Upgrade advice for 3x 1920x1200 monitors


[H]F Junkie
Jul 12, 2007
I have just about abandoned all hope of ever having a hack or patch made so that my 4870x2 and 4870 combination system will work in games on my three 24" monitors.

I am correct that this still does not exist?

Advice? I am happy with the performance of my system, just not happy that I have three monitors but can only use the center for gaming.


Wesley and Buttercup are unimpressed w/ my rig. Won't someone please think of the kittens?

depends on your price range, a 6990 should cover ur game needs with that setup for some time.
2 6870's is faster than your current gpu setup. and should be quite nice. although with the 6970 so close its best to wait and see how that single card performs compared to crossfire 6870's

another bonus to the 6970 is the 2GB memory and it still leaves you with a free pci-e slot for a second 6970 later if you feel you need it when a new power hungry game comes out.

im getting either 2 6870's or a single 6970 for xmas so the release of the 6970 is cutting it pretty close so assuming they dont sell out day one i think i personally will rather have the 6970 and have a possible upgrade path to a second one rather than being locked into 2 6870's and replacing both when i feel an upgrade is needed.
You want a 2gb ati card looks like. Wait on the 6970. One of those will probably do for now. Add another later.
Sounds like a plan.

Recently upgraded to a fast SSD for my boot drive, and my Q9550 @ 3.6Ghz I feel is still plenty, so I think I'm otherwise set for a while. :cool:
I am running 3 x 1920x 1200 with the exact processor and 2x 5870. It's pretty good for most games but it really runs into a wall with higher AA. I reallly think 2GB models will help and I am still looking to get more power so going with 6970's or a 6990 would be my recommendation.
6970 2GB should be able to pull that off well or a 6990 4GB if you will have the cash. I know I'm waiting on the 6970 2GB (and for them to go down in price after the initial release inflation).
I had 5870 E6 models in Crossfire and quite honestly I found no advantage to the extra GB of memory....running Eyefinity exactly as you show there.
I am unsure if anything will improve with the newer AMD cards.....the wait is almost over however.

If you want one card to run those monitors, then AMD is your choice.
If you aren't afrain of nvidia then I'd give the 570 or 580 a good look, but you need SLi to run three monitors.

I think nvidia has better three screen software and better multi-gpu drivers, but that's just me....that said I have experience with both Surround and EyeFinity since the technology came available.:D
3X1920x1200=6.9 MPixels!

I would go GTX 580 SLI.

If you can wait, see what AMD comes out with and then study the reviews very carefully that compares performance, reliability, and ease of use, etc..

Are those 3 monitors exactly the same? If not I "read" that nVidia Surround can have issues, but since I dont have a source link, ignore what I am saying ;)

Wait for the reviews!!!
I'd ask around about eyefinity crossfire drivers for the games you like before going that route. AMD owns the single monitor/single card price/performance crown. But Nvidia I think takes the edge in multi monitor multi gpu performance.
I have a Matrox TH2Go running 3 x 1680 x 1050 on 1 system and recently upgraded my 5870 1gb to a 5870 2gb driving my 3 x 1920 x 1200 primary system.

I, too, am waiting to see what the performance specs look like later this month.
Researched and found that the software hack, while very cool, does not support several GPU combinations, mine being one of them. Tried all versions of SoftTH with known working games to no avail.

Civ 5 is the one I really cared about, and its sooooooo close to working, get menus on left and right monitor, but only the left 2/3rds of the map are rendered. So anyone following can skip that if running the same specs.
Well, I hope I don't regret it, but I tallied up the estimated price of the recommendations and compared it to the Sapphire 6850 1GBs that are on sale on NewEgg right now for $155 after MIR, and picked up two of those. OC'd should be similar to two 6870s.


$310 was a lot easier to stomach, and hopefully the memory limitations aren't an issue @ 5760x1200 as long as I keep AA off on newer titles. *crosses fingers*

Thanks again, and I'll update when I get these on Monday. :)
Wow that was a sweet deal! That should be plenty for most games. BC2 is having CTD issues in both eyefinity/surround right now that has been officially acknowledged by Dice, so don't get your hopes up too high for multiplayer eyefinity Vietnam just yet. Enjoy the cards!
You must be kidding me....

so three DVI monitors will not work with a dual 6850 setup??? Please tell me I'm just not understanding the new catalyst interface.

A quick google seems to indicate that my third monitor has to be displayport? If so, I am beyond pissed @ AMD, so crossing my fingers I'm just ignorant.
You must be kidding me....

so three DVI monitors will not work with a dual 6850 setup??? Please tell me I'm just not understanding the new catalyst interface.

A quick google seems to indicate that my third monitor has to be displayport? If so, I am beyond pissed @ AMD, so crossing my fingers I'm just ignorant.

Dude just get a $4 cable to convert mini-dp to DVI :)
HDMI/DVI is a defacto standard, and if its really missing a $4 part, why the heck wouldn't this be included by the manufacturer? I don't know anyone that has a displayport monitor.

The other thing I was reading is that it has to be an active adapter, which is supposedly $100+?

Seeing now that my order has a 15% restocking fee, so I'm stuck with this crap. Last AMD purchase I make. It may be based on my ignorance, but AMD sure didn't go out of their way to make this unusual requirement well known to its consumers. :mad:
Eyefinity requires an active adaptor for 1080P and up resolution monitors, and has always done so since it came out with the 5000 series. They used to be $100 but now you can find them cheaper on newegg and such. Because you are only running 3x 1920x1200 you can use http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814999030&Tpk=sapphire active for example and that is only $27. Does it suck having to buy another part to get a feature? Yes. But, is it better than nvidia and having to buy a whole second card? Hell yes.

There are also other adapters that go straight to the mini-dp which is what is on the 6850s just have to look around some.
But, is it better than nvidia and having to buy a whole second card?
No. Not when I'm purchasing two AMD cards anyway!

Thanks for your help audi/soulc. I believe my card is regular displayport, not the mini, as its about the size of a HDMI port. :)

I didn't see a USB dongle on that one, but apparently its still truly active without.

Shipping is expensive to go w/ two or three day, so for anyone else in the same sinking titanic of a boat, Amazon has free 2-day shipping on the similar Accell:

Its listed as a compatible dongle I see:

$30 is a lot better than ~$100 for the others, but still very unhappy w/ AMD.

Like w/ cigarette companies, whenever stating "eyefinity" they should require a big white label in all caps:
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I think you did alright getting those cards at that price. The odd configuration fixable with the the adapter is win for your situation.

2xHD6850 is much better than what you were running.

Also it's hard to resist clicking the buy button when you see a hot deal but next time do more research to avoid the upsetness.

I think your kitty cats will be pleased with your RIG now.

Hi South. :) I don't like to reward shady business practices though, and I doubt that their average consumer realizes they need parts that until recently were ~$100 to actually use one of their highly marketed features.

Now that I have done the research, for anyone following, a pair of GTX 470's in SLI available on Amazon last week under $200 would be the way I would go.

I don't believe that I will see much performance benefit though with this btw, the 4870x2 and 4870 combination in crossfire is last generation, but pretty high end. The sole purpose of the upgrade was for eyefinity (something I would have liked to have seen implemented at least in a software version by AMD on my card), so requiring expensive add-on parts that I read cause many headaches or a display type in low circulation and not common knowledge is a slap in the face. People on this forum represent the top 1% of informed consumers IMO, and I'd wager a third didn't realize that even if you purchase two cards in crossfire that only the first card can output video and that one of the monitors has to be displayport or require an ACTIVE adapter. :mad:
Hi South. :) I don't like to reward shady business practices though, and I doubt that their average consumer realizes they need parts that until recently were ~$100 to actually use one of their highly marketed features.

Now that I have done the research, for anyone following, a pair of GTX 470's in SLI available on Amazon last week under $200 would be the way I would go.

I don't believe that I will see much performance benefit though with this btw, the 4870x2 and 4870 combination in crossfire is last generation, but pretty high end. The sole purpose of the upgrade was for eyefinity (something I would have liked to have seen implemented at least in a software version by AMD on my card), so requiring expensive add-on parts that I read cause many headaches or a display type in low circulation and not common knowledge is a slap in the face. People on this forum represent the top 1% of informed consumers IMO, and I'd wager a third didn't realize that even if you purchase two cards in crossfire that only the first card can output video and that one of the monitors has to be displayport or require an ACTIVE adapter. :mad:
Average consumers aren't running 3x 1920x1200 monitors and a CF video card setup for gaming. I would wager it's not even common among forum members here.

And no offense but this has been a stated requirement for over a year now, covered in the numerous articles that were written when Eyefinity was released no less. One would hope that you would have researched this before purchasing. I'm not trying to be an asshole, and I agree the limitations do suck. (I spent $1500 on DP monitors when I went to Eyefinity so I am fully aware of how much). But, it's not like AMD is doing this just to spite you - the technology requires DisplayPort because video cards can't output to more than 2 monitors at once without a third RAMDAC, which to my knowledge no consumer level video card has at the moment (NVIDIA or ATI). That's why NVIDIA requires you to buy two cards. And if you think that ATI's limitations on outputs are bad, SLI is actually more restrictive. Nature of the beast, unfortunately.

Anyways, just grab the $27 active converter and enjoy. You've already paid for 3 monitors and 2 video cards, it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.
Of course I had read some reviews, but most did not cover the displayport limitation, merely benchmarks, and I don't read reviews of graphics cards when I'm not in the market for a replacement. I had read the limitation that a SINGLE card could not output to more than two monitors w/o using the displayport output, but assumed that just like every other card in history or manufactured from Nvidia that a dual-card setup would not be so limited.

Of course AMD isn't trying to "spite me", but I believe they are aware that they have a very unusual and obvious negative limitation to how they implemented this technology, and so don't like to advertise it too much and turn shoppers away to Nvidia that "just works". AMD Eyefinity is mentioned three times on the Sapphire box here, but the display port limitation is mentioned no where specifically, not even under system requirements on the right side or even in the manual inside the box. I know I would have simply purchased the Nvidia solution, and will advise people accordingly having learned the hard way.

I do appreciate the help, and had already placed the order for the adapter (and will hope I won't have many of the problems I am reading online with them, such as video not being displayed if the computer is turned on with it plugged in), since I obviously don't want to pay the $50 restocking fee.
Of course I had read some reviews, but most did not cover the displayport limitation, merely benchmarks, and I don't read reviews of graphics cards when I'm not in the market for a replacement. I had read the limitation that a SINGLE card could not output to more than two monitors w/o using the displayport output, but assumed that just like every other card in history or manufactured from Nvidia that a dual-card setup would not be so limited.

Of course AMD isn't trying to "spite me", but I believe they are aware that they have a very unusual and obvious negative limitation to how they implemented this technology, and so don't like to advertise it too much and turn shoppers away to Nvidia that "just works". AMD Eyefinity is mentioned three times on the Sapphire box here, but the display port limitation is mentioned no where specifically, not even under system requirements on the right side or even in the manual inside the box. I know I would have simply purchased the Nvidia solution, and will advise people accordingly having learned the hard way.

I do appreciate the help, and had already placed the order for the adapter (and will hope I won't have many of the problems I am reading online with them, such as video not being displayed if the computer is turned on with it plugged in), since I obviously don't want to pay the $50 restocking fee.
Like I said, NVIDIA has limitations too. The AMD cards are actually much more flexible with display configurations. You can run Eyefinity off a single card, which is something NVIDIA simply cannot do at this time.

Sorry you feel you got burned, but I think once you get it setup you will enjoy it. I've used both NVSurround and Eyefinity, and the hardware implementation by AMD is great.
Of course I had read some reviews, but most did not cover the displayport limitation, merely benchmarks, and I don't read reviews of graphics cards when I'm not in the market for a replacement. I had read the limitation that a SINGLE card could not output to more than two monitors w/o using the displayport output, but assumed that just like every other card in history or manufactured from Nvidia that a dual-card setup would not be so limited.

Of course AMD isn't trying to "spite me", but I believe they are aware that they have a very unusual and obvious negative limitation to how they implemented this technology, and so don't like to advertise it too much and turn shoppers away to Nvidia that "just works". AMD Eyefinity is mentioned three times on the Sapphire box here, but the display port limitation is mentioned no where specifically, not even under system requirements on the right side or even in the manual inside the box. I know I would have simply purchased the Nvidia solution, and will advise people accordingly having learned the hard way.

I do appreciate the help, and had already placed the order for the adapter (and will hope I won't have many of the problems I am reading online with them, such as video not being displayed if the computer is turned on with it plugged in), since I obviously don't want to pay the $50 restocking fee.

Until Nvidia responded with their SLI surround option, you could NEVER use more than 2 DVI even on multi-card setups. Up until then, there was no option to even use the outputs on the second card for gaming. AMDs eyefinity with DP is the first, and only way to get more than 2 outputs from a single card, and Surround is the first and only implementation of using the outputs from the second card in a multi-card setup for gaming. Also, I've not read a single review of eyefinity EVER that did not mention the DP adapter issue. Even the reviews of the 6970/50 mentioned that you still need the 3rd output to be DP. You just didn't inform yourself properly before your purchase- Don't blame ATI.
Until Nvidia responded with their SLI surround option, you could NEVER use more than 2 DVI even on multi-card setups. Up until then, there was no option to even use the outputs on the second card for gaming. AMDs eyefinity with DP is the first, and only way to get more than 2 outputs from a single card, and Surround is the first and only implementation of using the outputs from the second card in a multi-card setup for gaming. Also, I've not read a single review of eyefinity EVER that did not mention the DP adapter issue. Even the reviews of the 6970/50 mentioned that you still need the 3rd output to be DP. You just didn't inform yourself properly before your purchase- Don't blame ATI.
Who cares about "until". The fact is that right now the Nvidia option "just works", and without the limitation that AMD and its card manufacturers do not readily advertise.

And yes, I could use more than 2 DVI on multi-card setups, thank you. Thats what I was running. A 4870x2 and a 4870 card, all on DVI out. All three monitors worked w/ video displayed out of both cards w/ crossfire enabled, although games would not span screens. If I wanted a fourth monitor, no problem, just plug it in.

Here, I can fix your concern about reviews that fail to mention it:
1) http://++++++++++++++++.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=627&Itemid=72
2) http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2010/10/22/ati-radeon-hd-6850-review/1
3) http://www.guru3d.com/article/msi-radeon-6850-review/1

When you are done reading through 30-40 pages of reviews there, perhaps you'll reconsider some of your statements.

I am not an Nvidia fanboi. I have had and continue to have a plethora of AMD cards, but I have reasonable cause to recommend against the setup I am stuck with IMO.
I get your frustration, OP, but honestly this has been a widely known limitation since eyefinity was introduced. And with most newer monitors coming with DP/HDMI anyway, it's become even less of an issue.
I think most people assumed he had DP monitors because of his 3 monitor setup posted in the first picture with BC2 on screen -- not realizing that his question was directly related to his lack of DP monitors. I had a really long winded response ready to post here linking all of [H]'s reviews of eyefinity talking about DP AMD's website, etc., but realized it just made me look like an asshole. *sigh* Sorry about having to buy an adapter, we know it's frustrating, but you'll be happy once you get it working.
Who cares about "until". The fact is that right now the Nvidia option "just works", and without the limitation that AMD and its card manufacturers do not readily advertise.

And yes, I could use more than 2 DVI on multi-card setups, thank you. Thats what I was running. A 4870x2 and a 4870 card, all on DVI out. All three monitors worked w/ video displayed out of both cards w/ crossfire enabled, although games would not span screens. If I wanted a fourth monitor, no problem, just plug it in.

Here, I can fix your concern about reviews that fail to mention it:
1) http://++++++++++++++++.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=627&Itemid=72
2) http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2010/10/22/ati-radeon-hd-6850-review/1
3) http://www.guru3d.com/article/msi-radeon-6850-review/1

When you are done reading through 30-40 pages of reviews there, perhaps you'll reconsider some of your statements.

I am not an Nvidia fanboi. I have had and continue to have a plethora of AMD cards, but I have reasonable cause to recommend against the setup I am stuck with IMO.

Umm... were you running tri-crossfire with the 4870x2 and the 4870? Because if you had them ALL crossfired, you could not have run 3 monitors off of them. You'd have to turn off crossfire to the 3rd card to get its outputs to work. Period. If they worked in crossfire, then why wouldn't gaming work across all 3 screens? You have never been able to use the display outputs from the second card in a crossfire/SLI rig without disabling crossfire or SLI (until Nvidia enabled it recently for surround).
Also- You are correct- those reviews don't state explicitly that you have to use a DP adapter, they DO talk about being able to run eyefinity across up to 6 monitors USING the DP. The "limitation" is VERY widely KNOWN AND ADVERTISED. If you didn't know about it you have been under a rock since the 5870 launched. The AMD solution just works as well, you just need the right hardware, which is the same for Nvidia. For the AMD solution to work, you need a Radeon card, and a DP Monitor/DP adapter. For Nvidia solution to work, you need 2 Geforce cards.
Whatever the case, sorry you need an adapter, but hey- its $30 and after buying 3 LCDs, and 2 graphics cards, its not really that big of a deal. Just relax and enjoy the hardware and experience.
Umm... were you running tri-crossfire with the 4870x2 and the 4870? Because if you had them ALL crossfired, you could not have run 3 monitors off of them. You'd have to turn off crossfire to the 3rd card to get its outputs to work. Period.

Menorrhagia Period!
If they worked in crossfire, then why wouldn't gaming work across all 3 screens?
Because games aren't designed to span across separate screens. You need eyefinity or software to tell the game that you are running a single long resolution display, otherwise it will only play on the display you set as primary (with the start menu). You do not have to go into CCC and disable crossfire to get video to all three monitors, but you can only game on one. I'm not sure how much more simply I can put this.

I don't understand your vested interest in insisting that I be happy about something that I am not. If you don't mind this, fine. If you feel that AMD made it abundantly clear to you the limitations of their hardware implementation, fine. You can buy AMD stock and put up red posters around your house. I have expressed that I am unhappy with that and won't be recommending or purchasing any AMD products in the near future and have explained why, and while subjective, its clearly not based on mere fantasy. There really isn't anything else to discuss.
A concern I have about the 6990 is that it will require too much power to equal a 6970x2.
6990 as a name could be inidictive of this.

The problem as I see it is the TDP of the card.

In the case of the 4870x2 the TDP for each individual 4870 was 160 watts. When you combine the two the result is less of course than a simple addition, but the result was that the 4870x2 had a TDP of 286.

The 5970 was two 5870s put together like the 4870x2, but it wasn't called the 5870x2 because ATI had to decrease the performance of the components to keep the TDP down. The 5870 has a TDP of about 188 watts, and the 5970 hangs out at about 300 watts.

Well, the TDP of the 6970 is 250 watts. So the coming 6990 is unlikely to be a 6970x2, and you should expect more noise and less performance than what you get from 6970 CF, IMO.
I don't understand your vested interest in insisting that I be happy about something that I am not. If you don't mind this, fine. If you feel that AMD made it abundantly clear to you the limitations of their hardware implementation, fine. You can buy AMD stock and put up red posters around your house. I have expressed that I am unhappy with that and won't be recommending or purchasing any AMD products in the near future and have explained why, and while subjective, its clearly not based on mere fantasy. There really isn't anything else to discuss.
I guess it's because I don't understand how you can spend $300 on video cards, probably at least $500 on three 1920x1200 screens and then complain that you had to spend $30 on an adapter.
You must be kidding me....

so three DVI monitors will not work with a dual 6850 setup??? Please tell me I'm just not understanding the new catalyst interface.

A quick google seems to indicate that my third monitor has to be displayport? If so, I am beyond pissed @ AMD, so crossing my fingers I'm just ignorant.

A quick google search? There are 5 posts on the first page of this forum that all discuss this. I see that you got it worked out in the end and I hope you're satisfied with the new setup; however, I also don't understand the angst towards AMD in regards to your ignorance on the subject.