Quality 360 games?

uss enterprise

Limp Gawd
Feb 5, 2009
I know, I know. A million and one posts on this subject.
But this is a little different I think.

Finally got a 360, been playing quite a few games. I like RPG's, but definitely am not limited to that type of game.

Now, a lot of posts on here talk about what people think are quality games.

I tried GoW 2, thought it was boring gave up after an hour or 2.

Fallout 3, couldn't stand it.

DCU vs MK, fun for the couple hours it took to beat story mode. Noit fun enough to invest time into other modes.

Prince of Persia: A good 4 hours into it, can't play it anymore. For some reason, I can never die. Don't know if that's the easy setting (wife started the game, don't know what setting she chose) or if that's just the way the game is.
Either way, the lack of enemies sucks, and the platforming, while fun, gets boring after a while. Seems like a long game, i'll never finish it.

Assassin's creed: Will be playing this through.

Blue Dragon:
Having fun with it. Just hit disc 2, will be finishing it. RPG wise, story is lacking, other features lacking. But I find the shadow/skill system lots of fun, and involved if you take the time to get into it.

Star Ocean TLH:
Can't play at the crappy sub-par res. Heard the game was good, looks like crap, and has borders on all 4 sides on my 1080p plasma. I either have to zoom, or live with the borders to play it. BUT - I hear a PS3 version is coming out. Since it is highly rated, if the PS3 version is improved, i'll buy it fot that system, and box my 360 version. If not, I guess i'll just zoom it then.

I have thought about getting Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey, Eternal sonata, Tales of Vesperia. Any comments?

Any other games that are fun on this system? Even if they are not the heavy hitter highly rated GoW, fallout 3, etc lineage?

A little disappointed, I thought the 360 would be more fun. Put a good bit of money into it so far, and am not happy, yet.
Help me feel better about my purchase. :)
Yeah, plenty of threads on this, but since these don't generally devolve into cock waggling between platform owners, I'll throw in my two cents -

if you like rpgs, eternal sonata, lost odyssey, infinite undiscovery and tales are all varying level of good. I hate JRPG's, but found LO playable for a while.

Plenty of other fun games though -
Dead Rising
Mass Effect
Viva Pinata
Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
Um.... hm.

here is the games that seem to fit your liking
assassins creed 2 comes out tuesday
oblivion - but you would enjoy it more on pc
dragon age origins
brutal legend - this demo was extremely fun.
mass effect

and other good 360 games that i dont know if are your type or not
If you haven't played through the halo campaigns they are good fun.
forza 3
modern warfare 2 (and all the call of duty games)
left 4 dead
left 4 dead 2 comes out tuesday

hope some of these help
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From the RPGs you were asking about I would def recommend Tales of Vesperia and Lost Odyssey. I have played all of the RPGs you mentioned in your post and those two were the best in terms of gameplay and story.

Just try to ignore the fact that Tales of Vesperia is cartoonish - if that bothers you.
Get yourself on XBLA and download everything with a 4 or 5 user rating. If you don't find a bunch in there you love, well... you should probably set fire to your 360. :)

(Do this out of the house where no-one can be hurt!)

Oh, and Lost Odyssey is far better than Blue Dragon in my humble opinion... and that's coming from someone with all the achievements and over 100 hours on Blue Dragon. ;) Eternal Sonata is beautiful, but the story is... well, weak. I like the battle system though.
Thanks for the good suggestions.
Dead Rising looks good.
I may try Borderlands. I hear it's great.
L4D and Mass Effect I have on PC. L4D loved. WILL get 2!
Mass Effect, played it until I got to travel to different systems/planets. At that point, seems like a lot of sidequests, not a lot of story. Did a lot, got on the freighter, did a few planets, etc....But the story never seemed to pick up. Temporarily shelved, but will probably pick it back up again after I finish a few other games first.

Brutal Legend, forgot about that. LOVED the demo on PSN.

I have MW2 as well, played the very beginning, the training part. No further. Don't want to start too many games at once. lol

Viva Pinata 1 (and 2 I think they have?) will be xmas games for the kids. I played one once, it was fun.

See, I think the main issue here is i'm getting old. Mid 30's now. Gaming is just not the same as it used to be. :(

My PS3 suffers the same issues for me. But uncharted 1 and 2 cleared that right up for now.

Man, I miss the days of NES, SNES, Genny, TG-16, etc....

Wish I never sold my TurboDuo.....
you should look more closely at brutal legend. Demo makes it look like a third person hack and slash, when it's actually an RTS by the end of the game.
See, I think the main issue here is i'm getting old. Mid 30's now. Gaming is just not the same as it used to be. :(
So am I... and as such I recommend XBLA / Indie Games even more. Loads of games you can play for half an hour here and there and still have a blast.
Get the first Gears of War and then play GOW2, makes everything have more meaning IMO. The GOW series has a pretty good story from the beginning.

I dont really like RPGs that much though, so I think our tastes differ.
I'd recommend Batman: Arkham Asylum. It's probably the best game I played this year. Stealth/3rd person action game, if you like that sort of thing.
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Lost Odyssey
Mass Effect
Fable 2
I dont BUY games unless I feel they are fun. So this is my list of game I own.
Crackdown - if you have a 360 and have not played this game... shame on you. I still play it from time to time.
MW2 - never been much of a FPS fan on a console but this was a good purchase.
HL Orange box.
Tony Hawk - Project 8 was fun. Older game but fun.
If you enjoy fighting games and have someone locally to play with - Soul Calibur 4(didnt like the network code.)
Mirror's Edge
Saints Row 2
Midnight Club LA
You've got to pick up Dragon Age Origins -- it's the best RPG I've played in a very very long time!
As already stated- any of the last 3 COD games. both Left for Dead games, the Orange box, Madden games. You will be amazed with the 360, best $$ I ever spent of anythng gaming period. I don't use my PC to game anymore. Don't get fooled into thinking graphics/dedicated servers somehow make PC gaming a better experience- you still will have fun on a console.
As already stated- any of the last 3 COD games. both Left for Dead games, the Orange box, Madden games. You will be amazed with the 360, best $$ I ever spent of anythng gaming period. I don't use my PC to game anymore. Don't get fooled into thinking graphics/dedicated servers somehow make PC gaming a better experience- you still will have fun on a console.

I can second this (though I have a PS3 rather than a 360, but same difference). I rebuilt my PC last Christmas, then I got a PS3 in May. I rarely use the PC anymore. I still enjoy it, but console gaming is more convenient, bigger screen, different game selection, etc. My living room setup doesn't allow me to easily hook my PC up to my 42" LCD, sadly, and I really don't consider the (minimal, IMO) graphical differences to be that big of a deal. I'm a console convert for sure.
DragonAge for sure, especially for the RPG player. Borderlands was fun but once you beat it it loses a lot, unless you have friends. COD series is fun for multiplayer. I like some sports games on there, NBA Live, MLB 2k9, etc. The UFC game is fun for a while. Dead Rising is hard as fuck. I didn't care much for it.
I finally got an xbox too.I got the super elite MW 2 bundle Only games I have for the 360 are MW 1and 2 and halo 3 And i havn't even opened MW 2 yet. For the most part I get Ps3 versions of multi platform games, since Ive had it the longest and can play online without spending another 150, but I'm open to any suggestions for good 360 exclusives.
I finally got an xbox too.I got the super elite MW 2 bundle Only games I have for the 360 are MW 1and 2 and halo 3 And i havn't even opened MW 2 yet. For the most part I get Ps3 versions of multi platform games, since Ive had it the longest and can play online without spending another 150, but I'm open to any suggestions for good 360 exclusives.

Why do you have to spend another 150 to just go online? Live only costs like 35 a year with deals.
Aegis Wing. Boring by yourself, quite fun w/ 4 people on the hardest difficulty.
Get yourself on XBLA and download everything with a 4 or 5 user rating. If you don't find a bunch in there you love, well... you should probably set fire to your 360. :)

what he said

games i liked

splosion man
the maw
mini golf
the dishwasher
time pilot
assult force (both)
plus many more