Microsoft CEO Tells iPad Users to “Get a Real Computer”


Aug 20, 2006
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who is currently on a trip in India to create excitement around the idea that the brand has changed, is so confident about his company now that he'll regularly quip about Apple. As TechRadar's Sahil Mohan Gupta reports, Nadella walked into a room and couldn't help but chuckle. "Nadella spots that I and a colleague have iPads and cheerfully says, 'You need to get a real computer, my friend,'" said Gupta.

And you thought Nadella's overarching strategy was to be on good terms with everyone. It's curious how rival companies choose to periodically belittle Apple, then withdraw, only to succumb to the temptation all over again. Microsoft, for example, has insisted that Windows 10 computers can do more than Macs. The company has laughed at Apple's claim that the iPad Pro is a computer. One of its executives has also suggested that the iPad Pro is merely an example of Apple copying Microsoft.
Funny considering Office products are actually really good on iOS .....
Funny considering Office products are actually really good on iOS .....

I have the iPad Pro, Microsoft office on the iPad is awful, for me at least. It works well but does not have full functionality of desktop version. Biggest is that there is no right clicking anything, and that kills productivity...

I got the iPad because I thought it would be useful for my classes but I still end up bringing my MacBook Pro to my classes while my iPad Pro sits on my desk collecting dust.
I tried using an iPad (plus several Android tablets) for taking notes, some document creation, etc. I'm not a fan. I think tablets are fine for light weight email use, media consumption, and even some games. However, give me a 12 or 13 inch laptop and I'll be happier. I will be scoffed at here - but I was using a 12" Macbook for a few years and found it to work well for a portable, lightweight system. The trackpad on the Macbook was fantastic so I didn't need a mouse. The Macbook I was using was basically the same price as an iPad Pro.
If I'm on a plane, the MB was much easier to use as well. I am now using a 15" MB Pro for work. It has a lot more power - but I do miss the portability of the 12" (but it sucked for using Xcode - being honest here).
I admit I see his point. My Grandfather has an Ipad and I find so hard to use and the software just rubs me the wrong way. I have a Surface 3 which I love and find the freedom to use regular programs and a open file system.
Well then bring me windows on ARM. I have a windows tablet, doesn't work all that well especially having to boot back from sleep after being asleep for a while.
The CEO ha a point. iPads are vastly inferior to a regular computer for any real productivity computing task. A PC, Mac pro, or linux box all exceed an iPad.

But what about then you aren't doing productivity stuff? Windows 10 tablets are overkill for that, and it is painfully obvious.

Hell just the difference of turning off an iPad versus a Windows 10 tablet. The iPad will stay on for days, the Windows 10 tablet is completely dead within a day. Have to actually do "shutdown".

I don't see the animosity....from either side. An iPad and a Windows tablet are 2 very different animals, they DO overlap in functionality, but that doesn't mean they are interchangeable. You don't have to choose, both can live together in harmony.
Well then bring me windows on ARM. I have a windows tablet, doesn't work all that well especially having to boot back from sleep after being asleep for a while.

Is that why we have 2 arms? So after you chop off one, you still have another? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I HAVE a real computer. Tell me why, Satya , couldn't THREE of your techies get my PC to update to 1709? The error that I and your techs were seeing didn't even make sense. I'm waiting on a call back on Wednesday to see what they come up with.
For many people's usage and needs, an iPad is a real computer. Very naive comment from his part.

Maybe apple should use some of that money thats sitting in their bank account and create a real competitor to MS Office.
The CEO ha a point. iPads are vastly inferior to a regular computer for any real productivity computing task. A PC, Mac pro, or linux box all exceed an iPad.

It's not just ipads.

It's the tablet format in general that is the problem.

Tablets are great for media consumption, not so much for content creation.

Id' take a desktop any day over a tablet for pretty much anything but media consumption.
Was Nadella just joking with these guys? It said as much in the article "Nadella's comment is surely industry humor". I guess these days you can't really joke with people. Somebody will turn it into a story.
Rock 'em, sock' em Nadella! Man, what a shot over the bow! Just no respect at all and wow....what controversy this will create! Man...balls of steel on that guy, calling out Apple like that. I bet Apple will respond with an even more vague, obliquely-worded taunt!

"You call that 'real'? Fake. Fake computer!"
People still buy iPads? I haven't seen one for ages. Everyone seems to get 2in1 PCs.
I have the iPad Pro, Microsoft office on the iPad is awful, for me at least. It works well but does not have full functionality of desktop version.

Meanwhile, on the desktop, we have all the functionality but the new versions run like shit.
For many people's usage and needs, an iPad is a real computer. Very naive comment from his part.

Maybe apple should use some of that money thats sitting in their bank account and create a real competitor to MS Office.
Because fundamentally Apple and Microsoft aren't really "competing" companies. The reason I say this is because The basis of Microsoft is software and the basis of Apple is hardware, though over the years they have blurred into each other's realms. Microsoft doesn't make all of its money on their hardware divisions and Apple most certainly doesn't make money on its application divisions.
The "Post PC" didn't really come into the reality that Jobs predicted it would. The iPad just simple cannot replace a PC workstation in the production side because the functionality just isn't there. There is a reason chips makers a packing 8+ physical cores into desktop computers. Tablets are mainly used for consumption and not relied on heavily for creation.
Yep, though MS has also copied Apple in the past. The entire tech industry is made up of companies copying one-another or outright stealing ideas.
Because fundamentally Apple and Microsoft aren't really "competing" companies. The reason I say this is because The basis of Microsoft is software and the basis of Apple is hardware, though over the years they have blurred into each other's realms. Microsoft doesn't make all of its money on their hardware divisions and Apple most certainly doesn't make money on its application divisions.
The "Post PC" didn't really come into the reality that Jobs predicted it would. The iPad just simple cannot replace a PC workstation in the production side because the functionality just isn't there. There is a reason chips makers a packing 8+ physical cores into desktop computers. Tablets are mainly used for consumption and not relied on heavily for creation.
You really failed at reading comprehension.

Read the beginning of that post you replied.
What I was saying to you is that's a stupid idea because they can't compete with a software company just because they have money. I just gave you the example as to why it doesn't make sense for these to be viewed as direct competitors. The surface was a valiant attempt at Microsoft to insert itself into hardware but then again they made a computer and not a traditional tablet. Mobile OS versus Full OS. Not the same device, only the same in form factor.
Nothing about what he said was naive. Its a very true statement, the iPad Pro definitely is not a full PC. It just has beefier specs according to Apples iPad standard.
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If you want a tablet for professional use I don't understand why you wouldn't use a surface. I had an original surface pro and it was amazing. I loved walking around using it for spreadsheets while commissioning a project then going to my office and docking it and having a full windows pc. Little bugger could even play games, I loved having a "tablet" that could play WoW lol
Well then bring me windows on ARM. I have a windows tablet, doesn't work all that well especially having to boot back from sleep after being asleep for a while.

Oh how soon we all forget when Microsoft tried this with Windows RT... :rolleyes:
What I was saying to you is that's a stupid idea because they can't compete with a software company just because they have money. I just gave you the example as to why it doesn't make sense for these to be viewed as direct competitors. The surface was a valiant attempt at Microsoft to insert itself into hardware but then again they made a computer and not a traditional tablet. Mobile OS versus Full OS. Not the same device, only the same in form factor.
Nothing about what he said was naive. Its a very true statement, the iPad Pro definitely is not a full PC. Its just have beefier specs according to Apples iPad standard.
From my original post, "For many people's usage and needs, an iPad is a real computer."

After that, everything else you said is just a very biased opinion.
So basically instead of seeing the device as it really is you just blow me off by saying everything I said is biased opinion?
That's cool man.
The CEO ha a point. iPads are vastly inferior to a regular computer for any real productivity computing task. A PC, Mac pro, or linux box all exceed an iPad.

Even Apple doesn't consider the iPad "Pro" to be anything of the sort.

You can't even develop iOS application on this "workhorse." Nope, for that you need a big-kid computer running on Intel. Even though they sell that gimmicky dock keyboard.

In fact, that lock-in is the only real reason the MacOS shipments continue to climb, because the developers keep jumping in the tank hoping for greatness. It certainly isn't because they regularly update their entire lineup of MacOS products.

The Pro is only beneficial for people drawing pictures. For anyone else it's a joke.
Tablets have their purpose and if you are going to spend $300-$400 an iPad is by far the best option. Android has abandoned the tablet form factor in its apps. It's great for media consumption, web browsing, social media and smart home products. I have a clamshell like keyboard for mine and routinely use it in the morning and evening.

If you are trying to do real work then sure get a real computer at twice the cost. If I was on the road and needed Word, PowerPoint, video editing, etc then I'd have a laptop.
Just purchased the IPad Pro last week.. It runs circles around my Surface Laptop in terms of editing high resolution pics and pretty much everything rocks on it. I can do some serious photo editing work sitting on the coach. I wasn't able to do that on my laptop. That pos PC adobe software I purchased crashes, puts the device to its knees. No, thanks.. Also, the iPad is very nice showing off people pics on it. So far I love it.

When I need the keyboard, I pick up the laptop. Windows 10 is great, but the iOS on the iPad is inferior.
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Don’t disagree, use the Surface for testing/work and use the iPad for media consumption.

The manned on purchasing an iPad Pro on release but decided against it when it was just IOS.
Satya doesn't have a clue what a real computer is. He is prolly in India to select more candidates for the H-1B Visa program. He has laid off more Americans than anyone and replaced them with low paid no talent poor folks from India. They will take the work gladly and with no overtime pay as it is better than the hell hole they come from. Microshaft used to be a great place to work, but those days are long gone.