ps3 or 360 again.

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Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 19, 2007
well guys the time is coming up again. i was gonna build a new pc but the wife said she is gonna buy a big 50inch tv for my bday in jan so its console time. i will only be playing cod mw2 and madden 10. i dont know if i should just go cheap and get a refurb 360 for 199 with 2 controllers and the hard drive or just get the ps3.
the ps3 is nice with the charge cable blu ray and free online plus my two friends at work have a ps3. what do u think and why???
i dont really care for the exclusives since i only really play the two games listed above online. im not big on single player games at all either. im thinking ps3 but do they have netflix or something like it???
the wife says the xbox only cuz its cheaper by 100 but after 50 for live and 30 for a charge kit i am almost at the price of a ps3. i hate having to decide this so please chime in guys id appreciate it
If your current PC is still pretty decent and can play future games (minus all the eye-candy maxed out) then pick up the PS3. This gives you access to pretty much all the games coming out whereas a 360 + PC is redundant as far as game selection goes.

edit: Didn't see that your buddies also have a PS3. Playing with friends is always better no matter the platform.
if your friends all have ps3's get one.

if your doing the math don't forget to add up the extras on both sides. ie: extra controllers and things like that.
Playing with friends is always better no matter the platform.


I, personally, prefer the 360... but if you really have no real preference on the systems or games and most of your friends have a PS3, can't go wrong with sony :)
I prefer the 360 too... but if you plan on doing a lot of multiplayer, definitely pick the system your friends own
i have three friends who own a ps3 two of them play cod and the other plays madden. does ps3 have netflix yet???
Sounds to me like you'll be better suited with the 360 crowd by the way you type

I have a 360 and a PS3 myself, but my suggestion would be the PS3. You'll love that Blu-Ray goodness on that 50" I do. :p

Besides, the PS3 overall has the best games out. (IMO of course)
i have three friends who own a ps3 two of them play cod and the other plays madden. does ps3 have netflix yet???

PS3 does have Netflix, although you need some disc to run it and a XMB integrated version will be available this upcoming spring I think.
I have both. I like the PS3 better, if for nothing else the controller. But I play my 360 a lot more because that is what my buddies have and get the multiplayer games for. If your looking at price also remember for the ps3 you have to buy a bluetooth headset if you don't already have one that is supported. The 360 comes with one. That could easily be another 30 bucks. For netflix it works great on the xbox especially since you can browse on there. I'll find out how it works for the PS3 when my disk gets here on Thursday, to watch it on the ps3 i think you have to add things to your instant queue from your pc which sucks IMO.
Having both systems, I prefer the 360, even though you have to pay for online service it works sooooo much better than the free psn, I have so much trouble getting into games. It's not my connection either, I have both my xbox and ps3 on the same switch before my router and the xbox works perfectly while the ps3 works but it just depends on the games. I wouldnt waste the money on a play and charge kit, it just takes two double A batteries and they will last a couple months with moderate gaming, I use mine about 2 to 3 hours a day about everyday and I go about 2 months before changing.

p.s. is there any 3rd party ps3 controllers that are shaped more like the 360? with the two thumb sticks next to each other really cramps my large paws up.
the wife says the xbox only cuz its cheaper by 100


but after 50 for live

I haven't paid more than $39.99. You can find deals from $30-$39.99 on or eBay for 12 month/13 month subscriptions.

and 30 for a charge kit

Play and charge kits are $19.99:

Play and Charge Kit

Replacement batteries will end up being about $10 every few years.

PS3 does have Netflix, although you need some disc to run it and a XMB integrated version will be available this upcoming spring I think.

Sony stated they "hope" to get the XMB version by late next year.
Your friends play on the PS3 therefore get it.

I have both and have heavily favored the 360 until just recently. The 360 still has the edge with Xbox Live and most multi-platform games. But with the amount of awesome exclusives that are now out or soon to be released for the PS3 and next to nothing being announced for the 360 it's starting to feel like it's a dieing platform.
Get the one your friends are playing on. Unless there's a title that you're dying to play that's an exclusive (and from your first post there doesnt seem to be any), nothing else should matter.

Games WILL play slightly better on the 360 for the most part, but you're talking about a few % difference in most cases; negligible for anyone other than a select breed of kids that seem to use game consoles as a substitute for religion.
Both consoles have thier pros and cons but what matters most is the option to play with your friends, so get what your friends have and you will not regret it.
and next to nothing being announced for the 360 it's starting to feel like it's a dieing platform.

What new worthwhile games are coming to 360 next year that you can't play on PC ?

Dead Rising was a pretty cool exclusive but DR2 is coming out for both PC and PS3. Alan Wake possibly ? Anything else worth mentioning ?

Fable 3 ? :D
I say pick one and be done with it. In the end, you'll get 90% the same games with the exact same graphics on both systems. It's not worth even talking about.
What new worthwhile games are coming to 360 next year that you can't play on PC ?

Dead Rising was a pretty cool exclusive but DR2 is coming out for both PC and PS3. Alan Wake possibly ? Anything else worth mentioning ?

Fable 3 ? :D

Fable 3, is sure to be awesome. Let's not forget, though, that for the last couple of years MS has kept a lot of its bigger titles close to its chest until the new year starts (a la Nintendo). It's hard to say who's getting what anymore, but one thing's for sure: none of this generation's platforms is yet "dying". That's just nonsense.
Really? We've known about ODST, Forza 3, GoW 2, Fable 2, and every other game years before they were released.

They've never hidden their big titles. They're more secretive about their Arcade titles.
IBut with the amount of awesome exclusives that are now out or soon to be released for the PS3 and next to nothing being announced for the 360 it's starting to feel like it's a dieing platform.

Wow, what about all the awesome exclusives that are out now or soon to be released for the Xbox 360 that trump the PS3?

What new worthwhile games are coming to 360 next year that you can't play on PC ?

When you are a console gamer, PC doesn't matter. Then again, PC and Xbox 360 are both Microsoft's game platform, so it's still exclusive.

2010 is shaping up to be an awesome year for the 360. With Fable 3, Halo: Reach, SplinterCell: Conviction, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Mass Effect 2, Ninety Nine Nights 2, Kindom Under Fire 2, Metro 2033, Tropico 3, Mech Warrior, The Secret World,

Damn I almost came just typing that list out. And that is only what has been announced! With still more to come (and watch for some love from Rare too!), it's going to be a fucking stellar year for the 360.
2010 is shaping up to be an awesome year for the 360. With Fable 3, Halo: Reach, SplinterCell: Conviction, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Mass Effect 2, Ninety Nine Nights 2, Kindom Under Fire 2, Metro 2033, Tropico 3, Mech Warrior, The Secret World,

Never played Fable 2. I see it has good pro reviews, but terrible user reviews. Why is that ?

I'll play Splinter Cell Conviction on PC. And hopefully, eventually, Alan Wake. Mass Effect put me to sleep, but maybe if I get really bored, I'll try ME2 on PC.

So what's left on the list that is truly exclusive ? Crackdown 2 and another Halo game ? Pretty awesome. :eek:
They are all exclusive, and most people are not put to sleep by them. You just happen to be in the minority. Then again, other than GT5, the PS3 line up looks like a line up to put you to sleep. See what I did there?
If I gun was to my head I'd still choose the 360, but only barely.
IMO, more multiplatform games have a slightly better experience on the 360. Plus, pay or not, XBL still beats the pants off of the PSN.
It's much closer than it used to be, though. As far as exclusives go, they're pretty much even right now.
They are all exclusive, and most people are not put to sleep by them. You just happen to be in the minority. Then again, other than GT5, the PS3 line up looks like a line up to put you to sleep. See what I did there?
You mean GT5, FFXIV online, Heavy Rain, MAG, The Agent, Modnation Racers, Twisted Metal and God of War 3 to name a few for PS3!!?? I think all ps3 users mouths will be watering with the exclusives for ps3 next year, much better line up than the 360 imo
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Because playing with friends rocks, i'm going to reccomend the PS3.

I have both and honestly, I prefer the 360 online experience and controllers.

Oh and the PS3 as others have mentioned does have a BD player which is really awesome now since most video stores rent BD titles. It's hard not to reccomend the PS3 in your situation.

Both are good.

Accessory considerations:

-HDMI cable (unit only comes with a shitty composite cable)
-Longer USB charge cable as the included charge cable is too short (monoprice is a good choice for a cheap one)
-Bluetooth headset for online chat

Xbox 360:
-Rechargable battery of some sort, you have 3 main options, AA NIMH rechargables, Microsoft Play and Charge kit or the quick charge kit
-Make sure you get the pro console and not the cheap (arcade?) one, you don't want to be caught without a hard drive component cables, headset etc.
it is weird with me. the games i play are on both systems. madden,call of duty,nba live or nba 2k.
i like the 360 controller alot more but i love watching blu ray movies since i can get them at blockbuster. i like to be able to have netflix or be able to dowload movies from home when the snow is bad and i cant make it to the store. i should just go to the gamestore with 500 cash in hand flip a damn quarter and get whatever lol
I own both and would recommend the PS3 especially since you have friends who own one as well. Also once you watch a bluray movie in all it's 1080p glory you will never watch dvd's again.
well guys the time is coming up again. i was gonna build a new pc but the wife said she is gonna buy a big 50inch tv for my bday in jan so its console time. i will only be playing cod mw2 and madden 10. i dont know if i should just go cheap and get a refurb 360 for 199 with 2 controllers and the hard drive or just get the ps3.
the ps3 is nice with the charge cable blu ray and free online plus my two friends at work have a ps3. what do u think and why???
i dont really care for the exclusives since i only really play the two games listed above online. im not big on single player games at all either. im thinking ps3 but do they have netflix or something like it???
Definitely go for the PS3. A few reasons. 1, you already answered one of them, your friends have PS3, which makes borrowing/trading games a lot easier. 2. Another one you mentioned, free online. Sure the PSN has less users than Live but the quality is very similar, plus there's a lot more free content and PSN doesn't force companies to charge for content where Live does. 3. If you have a tricked out PC + PS3 you basically get to play all of the good games out there. 360 doesn't have many good exclusives and the ones they do have that are good usually wind up going to PS3 or coming out for Windows. And ones that won't, like Forza, meh, GT5 is going to be superior in every way anyways. Plus you said Blu-Ray, with a 50" TV you will want BR. DVD will not look good at that resolution. The PS3 also comes with built in rechargeable controllers. If you want you can get the older Sixaxis without rumble, for an extremely light controller. You barely feel the controller in your hand.
i am leaning toward the sony since the console life is longer

Think you already made up your mind...

As others have said, get the PS3 if your friends have that platform. Both have pros/cons but that is the biggest factor that makes or breaks the experience.

What I find odd is the constant bashing that if a game exists on the PC and Xbox 360, it should be removed from the exclusive list of games. I'm unsure how this is a negative as owning several computers I end up buying the console (xbox 360) version in most cases. Primary reason is so I can play with friends online (most of my friends have shifted to the xbox). Another luxory is I have extended my upgrade cycles on my PC as I don't need to keep up on my hardware as much.

Using that same logic, the PS3 has only a few big titles released per year that are not released on the Xbox 360 or PC. That would seam like a bigger waste to me if that was the sole reason for investment. At least with the Xbox 360/PC I have a choice, where as the PS3 I don't.

I have been a PC gamer for 20 years and recently went to the console route with the Xbox 360 (due to online play). However, if I had to make a decision today to give up my PC Graphics card or Xbox 360, I would give the up the graphics card without hesitation. This is mostly due to my friend base.

What I find amusing with these types of threads is the OP is already leaning in one direction (mostly PS3) and is trying to justify his decision. Rarely do you see people ask the same question about the XBOX 360. I guess those people just go out and buy them;)
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Wow... this thread is looking familiar, and it has some very familiar posters with very familiar opinions (I really hope you guys get paid... because shit, doing what you do for free would be such a waste).

OP, you got your answer in the first couple of posts. You can pretty much ignore everything else.
Wow... this thread is looking familiar, and it has some very familiar posters with very familiar opinions (I really hope you guys get paid... because shit, doing what you do for free would be such a waste).

OP, you got your answer in the first couple of posts. You can pretty much ignore everything else.

Quoted for redundancy.

Wow... this thread is looking familiar, and it has some very familiar posters with very familiar opinions (I really hope you guys get paid... because shit, doing what you do for free would be such a waste).

OP, you got your answer in the first couple of posts. You can pretty much ignore everything else.

Yep, see you all again for the same exact thread in 4-5 days. Good thing people can use search, because this has never been discussed before. Making this topic should be an autoban.

Although it is good to finally know where some people like stereophile, bigdogwhatever and bogie stand on the issues, they've never given a clue before now where their allegiance lay, forcing us all to guess.
Wow... this thread is looking familiar, and it has some very familiar posters with very familiar opinions (I really hope you guys get paid... because shit, doing what you do for free would be such a waste).

OP, you got your answer in the first couple of posts. You can pretty much ignore everything else.

Think it goes back to people still trying to justify a purchase instead of just enjoying it.
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