Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites

speedy if you get a key come play with me and if i get a key i will glady hand it over to you
I think he's referring to this:

from here:

which would make it starcraft related :p

and I hope my chances for getting a key aren't very very low because I've been waiting for pages and pages (as well as ages :)) for a key :D

I know what he means, but that wouldn't or shouldn't give him any advantage over anybody else.

Being korean != being good at sc :p (or any game for that matter) that misconception or way of thinking is really stupid IMO.
Arrgh, I still be keyless matey! If ye fellow beta testers have a spare key I be makin' it useful for ye, yarr.

...and by that I mean, if anyone has a key I am still looking for one. lol
My friend just send me an invite.

Basically I was about to go to bed american west coast time, but now thats all changed

so much for schooling xD
....I'll add to the begging. I'd appreciate it if someone could by chance send me a beta key. I have yet to receive anything from both my Blizzard accounts. Thanks!
ill give bj's for a code

not really... but i would really appreciate one :p

atherton213 AT gmail com plz
i need to play this online now, ive watched to many live streams and replays :p

why cant blizzard just release some more keys / friends invites? :( whenever i see the player counter its usually not above 10,000, which is what blizzard was/is aiming for
man i gave my friend invite to a real life friend and he barely plays. it pisses me off!!:mad:
man i gave my friend invite to a real life friend and he barely plays. it pisses me off!!:mad:

if he only uses it for the starcraft 2 beta (or is it a WoW account?), you can always "borrow" it and share it with others so that they (me :)) can play it with you :D
lol im not sure he'd be too happy with that but lol ill see. i try to get him to play wit me and he is always busy.. :<
If anyone has a friend invite they have not used I will love you forever.

Don't let me continue to suffer in No Beta Land. Please!
Would someone help this poor, wretched, pitiful looking Goober out? He's down on his luck and the only thing in the world right now that can bring him back up is a Starcraft 2 Beta Key. :(

yay for another beggar, ive been checking my account daily to see if i have received an invite and nothing yet =[

If anyone has an extra key that they are willing to share i would really appreciate it!
I don't think any of us are going to get a key this way. I asked in a few places the minute these started going out. It pisses me off that TWO waves of "invite a friend" invites went out. What the hell kind of beta testing is that.
I don't think any of us are going to get a key this way. I asked in a few places the minute these started going out. It pisses me off that TWO waves of "invite a friend" invites went out. What the hell kind of beta testing is that.

i dont think we are either :(
lol im not sure he'd be too happy with that but lol ill see. i try to get him to play wit me and he is always busy.. :<

im guessing he said no? :p

you can always tell him he has the saefty of being able to reset the password, so he shouldn't have any worries and instead should spread the joy of starcraft 2 :)
Favoring Korea is outright stupid. So is the stupid korean wave that's been going on.
Favoring Korea is outright stupid. So is the stupid korean wave that's been going on.

They have 11 corporate sponsored Starcraft teams, and even a Air Force has a team. Each team costs over $20 million USD to run annually. The Korean government has allocated over 350 billion Won (approx. $308 million USD) to bring South Korea's gaming industry to a world-wide stage. They have over 100,000 people show up in person to the biggest matches. That's NUTS.

I don't mind if KR gamers gets to play some SC2 matches in a exhibition style public space, which isn't much different than playing at Blizzcon or any other gaming convention. What pisses me off, is Blizzard with the stupid refer a friend keys. You just end up with a bunch of people running stupid contests or asking for silly stuff in exchange for a key. It's almost worse than the idea of having an open beta with your $100 million product. Blizzard gets no focus testing out of these friend keys, they have no idea what hardware these guys are going to have. If they want random hardware configs, why not invite random configurations that chose to opt-in? :(

Oh well. I'm at least grateful there's no NDA on the beta because there have been some really cool things going at Some really crazy tournaments, great live casting, etc.
They have 11 corporate sponsored Starcraft teams, and even a Air Force has a team. Each team costs over $20 million USD to run annually. The Korean government has allocated over 350 billion Won (approx. $308 million USD) to bring South Korea's gaming industry to a world-wide stage. They have over 100,000 people show up in person to the biggest matches. That's NUTS.

I don't mind if KR gamers gets to play some SC2 matches in a exhibition style public space, which isn't much different than playing at Blizzcon or any other gaming convention. What pisses me off, is Blizzard with the stupid refer a friend keys. You just end up with a bunch of people running stupid contests or asking for silly stuff in exchange for a key. It's almost worse than the idea of having an open beta with your $100 million product. Blizzard gets no focus testing out of these friend keys, they have no idea what hardware these guys are going to have. If they want random hardware configs, why not invite random configurations that chose to opt-in? :(

Oh well. I'm at least grateful there's no NDA on the beta because there have been some really cool things going at Some really crazy tournaments, great live casting, etc.

Yes I know all of that. It's still garbage that they are favoring Korea and only korea.
Favoring Korea is outright stupid. So is the stupid korean wave that's been going on.

I agree, its a real drag. Anyone who's a fan of the game should get the opportunity to play the beta, even if its in a cybercafe like in Korea. Valve did the same thing with the Counter Strike Source beta back in 2004. For a limited time you could only play it in places like that. It isn't ideal but at least it gives more people some sort of opportunity to play.
i agree with everyone, but ive pretty much lost any hope of actually getting a beta key before the game actually comes out :(

i was hoping to get a key by now as ive got spring break coming up in a couple of days and itd be the perfect opportunity for me to play the beta, but i havent had any luck with getting in via opt-in or receiving a friend invite, and who knows when or if blizzard if going to send out another wave of keys

i guess ill just continue watching livestreams to keep my going by :(
They have 11 corporate sponsored Starcraft teams, and even a Air Force has a team. Each team costs over $20 million USD to run annually. The Korean government has allocated over 350 billion Won (approx. $308 million USD) to bring South Korea's gaming industry to a world-wide stage. They have over 100,000 people show up in person to the biggest matches. That's NUTS.

I don't mind if KR gamers gets to play some SC2 matches in a exhibition style public space, which isn't much different than playing at Blizzcon or any other gaming convention. What pisses me off, is Blizzard with the stupid refer a friend keys. You just end up with a bunch of people running stupid contests or asking for silly stuff in exchange for a key. It's almost worse than the idea of having an open beta with your $100 million product. Blizzard gets no focus testing out of these friend keys, they have no idea what hardware these guys are going to have. If they want random hardware configs, why not invite random configurations that chose to opt-in? :(

Oh well. I'm at least grateful there's no NDA on the beta because there have been some really cool things going at Some really crazy tournaments, great live casting, etc.

How dare you insult us stupid contest creators. Is it so wrong if you get a spare key to ask others to dance before it is given out ?
How dare you insult us stupid contest creators. Is it so wrong if you get a spare key to ask others to dance before it is given out ?

Nah, that's not what I mean man. Sorry if it sounded like that.

I blame Blizzard for thinking it was a good idea to do the friend invites. They don't get any type of focused beta testing by handing those keys out. If you ask me, they knew very well that giving keys to a bunch of people who already had keys were going to lead to contests, bribery, and general forum shenanigans. It all feeds into the hype machine. Very calculated hype and brand management. After all, they are a huge company, owned by an even bigger company - both of which are pouring a lot of resources into the SC franchise.