** A Picture I Took - 2009 **

Did some B&W film shooting with my N90, and some Ilford HP5 400. Sorry for the bad scanning and all the dust and crud.


Here's a false-infrared shot taken from a relatively boring standard colour shot:

Workflow using PSE7:
- create duplicate layer
- convert to b&w (infrared effect)
- change blend mode to "Lighten"

I've also discovered a new workflow for real infrared photos (Taken with my Hoya R72 filter):
- DON'T use Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) to fix white balance
- I used Canon Digital Photo Professional (DPP) to fix my WB, just click on what you want to be the white point and it does the rest
- Adjust levels, sharpness, contrast, noise in DPP
- Export to JPG and load it in Photoshop
- Add an inverse layer
- set the blend mode to Color

More detailed descriptions and a couple more shots here: http://davelearnsphotography.blogspot.com/2009/10/leaves-are-turning-white-infrared.html
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Just finished my first photo shoot with models! The girls at my wife's salon wanted to enter a photo contest so here are the first few shots (converted from RAW, no other editing yet):

Looking for feedback on composition, etc. Plus editing ideas. I've got 350+ shots to sort though :(
Really more for show of time and place rather than equipment and skill. My camera is a point and shoot (SD1100IS) and there is no PP as I'm uploading from a net cafe - but I thought I would share! :p



NP, I relooked at the histogram and they seem fine. Plus this was a high fashion shoot, so that bright/high key was my intention. Plus shooting (and focusing) in pitch black with hundreds of hungry mosquitoes was not fun

Here is a creepy scared eerie (on purpose) shoot. I do not know if I like it or not.

i really liked the pic with the girl with the dress on the tree DT, was great

i went on a school field trip for 4 days, were herons, blue birds, coolest birds every, amazing beaches

didnt bring camera though :(, fml, going to go back soon
I think it would do her good to look at the camera; she's got interesting eyes.

Agreed, I just looked through all of my shots of her and she never once looked at the camera. Unfortunately she was my assistant for the shoot, helping me with the posing and such - I really need to learn how to work with models!

Here are a few more from the shoot:

She was leaning no the white roof of the Mini. I got the hair properly exposed (it is for a hairdressing photo contest), obviously her face is over-exposed but I kind of like the effect.

rescued with photoshop by darkening and blurring the background for some fake bokeh

I like that they're looking at each other in this one

still need to photoshop out the truck in the background

I don't know if I can rescue this one (arm on the right)
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wow @ the one with p&s camera and the dragonfly pic, howd you manage that?
Took this October 10th at 7:50AM; one of the first snows in Minnesota for the year. Took this right away in the morning, and it was freezing. That's Minnesota for you. 80 one day then snows the next.

Click image for larger version.
Here is a picture I took from the top of a parking structure not too long ago. I have done zero editing to it, it's part of a 3 piece that I want to make into an HDR but haven't gotten around to it yet. Let me know what you guys think. It was taken with a Digital Rebel, but I don't remember what lens it was.

Edit: Just kidding it's too big, I'll resize it when I get home.