Modern Warfare 2 + party chat lock out = The Suck

Right, because it's so easy to get 8 people in a chat on cell phones. :rolleyes:

I don't recall party chat being a big issue in MW1. Why mess with something the majority of players seem to like. IW is almost as bad as the Government. Protecting us all from the few idiots out there.
Party Chat was one of the biggest problems we had with MW1, which is why we bitched. The cheaters were just getting out of hand. There are more idiots out there than non-idiots, unfortunately.
There is multiplayer team chat. Is this not the same, or good enough?

Great Game!!! While everyone is whining, I've been playing.

I love the response from all of one person that because I don't agree with ONE feature of something that I shouldn't have bought it at all. Right.

What a mature point of view.

So anyway, I've just decided that I'll be playing "ground war" the majority of the time since it doesn't have that lock out. Whenever we play team deathmatch, we hope to have enough people to at least fill our side of the map.

At no time in the three hours I played last night, did any one person contribute anything I couldn't have lived without. It's mostly just a livable annoyance, but having to constantly mute people gets old, even though it's a feature, and when you have another friend who might no be playing that game but wants to chat, it alienates your party, and doesn't auto switch when you drop out.

Personally, I just find it to be a hassle, it doesn't make me not want to play the "game" but it will affect the playlists I frequent, that's for sure.

and yes, awesome game. The level of customization is ridiculous.
Got a good 6,7hrs of multiplayer in last night, and the only thing I can say is that whomever that decided to disable pt chat needs to be fired. The game itself is great. Way more customization than CoD4 had, bonus points for all kinds of things keep the game flowing. During that time I never met anyone outside of my own pt that I'd want to listen to, saw maybe 1 or 2 out of 100s that weren't screaming 10yrolds that the pt chat was supposed to silence. Reassembling after dropping from a certain gametype also became a pain. One person presses B a few times too many, and we sAt there for a couple mins trying to figure out wtf happened.

A few of my friends dropped from playing altogether because they were tired of muting kids every single match. Don't know if they'll be back, and I don't blame them. The marketing blitz will mean that everyone and their dog will buy the game regardless, but I bet this will seriously impact map pack sales.
I'm a bit torn. It is good in the sense that the in game chat was pretty much empty in MW1 for team based games and now it is usually almost always full of people with mics.

Personally though, I have a group of ~6 guys I play with and I don't want to hear anyone else. We're there for a good time, not to worry about cheating or how uber our score is. I'd like to see a move to bring party chat back. This was pretty much the most exciting improvement to the XBOX Live experience since the 360 release in my opinion.
Wow! All of these posts have one thing in common. Screaming little kids. My gosh, shows how many parents actually discipline their kids. One, if the freakin game is rated M for 17yrs and older, why in hell would a parent buy it for 8, 9, 10 yr-old brat?!? Because they want their little spoiled spawn of Satan to shut up and get the little mutant to keep quiet. My gosh, it's like no parent actually wants to take responsibility for their own kids. And I am not saying all parents are like this, but there are sure enough kids to make one think so.
To be honest, most of the time in COD4 now no one is talking at all. At least this will bring people back into the game and actually talk. It is annoying as hell to see everyone just playing for themselves and having no communication unless they are in a group of their friends. The little kid screaming debate is stupid as well, there is quick mute that works fine and most of the time there are very few of these types, it just seems like a lot since no one else is talking or they are in private partys.

Frankly I want to see it more like the Halo 2 days where everyone would talk more and even then there were not that many little annoying kids (maybe one every few games). Too many people are all for themselves on these team games these days.

The screaming kids is not a stupid debate, since there are MILLIONS OF THE LITTLE BASTARDS!!!!!!!!

I don't know about you, but my attention cannot be divided equally between muting and powning.:p
Last night I noticed a huge drop off of people talking in the TDM's. After midnight release, everyone was talking. Now very few (except kids) are talking.
Last night I noticed a huge drop off of people talking in the TDM's. After midnight release, everyone was talking. Now very few (except kids) are talking.

I mute everyone that doesn't have my clan tag. I'm sure more people are doing that, too. I'd rather suffer with "cheaters" than listen to 99% of the people playing. I don't care for the smack talking, homo jokes, racist comments, or any of the other crap that is spewed out of Live. I only care to hear from the handful of people on my friends list...

Too bad their isn't a "mute everyone not in my party" button...
I think a decent compromise would have been only being able to talk to your party members that are on your team. I rarely played SnD in COD4 and haven't even touched it in MW2, yet. Obviously, they cheated by telling their alive friends where the enemies were, but that was only if they were on the opposing team, correct? Maybe they could have set it so you can only talk to party members on the same team, and the others get muted out or something? I haven't had an issue yet because the few friends I play with are all bums and refuse to buy/use their headsets.

Overall, it hasn't been as bad as some of you have described, at least in my experience playing TDM. I was more of a HQ player in COD4 but for some reason have only played TDM so far. Is voice chat more active in the other modes? I think 1 in 10 games I'll come across the 11 year old who loves to make animal noises and sing, but other than that, it's just the usual guy who has his mic halfway up his nose.
Hardcore TDM seems to be much better about teammates working together. At least when me and a few of my friends get matched up wit a couple others.
no party chat sucks as a whole, but you can still use it on Ground War, which in my opinion is the best mode for playing with friends, it's 8v8, 9v9... and I tried it last night with a friend and there was no extra lag, it was quite the same as regular TDM.

More people, more action, and more exp due to longer games.. it didn't really affect me come to think of it, since I played Ground War with friends on COD4.
I usually just mute everyone I don't care to hear.

We were playing headquarters tonight (which I luuuuuuhve now that they've fixed it) and I easily muted as many people as we played with over the course of four or five hours.

We filled up our side of the team with 6 folks from the friends list and muted the rest, unless the bullshit proved to be entertaining, then we listened/participated for a bit, and back to the mute list.

I like ground war a lot, and we usually have more than 6 so it's basically our default playlist for the number of people that we all play with. Thank god they left party chat in there, I just really can't tolerate the usual BS that occurs when I play late at night.

The whole aggressive "suck my dick bitch" attitude when the game ends and one team lost by 100 points (one kill) is just tired to me. If I get owned I get owned, but being called a "loser ass N---er" by some stoned black dude (actual quote from tonight) is just one of the many reasons that party chat is my preferred way to play.

I'm not hyper sensitive to language or anything, it's just old at this point after some four odd years of multiplayer over Xbox Live.
I have not used party chat, but on the 360 there is a game mode "mercenary team deathmatch" which says party chat is enabled .. I believe.
Lack of party chat sucks. It has driven me and my friends to play Ground War. Ends up working better since now we have 7+ people playing and we have decided to call it quits on Hardcore TDM.

We used to love hardcore, but it has turned into a camp fest over the past six months. I really hurts not playing hardcore for me(M16 w/red-dot), but I gladly switched to core style just for the lack of camping in shadowed corners.

I hate playing when the whiny brats are online. I wish there was a report feature in MW2, so that if an account got enough reports of being a little kid playing, the account would get muted for a week or something. There is a reason that I only play with friends, or if I do play without them, I leave the headset off my head. Those screaming little brats are the reason.
What does party chat have to do with cheating ? You can do both of them without the need for the other
What does party chat have to do with cheating ? You can do both of them without the need for the other

I noticed this tonight. Two things; you can talk to live party members while dead in Headquarters Pro, and with the "third person" spectator cam you can look around them and let them know if people are coming up on their blind side.

If that type of activity is not what they ditched the party chat to avoid, then I don't know why they did. I think they were drunk their own power knowing how many copies they'd sell. ;)

I haven't played any hardcore modes, but I'd be interested to know if it's the same situation. I really don't care either way personally, but if they're going to take a puritan stance on something I'd at least like the reasoning to hold up.

Side note: Prior to enacting my "mute the entire opposite team before they speak" order, we got told to "smoke a cock" tonight. When we asked the guy how one does that, and if you have to clip it like a cigar first, he didn't really know how to respond to that. If people are going to be vulgar it would be nice if they were smart enough for some back and forth, ya' know?
wow... this thread is hilarious

the people who are happy to have party chat gone:
1) don't have friends to be with in party chat
"team games such as halo suck when you're the only one not in a party"
2) are complete imbeciles
"let's see you get 8 person party chat on cellphones"

most people use party chat so they don't have to listen to the immature general public on xbl... but that's what IW wants you to experience. lmfao, i get such a kick out of power tripped devs.

people such as myself, usually have 4-6 people in party chat, across multiple games. we usually just chill, play and chat. it's an effing social aspect. if i really wanted to ghost, i'd setup ventrillo or teamspeak and get everyone in there... wtf is the difference, IW isn't going to stop anyone who wants to do this, they just ruin it for the rest of us. keep drinking IW's koolaid, i'll stick with borderlands in party chat and wait for bf:bc2.
wow, i came in the forum looking for some screenshots of the new maps and find this lovely chat about party chat.

I guess im a bit upset, i liked being in a party chat with my other friends, no matter the game they were playing and just shooting the shit. very rarely were a whole group of us playing the same map/game together. and i dont know about the rest of you, but i never got the feeling people were cheating, but maybe thats because i didn't suck bad enough to be on the losing end of such behavior.
wow... this thread is hilarious

the people who are happy to have party chat gone:
1) don't have friends to be with in party chat
"team games such as halo suck when you're the only one not in a party"
2) are complete imbeciles
"let's see you get 8 person party chat on cellphones"

most people use party chat so they don't have to listen to the immature general public on xbl... but that's what IW wants you to experience. lmfao, i get such a kick out of power tripped devs.

people such as myself, usually have 4-6 people in party chat, across multiple games. we usually just chill, play and chat. it's an effing social aspect. if i really wanted to ghost, i'd setup ventrillo or teamspeak and get everyone in there... wtf is the difference, IW isn't going to stop anyone who wants to do this, they just ruin it for the rest of us. keep drinking IW's koolaid, i'll stick with borderlands in party chat and wait for bf:bc2.
now ive settled with the difference i dont think this is a big issue at all, how hard is it to mute people? takes a couple of seconds.....yer it might be a minor minor pain but it shouldnt put people off buying the game.
now ive settled with the difference i dont think this is a big issue at all, how hard is it to mute people? takes a couple of seconds.....yer it might be a minor minor pain but it shouldnt put people off buying the game.

If there was a perk for muting people, I'd have maxed it out.

It's a pain in the ass that never should have been foisted upon us. The main issue is that with our friends group, a lot of people play different games but we all like to chat while doing it. MW2 removes this from our ability, and for really no good reason. Thats my issue with it.

people such as myself, usually have 4-6 people in party chat, across multiple games. we usually just chill, play and chat. it's an effing social aspect. if i really wanted to ghost, i'd setup ventrillo or teamspeak and get everyone in there... wtf is the difference, IW isn't going to stop anyone who wants to do this, they just ruin it for the rest of us. keep drinking IW's koolaid, i'll stick with borderlands in party chat and wait for bf:bc2.

and this
very rarely were a whole group of us playing the same map/game together. and i dont know about the rest of you, but i never got the feeling people were cheating, but maybe thats because i didn't suck bad enough to be on the losing end of such behavior.
I feel your pain

Edit: The guys at Penny Arcade apparently feel my pain, which gives me some level of vindication

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the people who are happy to have party chat gone:

It's not gone.

most people use party chat so they don't have to listen to the immature general public on xbl...
Most people mute the players you don't want to hear. Or they just go into your Xbox settings and set to mute all but friends. Simple as fuck.

people such as myself, usually have 4-6 people in party chat, across multiple games. we usually just chill, play and chat. it's an effing social aspect.
Which is why it's cool that you can still do that.

they just ruin it for the rest of us.
Nah, they didn't ruin anything. It's the cheaters that ruined everything.

i dont know about the rest of you, but i never got the feeling people were cheating

Most of us complained, which is why IW put the feature in for some of the modes (not all). I am glad they listened. It's already noticeable.
Most of us complained, which is why IW put the feature in for some of the modes (not all). I am glad they listened. It's already noticeable.

seems pretty petty an issue to cry over, "oh noes, the party chatters are telling each other how to finish the round so my loser ass doesn't sit here waiting longer"

honestly, be a better player, and just suck it up when you lose
It's not gone.

Most people mute the players you don't want to hear. Or they just go into your Xbox settings and set to mute all but friends. Simple as fuck. .

What's so difficult to understand about what I said. It is gone, having it available in free-for-all, 3rd person and co-op modes != still having party chat. It's gimped, IW gimped it so that you could experience "their game".

How is playing the mini game, known as mute 95% of your server, how IW "intended" this game to be played? This is so baffling that people gladly let devs handicap features, I guess I just don't get it.

I have probably close to 30 days of play time between 360 and pc versions of cod4, rarely did I feel I was being ghosted. If this was such the "issue" that IW makes it out to be, they would have fixed the cameras, not removed party chat. It's a dumb decision, period. Cheaters will still cheat, and at the end of the day the only thing that's impacting you is that you can't talk to your friends while you're playing. Congratulations.... you're a moron (talking about everyone that supports chat being removed).

Please, someone, give me 1, just one good reason for this being removed. The cheater line doesn't stand, there's too many alternatives available for those who want to ghost to ghost. Don't even dare try IW's bs line of, "it encourages team play", cause we all know that when you have your team muted, you might as well be in party chat.
It's not gone.

Most people mute the players you don't want to hear. Or they just go into your Xbox settings and set to mute all but friends. Simple as fuck.

Which is why it's cool that you can still do that.

Nah, they didn't ruin anything. It's the cheaters that ruined everything.

Most of us complained, which is why IW put the feature in for some of the modes (not all). I am glad they listened. It's already noticeable.

Reading this shit makes my head hurt

And as a side note, this game is not going to have the longevity for me that CoD4 did. I'll probably not play it much past when BF:BC2 comes out, simply because I don't like being fed a line of horseshit by the developers that they didn't actually back up in game. "Party chat lockout stops cheaters, but please feel free to ghost using our in-game tools that we've conveniently provided and that allow you to do so"

All the whining about cheaters and how this chat lockout fixes the problem is completely invalidated by the fact that I can hear chatter from a dead team mate, watching me over my shoulder with the ability to swing the camera to watch blind spots, in most of the team modes.

And I swear, if all this bitching about cheating is coming from people who are whining about it happening in Hardcore modes, I will just laugh, because that would mean they altered the entire game for about 5% of the online gaming community (on 360 anyway).
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Most of us complained, which is why IW put the feature in for some of the modes (not all). I am glad they listened. It's already noticeable.

How the hell do you come off saying that you're in the majority! I can probably guarantee that the actually majority really doesn't care and would have most likely preffered to keep the party chat going. The only reason why IW listened was because guys like you would not stop COMPLAINING! That's it.

And I swear, if all this bitching about cheating is coming from people who are whining about it happening in Hardcore modes, I will just laugh, because that would mean they altered the entire game for about 5% of the online gaming community (on 360 anyway).

And why care at all about stats. So what if you can kill more people with headshots in reality that doesn't even exist. I can bet you anything that those people couldn't even shoot anything more powerful than a .22 in real life. It's just PATHETIC!
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What blows is that you can't even use the chat system at all for the 45 seconds or so that you sit in the game lobby waiting for the damn match to start. Voice chat works, but text chat doesn't. (Speaking of course about the PC version.)
I love how the cheaters are complaining about losing this feature. It feels even better to see this change.
I love how the cheaters are complaining about losing this feature. It feels even better to see this change.

There's better ways to deal with it. You know what the best way is? Dedicated servers. "What? How could dedicated servers stop people from being on a 3rd party voice-chat app?" They couldn't. They could, however, disable spectating while dead and force your client to a black screen as well.

But as so many others have posted, IW wants you to experience their game, not yours.
You can't stop a friend being on the opposite team playing, giving away everything. It doesn't have to be in dead rooms. Dead rooms weren't the issue, at least, not as bad as having friends playing on the opposite team. Not only just friends, but cheaters that would recruit someone from the other team via party chat.

Man, the cheating is just horrible in games these days. It's sad. They ruin it for everyone. It wasn't IW.
Not buying this game is a better solution than sitting here bitching about the laundry list of things removed from this game that MANY OF YOU KNEW ABOUT. When you bought this game, you were basically telling IW/Activision that their game design was correct and that you'd support the removal of features that you enjoyed in the past, WITH YOUR WALLET. Now, having voted with your wallet, it seems pretty pointless to complain, you already voted in Activision's favor, they have your money, whining to them won't get them to change.

I bet in CoD 7 we'll see more of the same, i bet they even introduce DLC that allows you to have party chat or something dumb along those lines, guess what? If you don't like that, then vote with your wallet next time and don't buy it.
Not buying this game is a better solution than sitting here bitching about the laundry list of things removed from this game that MANY OF YOU KNEW ABOUT. When you bought this game, you were basically telling IW/Activision that their game design was correct and that you'd support the removal of features that you enjoyed in the past, WITH YOUR WALLET. Now, having voted with your wallet, it seems pretty pointless to complain, you already voted in Activision's favor, they have your money, whining to them won't get them to change.

I bet in CoD 7 we'll see more of the same, i bet they even introduce DLC that allows you to have party chat or something dumb along those lines, guess what? If you don't like that, then vote with your wallet next time and don't buy it.

yeah, you know when I found out about this? in this thread. im playing the game regardless. theres plenty of other annoying ass shit in this game than the the party chat limits to keep me whining on about.
that's why doing research in advance of your purchase is wise

caveat empor
that's why doing research in advance of your purchase is wise

caveat empor

There was no prior announcement about which playlists would and wouldn't have the lockout. So there was no caveat emptor to be had in this case. If you're going to act like a know it all, get the phrase right. Great forum name BTW, very apropos.

You and others like you, like to prance about and go "shouldn't have bought it" as if that's a reasonable solution to the issue. Nobody likes everything about anything, and as if 20 people would have made a dent in 341 million dollars of day one sales.

I enjoy a lot about the game besides the multiplayer, and as stated, most of us have just solved the problem by playing the "mute everyone game". So, problem solved, but the problem is that the reason given for the solution they come up with, cheating, encouraging team play- whatever-, isn't actually solved in game by this, and nobody benefits.

If enough feedback is given about the way something is implemented, hopefully other developers will see it's not a feature the customers are clamoring for.

I have no idea what Bogie is on about with the cheating thing. It's like a persecution complex. I played CoD4 for two years and never once did I feel that the other team had some sort of omniscient presence alerting them to our every move. That sounds like a lot of work. I play I win, I play I lose. It's whatever. We usually had enough people to fill an entire side of the playlist though, so maybe that helped us avoid the dastardly agenda that cheaters have in their never-ending quest to win by any means necessary.

All party chat does, in my opinion, is allow normal people to not have to be subjected to the bullshit that occurs when you give the general populace a voice and internet anonymity to project that voice through. I can be as hateful and vulgar as anybody, and nobody needs to be subjected to me either. Except when I'm playing by myself or with people I don't know, I don't even use the headset. Some people see it as an opportunity to be as annoying as god gave them ability to be.

It's one more step to mute the other team, so at this point we've all dealt with it, and it's officially annoying, but no big deal. I just think the majority of us would like it known that we didn't ask for this feature and don't want it in future games. Whatever they've intended with the feature, I view as a failure.

The rest of the game is great, I consider my dollars well spent, and this is the last I'll post on the subject.
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I love how the cheaters are complaining about losing this feature. It feels even better to see this change.

I NEVER cheated, and I am pretty sure that a majority of the people complaining don't cheat either. I still don't see what you can even gain if you cheat. Cheating won't get you to the number one rank, and even if you managed to get better stats, Woop-de-F@#King-DOO!!! NO ONE CARES ABOUT STATS! Won't help in the game, won't help you get a job, and CERTAINLY won't help you get girls. So at the end of the day, Private Party Chat Lockout: BAD IDEA, case closed!!!!!!!!!!