If I Bought New Computer, How Do I make him work?


Mar 2, 2007
I want to know how to install Windows for example, on a new computer with no operating system.
yeah... :rolleyes:
If i don't have operating system... It's enter automaticly to the BIOS, right?
Should I define something in the BIOS?
yeah... :rolleyes:
If i don't have operating system... It's enter automaticly to the BIOS, right?
Should I define something in the BIOS?

Do you mean you have a blank hard drive, and you wish to install Windows on it?
Holy vagueness, Batman! I'm holding out hope that this is just a joke...but maybe not.

If you have no OS on the computer, you will really only be able to go into the BIOS and check things out. Other than that, you're going to have a really expensive picture frame that only displays the phrase "No OS found".
If i don't have operating system... It's enter automaticly to the BIOS, right?
Should I define something in the BIOS?

Um... not to be rude.... but if don't know the answer to this question, I would suggest you return the computer you bought, and head on over to BestBuy and pick one out that has an os installed for you.... but, yeah, that's just my advice, sooo.....
yeah... :rolleyes:
If i don't have operating system... It's enter automaticly to the BIOS, right?
Should I define something in the BIOS?

The world has passed you by. Hire someone or look into purchasing a typewriter ;)
I guess he figured out what to do then, if he moved on to playing games.

Actually that was his first of three total posts ;)

At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if he's staring at an empty computer case :D
You guys are funny...

So is the OP.

I'm still not sure what the question is in this case.

Sigh.. let us at least know what we are dealing with man.
1) Make sure computer is put together properly first.. look in owners manuals for everything.
2) Plug in computer to power outlet, make sure mouse, keyboard, monitor, and speakers are all hooked up and turned on as well if they need to be.
3) Press power button.
4) Go into BIOS with specified hot key on boot info screen. (usually the 'delete' key)
5) Go to your boot order configuration and set it to boot from CD-ROM first, then main Hard Drive.
6) Open CD/DVD-ROM and insert windows install disk of your choice, then close the drive.
7) Restart computer.
8) Boot from CD/DVD-ROM when it asks. (hit any key)
9) Follow on screen instructions for where to install windows.
1) Make sure computer is put together properly first.. look in owners manuals for everything.
2) Plug in computer to power outlet, make sure mouse, keyboard, monitor, and speakers are all hooked up and turned on as well if they need to be.
3) Press power button.
4) Go into BIOS with specified hot key on boot info screen. (usually the 'delete' key)
5) Go to your boot order configuration and set it to boot from CD-ROM first, then main Hard Drive.
6) Open CD/DVD-ROM and insert windows install disk of your choice, then close the drive.
7) Restart computer.
8) Boot from CD/DVD-ROM when it asks. (hit any key)
9) Follow on screen instructions for where to install windows.

TMI...for this thread.
TMI...for this thread.

Heh. YEAH! Way to take this thread seriously, w1retap!

English doesn't seem to be a native language, or he's really young. I'm hoping he knows what he purchased. He knew the term BIOS so props for that. He says he bought a new computer, which makes me think he bought a fully functional system from a store. But then he says there's no OS.

And he called it a 'him.'

Well, there really is no joking around on [H]ardForum. Every time I post up a funny picture or make a joke about these lame threads, I get temp-banned. The mods are ultra-gods with no humor and a bad attitude. :(
you are really funny :|
Besides w1retap (thanks you), no one could answer seriously.
So i never done it before, and i'm not a fucking nerd like you... so STFU.
And how did you learn that at first?
you are really funny :|
Besides w1retap (thanks you), no one could answer seriously.
So i never done it before, and i'm not a nerd like you... so STFU

Well now you're just asking for it. We took it seriously at first. You provided absolutely no details or context to work in.

And you still haven't.
you are really funny :|
Besides w1retap (thanks you), no one could answer seriously.
So i never done it before, and i'm not a fucking nerd like you... so STFU.
And how did you learn that at first?

Your response quoted above is 5,000 times more understandable than your first post. Don't get all pissy.
And one more important thing is that I didn't buy a new computer. I just wanted to know how to do that, because as I said before- I never done that.
Well now you're just asking for it. We took it seriously at first. You provided absolutely no details or context to work in.

And you still haven't.

Absolutely. We also learned by politely asking questions and participating in discussions. Definitely not by posting the most vague, senseless comments we could think of, and then copping an attitude with people who didn't have ESP to decipher what you were asking.
And one more important thing is that I didn't buy a new computer. I just wanted to know how to do that, because as I said before- I never done that.

The original post:
So... If i bought an new computer, what should I do now? :confused:

This sentence has both future and present tenses involved. We have no idea what to think. Have you actually bought a computer, or are you planning on it? And then buying a computer is different from building one.

If you give us crap, you're gonna get crap in return. Crap in, crap out. That's what my Stats teacher in high school would always say about calculators.
Well, there really is no joking around on [H]ardForum. Every time I post up a funny picture or make a joke about these lame threads, I get temp-banned. The mods are ultra-gods with no humor and a bad attitude. :(

Obviously you've never been to GenMay...
1) Make sure computer is put together properly first.. look in owners manuals for everything.
2) Plug in computer to power outlet, make sure mouse, keyboard, monitor, and speakers are all hooked up and turned on as well if they need to be.
3) Press power button.
4) Go into BIOS with specified hot key on boot info screen. (usually the 'delete' key)
5) Go to your boot order configuration and set it to boot from CD-ROM first, then main Hard Drive.
6) Open CD/DVD-ROM and insert windows install disk of your choice, then close the drive.
7) Restart computer.
8) Boot from CD/DVD-ROM when it asks. (hit any key)
9) Follow on screen instructions for where to install windows.

I have been out of the building loop since Jan. 2002. Then, I had to have a win98se start up disk to load cd rom drivers to use the OS cd. Has this changed to where cd/dvd drivers are on the motherboard?

Just curious
I have been out of the building loop since Jan. 2002. Then, I had to have a win98se start up disk to load cd rom drivers to use the OS cd. Has this changed to where cd/dvd drivers are on the motherboard?

Just curious

Yeah. Pretty much, the only drivers you need to worry about during OS installation are SATA drivers, but that's mainly with AMD boards. Intel boards tend to already have SATA drivers in the chipset.
Yeah. Pretty much, the only drivers you need to worry about during OS installation are SATA drivers, but that's mainly with AMD boards. Intel boards tend to already have SATA drivers in the chipset.

I haven't had to load SATA controllers since my K8N Neo Platinum 754 AMD board. I think nearly everything past that and you are ok. :p
I haven't had to load SATA controllers since my K8N Neo Platinum 754 AMD board. I think nearly everything past that and you are ok. :p

Heh, well I'm still running an NF7-S v2. I'm pretty outdated myself. :D
Since you quantified your computer as a "him", once you get the OS installed, it should be fairly smooth sailing. If it's a "her" be prepared for high maintenance costs and monthly down time. :D

Just an fyi I only had to install sata drivers for my gigabyte raid controller.

If you're installing Vista, other than for the absolute newest of motherboards, it should already have most of the latest drivers on the disc. It was refreshing not needing to install the RAID driver on my eVGA 680i board during install. As a matter of fact, I didn't have to install any motherboard device drivers after successfully getting the OS installed. Kinda nice.
you are really funny :|
Besides w1retap (thanks you), no one could answer seriously.
So i never done it before, and i'm not a fucking nerd like you... so STFU.
And yet, you wish to learn how.

Seriously, I'd return the system or get someone to help you. If this is your first time attempting anything beyond turning on a system, you are in way over your head.

Name calling and telling people to shut up IN THE VERY SAME THREAD you are asking for help in is typically a faux pas. People tend to clam right up. So I'd tone the attitude down a bit, were I you.