perfectly. I imagine the stand base will have to be quite slim.
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    Fantastic! I just jumped on one of these monitors from ebay. (Lack of patience for Amazon) After I bought the 295x2 this winter when they were going for under $700, I was hoping it could come close to maxing on 4k. Question: Do you notice any dimming of the display when overclocked to 70hz...
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    Philips BDM4065UC - 40" 4K 60Hz monitor thread

    I'm going to contact them tomorrow. I've never purchased anything from overseas outside of Ebay. Can you pay in USD? What's the shipping like? Thanks.
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    Men On The Internet Don’t Believe Sexism Is A Problem In Science

    Exactly! Get over it! Sexism happens. Racism happens. Grow the f*** up and stop blaming your problems on other people. Adulthood 101
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    Congress Wants To Legislate Net Neutrality

    Who wouldn't want the brains behind the Patriot Act and the NDAA to make legislation regulating the internet? Government is force - the ability to use that force is usually sought after by sociopaths. Corporations look to utilize that force to give themselves a competitive advantage...
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    Newegg expires 1/6 $167 512GB SSD+

    I jumped on a 512GB - it will sit next to the other 10 SSD's that I have and don't need.
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    Intel Retail Edge Winter Deal 2014

    Ordered a 4790k on 12/4 I word on shipping yet.
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    Intel Retail Edge Winter Deal

    It only took me about 45 minutes to complete all of the required quizzes, plus the additional 1000pt quizzes necessary to reach 10,000pts. Some of the questions are tricky because they use ambiguous, non-technical language.
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    Intel Retail Edge Winter Deal

    Me too.......I don't think they care. It's just one of the perks of working in corporate IT at a big chain retailer. ;) Nevermind the 70-80hr work weeks.........Retail Edge is definitely worth those late nights. lol
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    Intel Retail Edge Winter Deal

    Any update? I've been checking every half-hour or so and haven't seen the option to buy the 'Holiday Deals' yet.
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    Men in Their Twenties Are Weak, Unmarriable Gamers

    Women are confused at why men don't want to marry them. Of course, these women are all intelligent and successful. If you don't believe me, just ask them. Unfortunately, they lack all of the characteristics that are desirable. (Humility, kindness, faithfulness, etc...)
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    What Tim Cook Will Say To Congress On Taxes

    A flat tax of 0% is what we need.
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    The Internet Destroyed The Middle Class

    Invention doesn't have to be in their skillset. The person without the ability to invent can run the contraption, while another invents. There is always something to do. The key is finding that something and being willing to learn. An island with no invention/inventors is doomed...
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    Samsung: 5G Is Several Hundred Times Faster Than 4G

    Capitalism......a failure? Why? Because for only $80-$150/month you can get 2 electronic, handheld devices that can bounce data off of a satellite miles above the earth's surface to communicate with anyone in the world? And to your point, EVEN THE POOREST CAN AFFORD THEM........ What an...