Current state of gaming, Where are you?

What is your current gaming situation (3D Gaming, flash games at work don't count)

  • Computer Only

    Votes: 164 58.6%
  • Console Only

    Votes: 14 5.0%
  • I *actively* game on both (As in buy new releases for each)

    Votes: 89 31.8%
  • I don't game, or dont game much anymore

    Votes: 13 4.6%

  • Total voters
If it's out on both, I'm 99% likely getting the PC version since it's cheaper and looks better. If I must, I can just hook up my 360 controller to my PC.

My 360 is for games that are console only and party games like rock band / guitar hero.
I play shooters and strategy games exclusively on PC.
I own various consoles however, and play racing, platform, rpgs etc on them
For my PS3 I mainly buy sports games (NHL, NFL, MLB) and everything else is for the computer.
Picked the "don't game much anymore" cause there wasn't a "very casually game on either". Nothing can really keep my attention so I play a few songs on rock band from time to time or hop on CoD4 (pc) for 30 mins.
I enjoy MMO's so I use the PC for those. For all other titles, I will either get them for ps3 or x360, but more likely for x360 if its multiplayer as most of my friends have 360's.
At this point, I've been finding myself on both, more than the predominantly PC gaming I've done over the last ten years.

Seems like things are moving in a circle, from gaming starting on consoles as a kid, slowly moved into PC gaming and consoles occasionally to not at all, then consoles slowly back into the picture, and now consoles and PC about equal... sometimes a little more on 360.

Happening that way for me, as I see it, due to so many console exclusives, hardware/software changes in both industries...

...but also due to the fact that PC has been getting the shaft far too much the last couple of years. Too many bad consoles ports, and some games completely dropped from PC (such as Alan Wake), and even the fact that there just seems to be better games console-centric these days.

On a large HD LCD TV, aside from not having m/kb control, visuals are almost equal to PC, with no game/system bugs/problems as there's been far too much of on PC recently. So, in a way, I guess I'm alright with that. But, I planned on playing Red Faction: Guerrilla and Borderlands on PC... but ended up getting both for 360, which turned out to be a better move, because both have a lot of bugs on PC.

I don't know... aside from something such as Battlfield 3, Diablo 3, Mafia 2 and maybe even Guild Wars 2, I've found myself moving more and more back to consoles over time.

Kind of bothersome, being that I used to love building systems and have been so hardcore on PC for so many years. But, on the other hand, it's becoming not only more "convenient" gaming in HD on console (pop in and play) w/o all the PC issues, but becoming the direction I think we're almost being "forced" into from many different directions... everything from devs focusing on consoles anyway, to hardware limitations/industry changes, software issues (both game and OS) and even down to communities... so many moving over to consoles, the online PC gaming community has really taken a hit over the last few years. Definitely isn't what it used to be.
depending on what im doing.

I play alot of FPS on PC with the occassional RPG as well. Modern Warfare, L4D, TF 2 are on PC, Diablo 2 as well

PS3 gets me on Dragon Age Origins and Uncharted 2 MP.
Xbox 360 gets me on Borderlands and Halo 3 MP.

Just depends on what I feel like doing at that moment.
Console only until now, I'm building my first gaming PC, probably ready in 2 weeks

BTW this is a 99% PC forum so I guess the poll was kinda obvius
Console only until now, I'm building my first gaming PC, probably ready in 2 weeks

BTW this is a 99% PC forum so I guess the poll was kinda obvius

I highly disagree with the 99% PC forum aspect. There are alot of people here to use the PC soly for checking e-mails and websites. Heck, all mine does is Fold for the [H]orde!

That aside....

PC only, a friend gave me an Xbox360 and so far I've played a little bit of stuntman 2 before I gave it back to him, and a few arcade games like Geometry wars 2, which I would have got for the PC were it available.
console only, after being a staunch pc only guy for years. I just cant deal with the constant upgrade cycle amongst a few other things. Consoles make it easy for me to focus on the best part of gaming, having fun.
I've got a Wii but I hardly use it now - there are sadly few titles for Wii that are actually any good.
I have all 3 of the consoles and a new PC I just built.
In my case I just try to get the best version for my own personal interests. Funny enough, I've been playing my PS3, 360, and PC all about the same amount lately...but I haven't touched the Wii since July.

Also, this is definitely not a 99% PC forum. 99% of people have a PC and are some form of enthusiast, but the console forum is one of the most active. There are a lot of people that don't keep up with PC gaming, but are tech geeks. That's really what this site is these days.
If I'm going to buy a game, I prefer the PC version; that said, I still play on my consoles now and again.
I pretty much just game on my computer when its just me. However I do play on consoles for group play.
Selected both here. Though the VAST majority of my PC gaming has been MMOs recently. Most everything else I get on 360, so I can just chill and play with my friends (who essentially all have 360s).
light games on console, MP FPS on pc.

but that's about all I play anymore. I don't have time to play any of the new ones I get - I just keep getting them hoping to have time some day.

hell, I haven't even opened my copy of DMC4.
Aside from the occasional MMO fix I've gone pretty much exclusively console.
The downside is that my PC is still the same mid-range PC from 2007; the upside is that money that would have gone to parts otherwise got me some games I wouldn't have touched w/ a 6-foot pole otherwise.
Computer only. I have a PS3 for blu-ray and other media features, but can't get into console games.
Computer only, and if you can get a game for eather platform then PC is by far the better experience with 2 notable exceptions that I can think of, Racing games and GTA. But that said, I will buy a PS3 for the sole purpose to play Gran Tourismo 5 whenever they decide that its done.
I actively game on both consoles and the PC. (Primarily PC) However, I don't have as much time for it as I would like.
I've always been a hardcore PC gamer, always will be. mods and homegrown PC = \m/
Computer now. I used to game on PS3, but sold it when I built my current system.
Once in a while I play a console game, but I'm primarily a PC gamer.
I actively game on both consoles and the PC. (Primarily PC) However, I don't have as much time for it as I would like.

+1, same here.


At this point, I've been finding myself on both, more than the predominantly PC gaming I've done over the last ten years.

Seems like things are moving in a circle, from gaming starting on consoles as a kid, slowly moved into PC gaming and consoles occasionally to not at all, then consoles slowly back into the picture, and now consoles and PC about equal... sometimes a little more on 360.

Happening that way for me, as I see it, due to so many console exclusives, hardware/software changes in both industries...

...but also due to the fact that PC has been getting the shaft far too much the last couple of years. Too many bad consoles ports, and some games completely dropped from PC (such as Alan Wake), and even the fact that there just seems to be better games console-centric these days.

On a large HD LCD TV, aside from not having m/kb control, visuals are almost equal to PC, with no game/system bugs/problems as there's been far too much of on PC recently. So, in a way, I guess I'm alright with that. But, I planned on playing Red Faction: Guerrilla and Borderlands on PC... but ended up getting both for 360, which turned out to be a better move, because both have a lot of bugs on PC.

I don't know... aside from something such as Battlfield 3, Diablo 3, Mafia 2 and maybe even Guild Wars 2, I've found myself moving more and more back to consoles over time.

Kind of bothersome, being that I used to love building systems and have been so hardcore on PC for so many years. But, on the other hand, it's becoming not only more "convenient" gaming in HD on console (pop in and play) w/o all the PC issues, but becoming the direction I think we're almost being "forced" into from many different directions... everything from devs focusing on consoles anyway, to hardware limitations/industry changes, software issues (both game and OS) and even down to communities... so many moving over to consoles, the online PC gaming community has really taken a hit over the last few years. Definitely isn't what it used to be.

This^... sort of in the same boat.

I prefer gaming on PC for many reasons, but have also found myself drifting to a 50/50 split between PC and 360, for reasons mentioned above.

I think once some PC-focused games are released, such as the ones mentioned above, I'll be doing more PC gaming again. Recently, though, I've been more on my 360 than anything, waiting for more solid PC titles.

Only so many times I can replay games I've replayed as much as I have... currently on Fallout 3 for the third time on PC, waiting for upcoming titles.

Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Diablo 3, Mafia 2... hoping they all turn out great, and hit the shelves soon!

Been having a blast with Borderlands on 360, though, so when there are good console titles, I'm fine with that as well. I just start to miss my kb/m and uber-visuals after a while, ha ha.
I put both, but I've been 360 only up until last week when I got the rig in my sig. Although honestly I haven't touched my 360 since, but I still have to play borderlands again and finish gta gay tony. All shooters I plan to get in the future will be all pc, I think I might get assasin's creed for 360 since I'd rather play that with the controller.
I have a PC and all 3 consoles. I look at gaming platforms like women. Why limit yourself to 1 type. Try them all and enjoy yourself ;)
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Mostly computer, but i have a 360 for the games that only come out on that system, and for things that lend themselves to a gamepad better, such as sports games.
I prefer pc gaming over consoles.:D

Both, dependent on what the game genre is.

FPS, I lean towards PC. Anything graphics intensive, PC. Else, usually xbox360 since most of my friends have it.
Holy bejesus, Mike211.

Anyway, at the moment I am a PC gamer. My 360 disappeared during a move I was not present for, and plan to buy a new one and a PS3 once I get to my new base.
I own a PC and primarily game on that platform. I sometimes play on my uncle's PS3.

None of those poll options apply to me. :(
PC only...I moved past console graphics in 2007 (8800GT)...why stagnate when you can progress?