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  1. M

    Quality 360 games?

    Aegis Wing. Boring by yourself, quite fun w/ 4 people on the hardest difficulty.
  2. M

    Best game we've never played?

    Didn't know Freespace did so poorly sales-wise. I played the hell out of the X-Wing series, but was too caught up with FPS's by the time Freespace rolled around. If I knew where the hell my CH Fighter stick went I'd love to try some of the titles recommended here... On topic, the best game...
  3. M

    Project Natal Launch Date & Pricing Rumor...

    Games with button-press QTE sequences are going to get a massive immersion boost if they use Natal properly. Why press A to counter-punch your assailant when you can flail around and do the same thing? These games typically already have long cutscenes before+after QTE events, so there really...
  4. M

    Modern Warfare 2 + party chat lock out = The Suck

    Got a good 6,7hrs of multiplayer in last night, and the only thing I can say is that whomever that decided to disable pt chat needs to be fired. The game itself is great. Way more customization than CoD4 had, bonus points for all kinds of things keep the game flowing. During that time I never...
  5. M

    ps3 or 360 again.

    Get the one your friends are playing on. Unless there's a title that you're dying to play that's an exclusive (and from your first post there doesnt seem to be any), nothing else should matter. Games WILL play slightly better on the 360 for the most part, but you're talking about a few %...
  6. M

    Sony doing maitenance on PSN as CODMW2 is released...

    I believe pads add a little to the experience in shooters where bullet damage is high; aiming takes more effort so you're less likely to be sniped the second you get out of cover, and a few shots kill anyway so you're not stressed out by the aiming mechanism. And vibrating controllers are...
  7. M

    ITT: Consoles you bought specifically for a game

    Gameboy - Tetris SNES - Mario World Playstation - Toshinden PS2 - DDR PSP - Gran Turismo 4 Portable DS - Fuurai no Shiren DS (Roguelike) Xbox360 - Idolmaster Haven't regretted any of these purchases. Even the PSP was useful back in 2005 as a portable por... er, media player. That and Rengoku...
  8. M

    Modern Warfare 2 + party chat lock out = The Suck

    Doesn't even make sense w/ only S&D. 'Ranked' matches are still nothing more than playing against randoms; K/D ratios do nothing more than to promote camping by the people that's lost track of what makes it actually fun to play a game. Limiting pt chat should have been something only...
  9. M

    Modern Warfare 2 + party chat lock out = The Suck

    Problem being that you won't get EXP to unlock new weapons that way. What me and some friends did in CoD4 was to keep joining whatever gametype we wanted to play until we got registered as host, then drop -> rejoin to fill the ranked room. I like getting exp for the kills, and I really like...
  10. M

    Current state of gaming, Where are you?

    Aside from the occasional MMO fix I've gone pretty much exclusively console. The downside is that my PC is still the same mid-range PC from 2007; the upside is that money that would have gone to parts otherwise got me some games I wouldn't have touched w/ a 6-foot pole otherwise.
  11. M

    Seasonic 430W, upgrade path from here?

    I see, thanks.
  12. M

    Seasonic 430W, upgrade path from here?

    Greetings. Longtime lurker, first time poster here. I'm currently running a system with E4300 @ 2.4Ghz / X1950Pro / 2 SATA HDDs / Auzentech sound card on a Seasonic S-12 430W. After burning out on FF11 I've mostly returned to consoles for gaming. Now with FF14 on the horizon I've been...