My Son's Centurion 5 "mini worklog"

Ahh, well, I will be sure to check in. Also, your case mods are great. After browsing some of your worklogs, you definitely have talent. Think you might ever do a home theater?
Thanks everyone! Got the rest of the parts in and I have been working to get this build back up and going.. I am finally done.. I was sure to take a few pics here and there so I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story..

The picture below is of the hard drive rack that I removed..

Just ran 3dmark06 and scored: 11,354. Not bad. Definately not bad for a 13 year old boy. His processor is running actually nice and cool, idling at 29c on one core and 30c on the other core. I used AC MX-2 paste on the CPU & GPU. The vcore is set to 1.45v in the bios and showing 1.392v in CPU-Z. The 8800GTS 640mb card is running a mild overclock at 621 / 1512 / 900. His card was actually my "old" card that I was using in my Lian Li setup. GPU-Z is reading his temps at 46c (idle) with his fan set to 90% in Riva Tuner. I KNOW the card will do 684 / 1674 / 945 as it was running 24/7 in my Lian Li setup. I also believe his processor is capable of atleast 3.4ghz and could probably top out around 3.6ghz. Again, for a 13 year old boy, 3.2ghz at a 400 FSB is plenty.. LOL!
You have one lucky son! that computer is better than mine and im 13! but i paid for my computer by myself so......
Im really liking the color! another GeminII user!
Thanks y'all.. I posted some pics in the Centurion 5 thread.. It's official.. LOL. I forgot to post the pics with the side window installed.. (different angles in different lighting situations)..




Wow thats a awesome build. Lucky kid. My only sad moment is that too bad the PCB you couldn't change to match.
Wow thats a awesome build. Lucky kid. My only sad moment is that too bad the PCB you couldn't change to match.

Yeah.. A black PCB motherboard would have been nice.. sigh.. oh well.. I don't think there are any black PCB 650i ultra motherboards less than $89.99.
Just ran 3dmark06 and scored: 11,354. Not bad. Definately not bad for a 13 year old boy.

wah.. that's only a smidge off mine.. and i bet he gets food too.. i had to starve for my baby :p

awesome job, i hadn't checked back in a while.. but it looks EXCELLENT! !! :D:D
How is your motherboard working out for you? I am actually interested in this board (on a different build).

I don't have it, but it has some nice reviews, and people have a good time OCing it.

If I had to buy another board, especially if my case looked like the one in this log :D , I'd buy it.