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  1. X

    B&W 2 Problem- At Night Black Squares Shown Around The People

    All is ON in the game. And i was wronged, the black squares are not around the people, they are around the fire.
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    B&W 2 Problem- At Night Black Squares Shown Around The People

    As the title says, at night there are black squares around the fire! Maybe a patch will fix it? or it's a problem with nVidia cards?
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    If i have d3dx9_31 and d3dx10_31 in the same OS, it's a problem?

    I have d3dx9_31 and d3dx10_31 in the directory Windows/System32. But i'm afraid that it will make some problems with DX10 games or such... It will?
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    It makes problem if i have d3dx9_31 and d3dx10_31?

    I have d3dx9_31 and d3dx10_31 in the directory Windows/System32. But i'm afraid that it will make some problems with DX10 games or such... It will?
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    Have Problem with the first DX10 Game.

    I having a problem with the game "Lost Planet" the DX10 version. At first, it says that some DLL file is missing, so I downloaded it from a site. Then it says that other file is missing: "d3dx10_33" and I don't found it in the net. Maybe I need to install the DX10? I have 8800GTS 320MB with...
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    Need a Guide to Install Vista. Step By Step.

    I read a very good guide, but I have a problem... After I burn the "gparted-livecd-0.3.4-6" and reboot, it's not working, it's starting the XP everytime I try. I checked and it's seems that the CD-ROM is the first one which should work when the computer starts. But still it's not working. What...
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    Need a Guide to Install Vista. Step By Step.

    Hello. I wanna know how to install Vista on my computer, which has XP installed already. I don't want the Vista to overwrite the XP, because i don't think I will be satisfied from that OP. So how do I install two OP's on one computer? I need a guide to it or you can tell me easily?
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    What's the different: M2V-E & M2V-TVM?

    I have to know what's the different! Thanks. *srry- it's M2N-E!
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    The games doesn't work at all... Big problem :\

    My brother installed "Maple Story", but when he tried to play it, it didn't work. It became black and then returning to Windows like nothing happen. Then, he installed "GhostOnline", but the game didn't work too, the same as MapleStory. The strangest thing is that I can play UT2004 (but it...
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    Someone recommend me NDC memories. Generic but with all life...

    It's generic, but with all life warranty. Should I get it? it's alot cheaper than the kingston. 60$ cheaper. Their performances will be the same as other if I won't do any OC?
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    Can't access the Internet, strange problem.

    My Internet Explorer and FireFox are not working.. I think that it's not problem in my ADSL because when i tried to send ping to my internet supplier website, it worked. The problem is that the IE or the FireFox can't show me the website's pages. After I did System Restore, everything worked...
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    If I Bought New Computer, How Do I make him work?

    :eek: OMG, i'm stupid. sorry, I will fix that
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    If I Bought New Computer, How Do I make him work?

    And one more important thing is that I didn't buy a new computer. I just wanted to know how to do that, because as I said before- I never done that.
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    If I Bought New Computer, How Do I make him work?

    you are really funny :| Besides w1retap (thanks you), no one could answer seriously. So i never done it before, and i'm not a fucking nerd like you... so STFU. And how did you learn that at first?
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    If I Bought New Computer, How Do I make him work?

    yeah... :rolleyes: If i don't have operating system... It's enter automaticly to the BIOS, right? Should I define something in the BIOS?
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    If I Bought New Computer, How Do I make him work?

    I want to know how to install Windows for example, on a new computer with no operating system. Thanks.
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    Someone had already played with the GTS 320MB?

    I just wondered if someone have a GTS 320MB and can tell us how the games work on it. Games like Obilivion, Supreme Commander or Vegas.:)