FS: Philips BDM4065UC - 1 day old, in Austin, TX


Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2015
UPDATE: Everything sold. The display went to another forum member, for whom this will be his SECOND Philips. Glad to have sold to someone who knows what he's getting himself into with this thing!

Well I received my 40" Philips from Overclockers UK yesterday, and I could immediately tell that this just isn't for me. It's obvious that it would be an amazing setup for gaming or for someone whose work could really put all of this real estate to good use, but I'm neither of those people. I bought it because I'm a tech enthusiast and thought it would be a cool thing to have even though it wasn't at all necessary, and I already know that I simply don't see myself wanting to use this for the next several years. Shipping back to the UK turns out to cost about $600 (even though OCUK got it here for $125 in shipping....), so returning it is out of the question, but shipping from Austin where I am to even the edges of the US (San Francisco and NYC) seems to be about $80.

After shipping and currency conversion fees on my credit card, I've spent a little over $1000 on this display. I also purchased a Mount World VESA mount adapter (allowing this display's 200x200 setup to be mounted onto a 100x100 mount) and an Ergotron LX Tall Pole for a combined $175. I definitely won't need the mount adapter after I sell this display, and I'd probably be willing to part with the Ergotron as well. Anyone buying this display will definitely also want an ergo arm to bring the display closer to the desk surface and avoid losing a ton of desk surface area to the very wide and completely non-adjustable included stand, and basically any ergo arm will need a VESA adapter to handle this display. I've been posting more about reasons for selling and general impressions in the BDM4065UC thread starting on Page 69 if you want to read more.

I'm asking $750 plus shipping for the display and $125 plus shipping for the Ergotron and VESA adapter together. I will also consider trade proposals for a Dell 30" display, possibly plus cash depending on the model and condition.

I'm happy to answer any questions in this thread if they'd be beneficial to all prospective buyers, but please send offers via PM if interested.
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i see you have just joined 16 days ago, you have any Heat?

Don't know what that is, but if it's seller rep on these boards, then no. I've been lurking on these boards since 2008 when a thread here helped me decide to buy a Dell 2405FPW and get a great price, but I only joined recently to participate in the BDM4065UC discussion thread. I have accounts with longer histories under the same nickname at NotebookReview and Bimmerpost, but even there the only sale I've made was a BMW media cradle on Bimmerpost. The simple reason is that I don't usually sell tech stuff. I've always kept what I buy until I upgrade to something else or just don't want it anymore, and then I give it to my younger siblings, parents, or friends. This is the first time in as long as I can remember that I've bought a tech product and have regretted it, but this thing is too expensive to just give away before I've felt I've gotten my money's worth out of it.

If you're actually interested but simply concerned about risk, I'd be happy to talk further over PM/email/phone if it would help you feel more comfortable with the transaction, and of course I've got a PayPal account if you want to use that for buyer protection. But other than that, I'm not sure what else to tell you.
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Hey, still selling the display? Please send me a PM if you are. I'm not sure if my PM went out to you as they are behaving weirdly.