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  1. V

    Desk Ideas

    Wow, I like the pallet idea.. Looks pretty damn awesome as well.
  2. V

    Desk Ideas

    Keep us updated with some pictures. Would love to see the end product you make. :)
  3. V

    Desk Ideas

    I'm in the same boat as you about making a new desk. Luckily for me, I have a very old 2" thick door to use instead of the pricey butcher block options. As far as legs goes, I was actually looking into the galvanized steel like the picture you linked shows or this one.
  4. V

    Perpetual Free Steam Codes Thread

    YGPM - hope i wasn't too late =)
  5. V

    Gaming/Work Build

    Might as well get the 4790k as it's on sale for $5 cheaper than the 4790 on newegg and amazon.
  6. V

    120mm fans

    I also have the same general question as the OP, and saw a round-up review on tom's hardware. Not sure how accurate it is but I am leaning toward the SILVERSTONE AP121. Has anyone had any experience with this fan or any reasons not to go with it, or maybe some alternatives that's better? I would...
  7. V

    Samsung 2TB green drives defective firmware?

    Just got my drive today, patch was quick and easy with following goesto11's instructions on a previous post.
  8. V

    Samsung 2TB green drives defective firmware?

    I'm in the same boat as you, except I haven't bought any drives yet and still deciding if I still want to get the HD204UI or WD20EARS.
  9. V

    New build ($1000)

    The manual states that it recommends it in the first two slots if using two sticks. So far as I know no boot issues. EDIT: During the post screen I noticed it says, "unengaged," after the type of memory. EDIT #2: In the manual it show two sticks can also be used alone in the far spots but...
  10. V

    New build ($1000)

    Well, I got my computer running and so far the temps was fine. Max at idle is 32 degrees c, but Idid run into a prob and was hoping to get it answered before I set everything in the the case. My cooler is covering the first slot of ram so my ram wouldn't fit. So, myquestion is will it matter if...
  11. V

    Nanaca Crash

    Record: 9760.01m
  12. V

    Starcraft 2 TD game... awesome!

    hit pause at the same time as when you fail and it restarts the counter, i did it with 0 turrets. lol
  13. V

    New build ($1000)

    Thanks for the link, this should help alot. If I somehow screwed it up while following that guide is there anyway to tell besides starting it up and watch it go poof? lol
  14. V

    New build ($1000)

    The Cooler Master Hyper 212+
  15. V

    New build ($1000)

    Ordered today, and now I have another question. How do you apply the thermal paste onto the heatsink/cpu. Tried looking onto Arctic Silver's website but it seems the page for the instructions is down. I heard something about just placing a pea sized drop onto the cpu and then apply the heatsink...
  16. V

    Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites

    Would also like a invite if anyone gets a spare. Will greatly appreciate it.
  17. V

    New build ($1000)

    Ok, you left out Windows, but I like the setup. With Windows added should be roughly ~975ish. On that case, does it need more fans or should it be fine? Also do I need a after market cpu cooler incase I overclock down the road, or did you not add one cause it might deteriorate the lifespan if...
  18. V

    New build ($1000)

    1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc Gaming , watching 720/1080p movie files, web browsing, and some photoshop/encoding videos in that order. 2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included? $1000 tax and shipping included. Would like to buy from a...
  19. V

    Computer problems

    It doesn't post, don't think a fresh install would matter.
  20. V

    Computer problems

    Done all the above. I agree about it's time to upgrade which I am soon, but was hoping to pass this computer over to my parents for internet use. Looks like that isn't going to happen now. Thanks for the reply! God this sucks when all I got is a ps3 to reply with, lol.
  21. V

    Computer problems

    Sorry for the late reply, but I ran into issues. So I did what you said and looked in the sticky. Got theprograms on the cd tried it but still took a long time to do it. I tried the drive in a different computer with the cd and it went alot faster with 0 errors. Now, when I put the hard drive...
  22. V

    Computer problems

    Got to 6 and half hours and the computer reset before it finished. Any ideas?
  23. V

    Computer problems

    Well I'm running the WD Tools at the moment to check for hard drive problems. Will reply back with the results later.
  24. V

    Computer problems

    My computer has been running sluggish for about two days now. Was searching the web the other day and computer just came to a halt and froze. So I rebooted the computer and then it wouldn't start up. It displays the post screen but after that it went to a black screen with a white bar at the...
  25. V

    i5 750

    Not to hijack your thread or anything, but since the title was i5 750, I thought it was be ok. :P Anyhow, I was doing some figuring and I only came up with a difference of $160 give or take $10-20 in price from a i7 and a i5. If that was the case, what would you guys do? Just taking opinions...
  26. V

    need some TV warranty help

    Thanks for giving your opinions. So, any ideas what I can do with a 46" cracked lcd? lol
  27. V

    need some TV warranty help

    Not sure if this is the right place to put this since it involves the warranty, but I guess it does fall under the display section since it's for a TV. Anyhow, my brother bought a Sony TV "KDL-46Z4100" right before Christmas last year and over the course of these past few months it's been...
  28. V

    The HD 3850 AGP User Experience

    Cracked the case opened to check, not enough juice for the card. =/ Think I'll just wait a few more months and do a complete overhaul when I get some more money. Doing a first build will be fun, I'll finally know what I'm getting.
  29. V

    The HD 3850 AGP User Experience

    I have a 450w no-name in my computer, do you think it could pull a 3850 or do you think I should get a new PSU without risking it?
  30. V

    The HD 3850 AGP User Experience

    I noticed some people with this card with a cpu about the same as mine, so Iwas wondering if this card will do justice in a p4 3.2Ghz Prescott rather than saving up some money for a complete overhaul "no job right now, so long time for that to happen." :(