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  1. C

    comptia opposes right to repair bill

    Required certs are just a way to build a moat around an industry to entrench certain interests (professional associations and large industry providers, mostly). If you don't want to hire someone with a certification...don't. No need for it to be required by law.
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    8 inch floppies retired for Air Force ICBM launch control

    I don't think they can do that by law, they have to go through the ridiculous federal procurement process.
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    Cascade Lake-X Pricing and Model List

    Want and need are synonyms in [H]land. So pick your flavor of [H]: raw speed or enough cores for the neighborhood.
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    Microsoft returning to Flight Simulator in 2020

    Do forced updates over Windows Update that crash your planes count? Because if so, you're in luck!
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    RIP Newegg, you weren't good lately anyway

    Damn man, she got the Microcenter in the divorce? Fucking divorce court screwing dudes again.
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    Bioware has a lost a senior producer

    Agreed. Some people just gotta be too cool for school, I guess. Whether or not their games are the kind a person personally enjoys, their list of classics is huge and they're clearly one of the greats. Shame what's happened to them, but the glory days were glorious indeed.
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    AMD CEO Lisa Su rumored to leave, eyeing CEO role at IBM

    Not speaking on the specific Lisa Su case, but where AMD is at is the perfect time to leave. Always sell high.
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    Intel 7nm ambitions are...lofty

    Unlabeled means the axis is dual-unit. All future dates are measured in "hopes and dreams" and all past dates are measured in "unmitigated bullshit".
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    AMD Ryzen 9 3950X Overclocked To 5 GHz Across All 16 Cores On LN2

    I look forward to Kyle's review of the new chips. Ahh, crap.
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    AMD Ryzen 9 3950X Overclocked To 5 GHz Across All 16 Cores On LN2

    As you know, it depends entirely on who made it.
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    Slack Files for IPO

    Some emojis probably aren't hurting anything, but I do have one story that's related. We did some work for a client whose internal Slack was filled with stupid memes and shit all day. Part of our job was to help their dev team become more productive. People were saying they didn't know what was...
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    Slack Files for IPO

    That's why we use Slack. Tried Teams, everyone hated it, moved back to Slack. Also works better with bringing in client guests since they have almost all used Slack and nobody has used Teams. Glad to hear the garbage pile that is SfB is heading to the grave, though. If Teams does nothing but...
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    IBM CEO: Hiring Based on Skills Instead of College Degrees Vital for the Future of Tech

    I don't know about all that. I own a small software consulting/dev firm that hires top talent. The best indicator that someone is a professional and finishes what they start is that they've successfully shipped code in the past - preferably at a small company. We don't even look at where/if they...
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    Two Plead Not Guilty in Swatting Death

    Boo hoo. Don't be a cop if your solution to the risks is murdering people.
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    Microsoft Buys GitHub Confirmed

    My company uses Bitbucket, but I'm looking forward to the internet meltdown from Linux bros over this. :)
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    California to Become First US State Mandating Solar on New Homes

    Homes in huge swaths of the US are cheap, and borrowing is also still cheap.
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    More Confirmation Of NVIDIA GPP Impacting Consumer Choice

    They done fucked up screwing with Kyle. GPP news all the time. :)
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    Obsidian: RPG Genre Can’t Evolve Because Players Are “Resistant to Change”

    That's essentially the problem people have with his sentiment. It's like when the Mass Effect (I think) dev bitched about how having to have combat in the game was getting in the way of "muh story". It's not that a RPG with different gameplay is impossible, it's that the product we're sold will...
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    Unhackable Computer under Development with $3.6M DARPA Grant

    Let me know when they invent an unhackable user.
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    Walmart Is Reportedly Developing a Store of the Future with No Cashiers

    Your claim was that no laborers have benefited from automation. That leaves capital owners as the beneficiaries. As for the future, people have stared into the crystal ball you're staring into for at least 150 years and they've been wrong every time.
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    Walmart Is Reportedly Developing a Store of the Future with No Cashiers

    So nobody makes more than they did in 1780? Except for the guys with tophats that twirl their mustaches, of course.
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    Walmart Is Reportedly Developing a Store of the Future with No Cashiers

    Shoe manufacture is one of the least-automated industries in the yes. The average Vietnamese shoe manufacturer uses hand tools and a sewing machine (the very best of 18th century technology!), and makes roughly what a low-skilled laborer in the US made in the early 1930s. Today's US...
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    Walmart Is Reportedly Developing a Store of the Future with No Cashiers

    Automation increases the value of labor. Source: The last 300 years
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    Google Lands Victory in Gender Discrimination Lawsuit

    Diversity coaches or whatever they call themselves now. Except that one at Apple that was just fired for breaking away from the groupthink :)
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    AlphaZero AI Beats Champion Chess Program after Teaching Itself in Four Hours

    I wonder if it plays differently enough to discover interesting new lines, or if it's just better than Stockfish at the same methodology. Stockfish and the like have an openings book, amd endings book, and everything in the middle is basically just running all future possible permutations to a...
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    New Google Guidelines Prevent Apps from Collecting Unnecessary Data

    That's been the impetus behind a number of Google privacy maneuvers for the last few years.
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    Comcast Hints at Plan for Paid Fast Lanes after Net Neutrality Repeal

    Cogent already admitted the problem was their own doing, because they gave lower priority to wholesale traffic. The party you're saying didn't do it stood up and said "yeah, we did that, but didn't tell anybody about it." years ago. I get that Comcast sucks, but come on man.... It's not true...
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    Comcast Hints at Plan for Paid Fast Lanes after Net Neutrality Repeal

    You're talking nonsense. First, Cogent admitted it so pretending that isn't what happened is just goofy. But beyond that, you clearly have no understanding of what agreement Netflix and Comcast made. Netflix started paying Comcast *instead of Cogent*. They didn't keep paying Cogent what they...
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    Comcast Hints at Plan for Paid Fast Lanes after Net Neutrality Repeal

    That was Cogent, who, along with Netflix, blamed Comcast even though the problem was that Netflix bought bottom-dollar service from Cogent to save a buck. Also, the only person OpenConnect is "free" for is Netflix. OpenConnect is a Netflix machine colocated in someone else's datacenter. Last I...
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    The FCC Has Unveiled Its Plan to Repeal Its Net Neutrality Rules

    The FCC will use their Title II power over the internet to turn US telecom into 1984-style state pripagando that bans all political dissent and brainwashes everyone into accepting a hellish existence. Sure, it's a hypothetical, but does that sound good to you?
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    The FCC Has Unveiled Its Plan to Repeal Its Net Neutrality Rules

    No "net neutrality" laws for decades -> everything is fine "net neutrality" laws for 18 months -> nothing changes Go back to how it was for decades -> OMG MAD MAX INTERNET COMCAST RUNS BARTERTOWN
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    Easy Does It – The Case for Lowering The Difficulty

    I think Kosta comes from the same school as that game designer that bitched about combat getting in the way of her storytelling. Seriously people, just go make movies if you feel that way.
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    NVIDIA Shows the Power of VR at Autodesk University 2017

    I used to work in corporate facilities management and immediately thought of this the first time I put on the Vive. We're working on using it for industrial production line layout as well (station ergonomics, space fitting/flow, etc). VR is going to be big in any business that involves spatial...
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    Munich Council: To Hell with Linux, We’re Going Full Windows in 2020

    G Suite sucks. The core apps aren't suitable replacements for Office. The only good thing about it doesn't have the garbage pails that are Sharepoint and Skype.
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    Microsoft CEO Tells iPad Users to “Get a Real Computer”

    Meanwhile, on the desktop, we have all the functionality but the new versions run like shit.
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    The Robot Lawyers are Here

    Unfortunately what they are really saying is "we're going to make lawyers more productive".