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  1. C

    I killed my machine?

    I'd try to connect the dead HDD with an external enclosure to try and get some info backed up
  2. C

    4x GTX 480 SLI (+OC)

    Wow I can't believe I read the whole thread.. Also, WOW, heatlesssun, chill out a bit? You are whats single-handedly killing the pc gaming scene. No wonder they see enthusiasts as outcasts, you give the worst example. You're one of the most arrogant, pessimistic, jealous and just terrible poster...
  3. C

    Second card PhysX question

    Oh I see, i'll close the thread then, thanks.
  4. C

    Second card PhysX question

    Hi, im currently using a 9800GTX+ as my main GPU but I have an old 7900GT in my closet. The problem is that my 7900GT was already artifacting when I bought the 9800GTX+. Will it matter if I only want to use it as a PhysX card? Thanks for any answers!
  5. C

    I wanna die.. deleted 500gb backup

    So I have 3 drives, A, B and C A's backup was on B and B's backup was on C They were all cloned image files so I had one file on B and one file on C I tried to "unpack" B on C but I did it on the same partition that B's backup was on C so it formatted it and started cloning the drive...
  6. C

    Your HD tune scores

    Are these results OK? Both are SATA drives with no RAID or anything. The boot drive is 4 years old, the storage one is 2 years old Boot drive = 92% used Storage drive = 98% used Thanks for any help Also.. my storage drive has been reverting back to PIO mode even with all the fixes and...
  7. C

    Help me.. New HDD works perfectly on USB enclosure yet BSODs over SATA

    Any ideas? Ive tried everything I know.. the drive fails under linux on sata but it works over usb.. what could it be?
  8. C

    Help me.. New HDD works perfectly on USB enclosure yet BSODs over SATA

    Hi, thanks for the quick response Ive tried the exact same cables from my secondary HDD (unplugged them and put em on my new hdd) and it still has the same problem EDIT: My motherboard is Asus A8N32SLi Deluxe with the latest firmware (1409) Other specs: CPU AMD Opteron 170 2 Gigs of Corsair...
  9. C

    Help me.. New HDD works perfectly on USB enclosure yet BSODs over SATA

    The HDD is drawing power directly from the PSU so its not a PSU problem Thanks for any help, I attached a pic
  10. C

    Help me.. New HDD works perfectly on USB enclosure yet BSODs over SATA

    Hi, so I bought a 1 Terabyte Western Digital Caviar Green Edition in October and just let it sit in a closet til yesterday. I decided to install it as a 3rd HDD but it would crash when I tried to format it I then tried to install W7 on it and still crashed and BSOD'd So I decide to use...
  11. C

    Your HD tune scores

    Heres mine: I suspect that its dying (saw a delayed write failed, while copying files the counter goes up then down then up then down etc. (3 minutes left, 4 minutes left, 2 minutes left) Can you guys see anything from that test?
  12. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    They're my dad's.. Sorry if it stretches the page
  13. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I took the background pic :D
  14. C

    ** A Picture I Took - 2009 **

    What kind of camera do you have, 940guy? Nice pics!
  15. C

    what causes the blurr on monitors?

    They almost always set the resolution too low
  16. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Ladic.. Are you from/in Ecuador?
  17. C

    My Son's Centurion 5 "mini worklog"

    nice rims! ;)
  18. C

    $100+ cans for Music

    Ah , I couldn't find the normal HD280 for some reason >.<
  19. C

    $100+ cans for Music

    You should get these: /first post on [H]