Help me.. New HDD works perfectly on USB enclosure yet BSODs over SATA

Oct 8, 2007
Hi, so I bought a 1 Terabyte Western Digital Caviar Green Edition in October and just let it sit in a closet til yesterday.

I decided to install it as a 3rd HDD but it would crash when I tried to format it

I then tried to install W7 on it and still crashed and BSOD'd

So I decide to use it on my USB enclosure and what do you know, it works, I can copy large ISOs to it in 3 minutes or so, I copied 1GB of pictures on it and copied it again on the same drive with no problems (this would crash before on direct sata to mobo) I even partitioned it in 3 and copied data across all partitions with no problems but obviously I want SATA speeds and not USB speeds

Any help?

The HDD is drawing power directly from the PSU so its not a PSU problem

Thanks for any help, I attached a pic
My guess is it's your sata controller. Have you tried different ports? Also make sure you have the latest bios on your board, firmware for your controller (if it's separate from say your southbridge), and drivers for your controller in windows (intel storage matrix for example).

I would also run a memory test as well to check your ram if you are still having problems.
Hi, thanks for the quick response

Ive tried the exact same cables from my secondary HDD (unplugged them and put em on my new hdd) and it still has the same problem

EDIT: My motherboard is Asus A8N32SLi Deluxe with the latest firmware (1409)
Other specs:
CPU AMD Opteron 170
2 Gigs of Corsair PC4000 RAM DDR
1xSeagate 250gb
1x Hitachi 500gb
1x Western Digital 1 Terabyte (the HDD in question)
Antec 500W PSU

Im not using a separate SATA controller, im using the ones on my motherboard
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Any ideas? Ive tried everything I know.. the drive fails under linux on sata but it works over usb.. what could it be?
Sounds weird but maybe the fact that USB bottlenecks it somehow alleviates an issue that the SATA interface exacerbates? Kinda unlikely, could be some weird firmware/controller incompatibility (more probable, wouldn't be the first time, tho it's not common w/drives as generic as a WD Caviar Green)... Umm, dunno, that's a tough one. Can you try it in another system, on an e-SATA enclosure, etc?