Samsung 2TB green drives defective firmware?

Thanks dude, the other basically says caution and reallocated sectors count is yellow, its a 500gb hdd, can it not be fixed?
Please open a second thread and post the pic for that. I will help with that when I get home. I am leaving from work in a few minutes.
Well I tried the error test from SamsungF4EGBadBlocks and it finds errors on the internal drive, but not the external (maybe they actually flashed it before sending it?). The internal drive however reports errors from badblocks, but does not show that pattern from the od command so it actually seems like the data does make it to the drive in the end.

Has anyone tried patching their drive a second time? If so what did the program do?
Has anyone tried patching their drive a second time? If so what did the program do?

Yes. It just reapplies the firmware. The software is dumb and since the firmware rev did not change it will just reapply the firmware..
Yes. It just reapplies the firmware. The software is dumb and since the firmware rev did not change it will just reapply the firmware..

I was hoping mine just listed the options because it was already flashed. Well I tried the benchmark in a different mobo with Win 7 and got the same crap result. Looks like its RMA time...

so i got 5 of these drives in a WHS, I was using a smart monitor ad-don but removed it as soon as I heard about the drives issue.

other then that how can I patch / fix or check them if they are in a live WHS setup?

I do have room to remove 2 at a time but that will take FOREVER. is that going to be my only choice?

@ drescherjm and anyone else.

When I run Crystal Disk Info, only my F4s show without a dirve letter yet eveyr other drive I own (including F3EG & F3) all show the proper drive letter (see screenshots below). Any idea why that is and/or iif this indicates a problem? I've reinstalled Cystal Disk Info but it didn't make a difference.

I'm running Win 7 Ult 64. [PC specs if needed: Asus P6X58D-E | Intel i7930 | 3x2GB G Skill RipJaws | Corsair HX-850 PSU | MSI GTX460 1GB OC | Asus Xonar Essence STX | Internal HDD = WD Black 1TB (SATA 6GB/s) - OS/programs, WD Black 2TB - data 1, Samsung F4 2TB - data 2 | External HDD = 3xF4 2TB, 2xF3EG 2TB, 2xF3 1TB for media playback device, storage or backup].



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I have seen this in other users output. I believe it is a bug in crystaldiskinfo and not any problem with your disks.

Edit: All drives look fine to me.
Got the firmware to work, I had to change to the directory with the executable. I was trying to run E:\F4EG and apparently the exe is not smart enough to run when called from outside its directory.
i run the patch with A:\f4eg and it said completed..
whats the difference between C and A or any other letter and maybe if its not C it doesnt save the patch thats why i had errors?
There is no operational difference. It just depends on where freedos (or some old version of msdos) mounts your drives. Other than that it does not matter. When you boot you just need to figure out where your executable is and run it from that drive..
Just got my drive today, patch was quick and easy with following goesto11's instructions on a previous post.

OK seriously i just got 2 of these from newegg. why are they still selling defective drive's, and not newer one's with the new firmware?
Posted via Mobile Device
OK seriously i just got 2 of these from newegg. why are they still selling defective drive's, and not newer one's with the new firmware?
Posted via Mobile Device
The drives aren't defective...

How do you know they're not the newer firmware? There's no way to tell and that's really the complaint.

The flash is simple and fast, it would just be nice if the new firmware had a different version #.
I'm receiving my first HD204UI Friday and Other than the firmware update and the ES-Tool program what other programs should I run before I put it into use?

Links if you have them would be great! I'm NOT a tech at all so the help in appreciated!
I'm receiving my first HD204UI Friday and Other than the firmware update and the ES-Tool program what other programs should I run before I put it into use?

Links if you have them would be great! I'm NOT a tech at all so the help in appreciated!

Partition it in Win7, run the update, and you should be good to go.
The drives aren't defective...

How do you know they're not the newer firmware? There's no way to tell and that's really the complaint.

The flash is simple and fast, it would just be nice if the new firmware had a different version #.

dude they have the defective firmware..
I have one of these drives, and I flashed the firmware. Can I post the picture of the CrystalDataInfo readout?
wanted to ask..
whats the process on a new samsung?
connect samsung, boot from usb, run the update and then opening in OS and installing/formating or
connect samsung, opening OS , installing/formatting , then boot again from usb, run the update?

and also quick or advanced format?
any other test to be made?
is error scan from hd tune safe?

Friend has one of these as his main data storage disk. It has 1050hours and Raw Read Error Rate shows 1980 in HDTune 4.01. Can this be fixed with firmware update??
I'm receiving my first HD204UI Friday and Other than the firmware update and the ES-Tool program what other programs should I run before I put it into use?

Links if you have them would be great! I'm NOT a tech at all so the help in appreciated!

I recommend you run the patch first - before running ESTools (or similar diagnostic scan) or format/partition/etc. That's really all you can do unless you want to try to recreate the problem to test the patch as others have posted earlier.
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wanted to ask..
whats the process on a new samsung?
connect samsung, boot from usb, run the update and then opening in OS and installing/formating or
connect samsung, opening OS , installing/formatting , then boot again from usb, run the update?

and also quick or advanced format?
any other test to be made?
is error scan from hd tune safe?


I would patch it first before installing it, though either way should work equally well. I'd just rather get it fixed from the start. Quick format is fine - especially for a new drive.

There's a confirmation test posted earlier in the thread, but it's not that simple. You can scan w/ HDTune (I always do a surface scan with new HDDs), but it won't tell you if the patch worked or not.
another question..i saw somewhere that
As Samsung failed to change the version number on the new firmware that they released, it is impossible to tell which version you have. I have e-mailed Samsung, and they assure me that any drives with a build date after 11-2010 will have the new firmware pre-installed
is this true ?
another question..i saw somewhere that

is this true ?

If I'm incorrect here don't flame to death, but I believe I read that new drives with the new firmware actually have a different firmware #, or something stated different on the label?

I remember this was partly why I was holding off to see if they released another firmware with a new revision #. Because there was already one out there going onto the new drives.

Haven't used my drives yet, and haven't followed this thread with any real certainty, so i could be wrong. But I thought someone said the label made it clear too.
I've got 5 12/2010's if someone can tell me if/where the FW is listed on the label.
I'm a newbie not a n00b... but does anyone know if the firmware flash for the Samsung HD204UI is required if I'm using the drives in a RAID 5 config with a Startech 4 Drive Multi Bay External HDD Enclosure (SAT3540U2E) and with Mac OS X 10.6.6?

All I see is talk about Linux and Windows so I'm not sure if I have to flash them or how I would using OS X.

Any help would be appreciated
I'm a newbie not a n00b... but does anyone know if the firmware flash for the Samsung HD204UI is required if I'm using the drives in a RAID 5 config with a Startech 4 Drive Multi Bay External HDD Enclosure (SAT3540U2E) and with Mac OS X 10.6.6?

To be safe, I would want the fixed firmware no matter how I was using the drive(s).
I've got 5 12/2010's if someone can tell me if/where the FW is listed on the label.

I just got a new one Friday with a 12/2010 build date and I still got a "successful" flash comment. So the build date means nothing I believe!
To be safe, I would want the fixed firmware no matter how I was using the drive(s).

Yes, since the drives being polled for their SMART values has nothing to do with the OS. Upgrade 'em regardless of whatever OS you will use.