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  1. G

    Corsair "Barebones" Christmas Giveaway!

    All Corsair products may not be engineered in house, but the brand indicates a level of quality that you can rely on.
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    looooow temps on 2600k

    I'm concerned that there is something wrong with my processor. I expected lower temps than my 930, but 8 C? My cooling setup is the one in my sig: 480mm of RX radiator. Ambient temp is about 70 F. My core temps looks like: 20,8,23,25 C I've noticed that others have a similar problem...
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    Crysis 2 Crossfire

    I'm using 11.4 preview drivers and it looks like every other frame has lighting effects, so the result is this really annoying flashing. I turned crossfire off, and it went away.
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    Replacing HX850 fan

    OP would probably be wise to heed advice in this thread. We can all agree that an open power supply should be approached cautiously, and that there is the potential to do serious damage. Wish Redbeard were here. Or Jonny Guru?
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    Upgrading time for the 4870x2?

    I bought a 4870x2 when it first came out for $400.00. Today we know that it has proven to be an epic card. Like many others I just upgraded. I have 6970XF now. A single 6970 is definitely an upgrade over the 4870x2. The 6970 is better in every way. But not by a huge amount. At least...
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    My HDTV wont do 1920x1080 @ 120hz?

    Yeah, 3DTVs won't accept 120hz either. Basically with HDMI 1.4a the tv accepts frames at 1920x2160 @ 24hz or 720x960 @ 60hz (or something like that). Recieving essentially two frames at once allows the tv a sort of fake doubling of the poll rate. So it's only possible at 24hz for 1080p, and...
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    My HDTV wont do 1920x1080 @ 120hz?

    Easy answer. The TV will only relieve up to 60Hz. The TV always outputs 120Hz, regardless of the source. The motion smoothing option simply takes frame 1 and frame 2 and creates a new frame frame 1.5. This adds a small amount of lag. (simplification) What you're probably seeing now, if you're...
  8. G

    Which 6790 brand

    Look at the included accessories in the box. Some come with more, some with less. The ASUS overvoltage program works well on the Fermi cards, but doesn't achieve anything on the 6970 cards, Reviews are online. Otherwise, it comes down to warranty.
  9. G

    Release date for 6990?

    A concern I have about the 6990 is that it will require too much power to equal a 6970x2. 6990 as a name could be inidictive of this. The problem as I see it is the TDP of the card. In the case of the 4870x2 the TDP for each individual 4870 was 160 watts. When you combine the two the...
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    Upgrade advice for 3x 1920x1200 monitors

    A concern I have about the 6990 is that it will require too much power to equal a 6970x2. 6990 as a name could be inidictive of this. The problem as I see it is the TDP of the card. In the case of the 4870x2 the TDP for each individual 4870 was 160 watts. When you combine the two the result...
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    ASUS EAH6970 issue with maximum resolution on 30"

    It's worth mentioning that the HDMI port and the display ports should be able to handle dual link just fine, so you can always use an adapter.
  12. G

    Think my 4870x2 is dying.

    Yeah, sounds like the end is near. Honestly, I think the whole ATX design needs reassessment. . I can't imagine that when it was originaly conceived people thought heatsinks on video cards would get this heavy and important.
  13. G

    Upgrading time for the 4870x2?

    I bought my 4870x2 when it first came out a little over 2 years ago for about 400.00. Thus far, it has been the best video card I have ever owned. Performance, when CF is working, is excellent. That's the only real bad thing I could say about it, is that the CF system didn't work as...
  14. G

    XSPC Dual bay res PSA

    The new dual bay res by XSPC ( fits in my Corsair 800D without modification of any sort. No filing, no bending. I believe that was a problem with their previous dual bays. No longer. This one fits a Laing D5, like the discontinued Primochill Typhoon III...
  15. G

    help! (w/4870x2)

    Yeah, I guess you're right about remounting it. I really don't want to do that, but, I don't see any other option. What a pain. At least if I can't get it to work I can try claiming it on insurance from the move. Those things are expensive.
  16. G

    help! (w/4870x2)

    I've got an issue with my 4870x2. It's cooled with a DD waterblock. Everything was working fine until I moved to a new house. I think the movers were a little too rough with it. Basically the screen is corrupted at startup, so it's definitely not a software problem. If I lift up on the...
  17. G

    120Hz / VSync curiosities

    I have some inclinations as to why I'm observing what I am, but I don't really understand what's going on and I'd appreciate it if someone that understands more about the problem than I do would explain what's happening. So, I have a somewhat robust computer (in sig) connected to a LN53630A...
  18. G

    Your opinion about my new setup

    Picking up some watercooling gear for your Temjin and you're in business! Otherwise... Good cases right now: FT02 is another great Silverstone case. 800D is best case ever for hiding cables. Also check out the new HAF X. Fun cases you might consider if you're interrested in the Level 10...
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    Your opinion about my new setup

    I think the level 10 and the motherbaord are inconsistent. With the level 10 you're going for style, and not so much for performance. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please, but looking on the cooling set up with the level 10 I think temps are not going to be good, and I'm not even sure the...
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    2 loops 1 pump

    Thanks for the great feedback. I'll definitely take that into account. I think I'll probably just do a regular loop... From what I read the problems with the typhoons was really just a problem of using glycol, which also happens to be in most commercial solutions, but I just use distilled...
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    2 loops 1 pump

    Current loop: RX360 RAD, NB, HK 3, 4870x2, D5 pump. I have a question for the great ones regarding the feasibility of splitting up a single loop to run as two loops with only one radiator and pump. I was planning on buying a Primochill Typhoon III reservoir, which allows a single D5 pump...
  22. G

    Best Graphics Card Upgrade EVER

    Above poster is right. The Radeon 9700 Pro probably was the best graphics cards of it's time overall. No other card has lived as long as this one. For me though, it was probably VooDoo2. That was a great card.
  23. G

    Help finding a power adapter

    Hi, I'm trying to find an adapter that can do a 12v to 5v (or something close to this) stepdown. Reason is, I'm trying to slow down a pump that hooks up to a 4 pin off the 12v rail. Any ideas where I can buy such a thing? Thanks! :cool: PS: This is not for the pump in my sig.
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    pump voltage stepdown question

    Hi, One of my computers is cooled by a Thermaltake 760i. It was my first watercooled system. And it does OK, except for the noise. I noticed that Here there is a review in which the pump is lowered from 13 volts to 5 volts to slow the pump and decrease noise. Can anybody tell me...
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    processor core locations

    It looks like the cores are spread out horizontally across the chip as seen here so I guess I would have though that tightening one side more than the other would make certain cores cooler than others, but I am only guessing...
  26. G

    processor core locations

    question: My i7 920 D0 is cooling unevenly, which I've heard is normal. I've got the NB, CPU, and a 4870x2 in a single loop, and at idle at just a little over stock voltage I get 39, 33, 38, 33 or within one degree of that all the time. It seems like core 0 and core 3 mirror each other when...
  27. G

    speed control in MCP655

    I have a MCP 655 pump hooked up to my system, and I wanted to experiment with raising the speed of the pump. I have the regular version with the dial on the back. So far I've left it at the same speed it came in, speed 2. With a flat edge screw driver I can spin it counter clockwise all the...
  28. G

    build question

    Right now I have the option of getting on of those fancy Accelero Xtreme 4870 X2 fans for 40 dollars or a used DD 4870x2 water block for about the same and I'm having trouble deciding which... The water block sounds nice because it normally costs alot more... But I'm satisfied with my...
  29. G

    build question

    Hi all. This is my first WC build, and I'm looking for an opinion from more experience builders on weather or not I have enough cooling to deal with adding my single 4870x2 to the loop. Rampage II Extreme 6 Gigs memory 920 @3.3 4870x2 Corsair 800D XSPC RX360 (120.3 radiator) 3x Loons, though...
  30. G

    Got the Corsair Obsidian 800D, Its HUGE!

    Hey, anybody else out there have a Rampage II Extreme in this case? I'm having a really hard time trying to fit the I/O shield in with the motherboard - there just isn't enough room... or maybe it's just me. The Mboard does have a thick shield...