4x GTX 480 SLI (+OC)

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I actually messages the him on his eBay. Asking if the price was for just 1 card. Sorry. Seems ridiculous.

His claim was he bought 9 (all if Neweggs stock). Kept 4 for himself and is selling the rest for a prophet.

My thing is... Umm... From a quick scan on a few sites. There are some still available for MSRP. Are people really buying these for 660 a piece!?
Heh, didn't notice that. Doesn't mean much though. ProphetX used the same name on Anand. Would make more sense to use a different name on each forum to minimize the chances of people putting two and two together, but nobody said criminals are geniuses. Bottom line is, he probably never had the cards in the first place, and decided to cut his losses when he got laughed out of the thread. Or he has the cards and burned his house down by trying to run all of those cards off a 12A household plug *shrug*.

Also, if you seriously want the mods to lock this, use the report post button. Posting "PLZ LOCK THIS!" just bumps the thread to the top some more, getting it more attention and attracting more replies. Like this one.

Already reported this thread, they usually are good about this sort of thing. What the hell, it in for a dime in for a dollar, hell I've posted here more than anyone else.

I actually wanted to see this because I would have had to do the same thing, hell this guy just made my look at getting a THIRD 15 amp circuit in my to be able to run something like this, been thinking about doing that for some time so why the hell not. But honestly 4 card scaling kind of sucks though a forth card for PhysX isn't a bad idea and there's little need to run a 480 for that. That's actually what I THOUGHT this guy had in mind 3x SLI + 1 GPU for PhysX.
I actually messages the him on his eBay. Asking if the price was for just 1 card. Sorry. Seems ridiculous.

His claim was he bought 9 (all if Neweggs stock). Kept 4 for himself and is selling the rest for a prophet.

My thing is... Umm... From a quick scan on a few sites. There are some still available for MSRP. Are people really buying these for 660 a piece!?

No, there's no need to pay more than MSRP, they don't stay in stock for long but the stock seems to keep coming.

So did you ask him what happened to him? He's getting his name destroyed in this thread, but I'd be shocked if he wasn't monitoring it.
But he used the same name on eBay so that wasn't so brilliant. And he was going to have to produce some results like TODAY.

Okay, some PLEASE lock this. I've asked a million times because I knew this was going nowhere when he bailed after I and others started asking him questions. I would NEVER put together a rig like this and then not be posting 24x7, no real enthusiast would.

You would build a super gaming machine and sit on a fucking forum talking about it all day?

And you actually think all enthusiasts would too?

And how many posts are you going to make telling the mods to lock the thread? If its an issue report the OP and STFU about it already.
You would build a super gaming machine and sit on a fucking forum talking about it all day?

And you actually think all enthusiasts would too?

And how many posts are you going to make telling the mods to lock the thread? If its an issue report the OP and STFU about it already.

Dude manners. I wouldn't talk about this and disappear ten minutes latter. And I would answer questions about HOW I did stuff, yes, REAL enthusiats help one another. Been helping people out around here for years and recieving the same.
No, there's no need to pay more than MSRP, they don't stay in stock for long but the stock seems to keep coming.

So did you ask him what happened to him? He's getting his name destroyed in this thread, but I'd be shocked if he wasn't monitoring it.
1st off. Sorry for my terrible grammar in my first post. Lack of sleep. Long graveyard hrs. Etc etc.
I didn't ask. I'm sure it was half-assed bragging. I really doubt he bought the whole stock as he's only showing 2 left. I'm hoping people are stupid enough to pay such scalpish prices.

My guess. He bought 4 not knowing he couldn't get all 4 to work. Saw that newegg just happen to be all out so thought he could turn a profit? *shrug*
1st off. Sorry for my terrible grammar in my first post. Lack of sleep. Long graveyard hrs. Etc etc.
I didn't ask. I'm sure it was half-assed bragging. I really doubt he bought the whole stock as he's only showing 2 left. I'm hoping people are stupid enough to pay such scalpish prices.

My guess. He bought 4 not knowing he couldn't get all 4 to work. Saw that newegg just happen to be all out so thought he could turn a profit? *shrug*

Sounds reasonable, but he COULD have gotten all four to work if he knew what he was doing and that's why I was intrigued by this, this isn't a simple or light hearted build and making this work ISN'T simple.

Get some rest!
Sounds reasonable, but he COULD have gotten all four to work if he knew what he was doing and that's why I was intrigued by this, this isn't a simple or light hearted build and making this work ISN'T simple.

Get some rest!
Can't! At work right now!! It never ends!!

you guys
3 SLI + 1 PhysX working. Pics/Benches in a hour or two.
4 SLI working. Pics/Benches in a hour or two.
2 CF + 2 PhysX in progress. Soon! :)
} BIO/Dmod v0.93

I didn't expect people to rant about things here due to my lack of info I provided. Let me clear some things ups:

I am not putting this together myself, I have 2 other friends helping me out. Also, we're performing this experimenting at my university's EE lab, so it's a very controlled environment. Nothing is burning down.

I bought a bunch of 480s/5970s to have a hot-spares available in case something went *wrong*. I also figured they would have a descent resale value, so I am selling two of each on eBay. If you wish to purchase one or two, please visit my eBay page: REMOVED

It's pointless for you to waste your time posting bullshit. Please be patient and I will show you guys what I have in words, numbers, and pictures.

Edit: The last picture is the OP is just my setup in my room, which I just wanted to throw in there. I also will be able to post results for a single 24" and 30" monitor as I don't have additional monitors available [at this time].
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3 SLI + 1 PhysX working. Pics/Benches in a hour or two.
4 SLI working. Pics/Benches in a hour or two.
2 CF + 2 PhysX in progress. Soon! :)
} BIO/Dmod

I didn't expect people to rant about things here due to my lack of info I provided. Let me clear some things ups:

I am not putting this together myself, I have 2 other friends helping me out. Also, we're performing this experimenting at my university's EE lab, so it's a very controlled environment. Nothing is burning down.

I bought a bunch of 480s/5970s to have a hot-spares available in case something goes *wrong*. I also figured they would have a descent resale value, so I am selling two of each on eBay. If you wish to purchase one or two, please visit my eBay page: REMOVED

It's pointless for you to waste your time posting bullshit. Please be patient and I will show you guys what I have in words, numbers, and pictures.

Edit: The last picture is the OP is just my setup in my room, which I just wanted to throw in there. I also will be able to post results for a single 24" and 30" monitor as I don't have additional monitors available [at this time].

Nice, can't wait for your results. I think that someone is being jealous with you playing with cards. They should know that they are not the only people with enough money to burn in this world.
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finally. I would lock this and post the updates in a new thread.
and put a big ass anti ATI trolls note in the new thread not to mention heat and power consumption in it, unless it was really really original & funny :D
Wow I can't believe I read the whole thread..
Also, WOW, heatlesssun, chill out a bit? You are whats single-handedly killing the pc gaming scene. No wonder they see enthusiasts as outcasts, you give the worst example. You're one of the most arrogant, pessimistic, jealous and just terrible poster I've seen in a LONG time. I suggest you go outside sometime.
This thread needs its own Xzibit parody, ex. video card in your video card so you can epeen out your epeen or something, lol.
Epic card config. Props to you sir for having the deep pockets and patience to wait click the "buy now" button.

Crazy overpowered GPU setup : check.
OP, start a new thread when your ready, this one has gone to far off topic .
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