NVIDIA Shows the Power of VR at Autodesk University 2017


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Sean Wagstaff, Technical Marketing Manager at NVIDIA, gives a demonstration of the power of VR for architectural design reviews using Revit at Autodesk University 2017. Once you view the video you'll see how cool this technology really is.

Watch the video here.
I used to work in corporate facilities management and immediately thought of this the first time I put on the Vive. We're working on using it for industrial production line layout as well (station ergonomics, space fitting/flow, etc).

VR is going to be big in any business that involves spatial design and human interaction.
I've been pushing the idea of using VR to demo things to customers. Our engineers design everything with inventor which can be loaded into vred and viewed in VR very easily. Would make selling things to new customers much easier if they could see a VR model instead of 2d prints
We've toyed with it, except our plans would be a different workflow. Revit --> UE4 --> VR.

As you can see in the video, Revit lacks the rendering engine to produce quality visuals as it's a tool designed for BIM work. Just look up some of the UE4 Arch Viz stuff to get an idea of how far that field has come. Plus, it's interactive so you can set it up to swap out materials and objects on the fly - great for brainstorming sessions on decoration/design.

You obviously need a hefty rig to push VR at that level though.