Need a Guide to Install Vista. Step By Step.


Mar 2, 2007
I wanna know how to install Vista on my computer, which has XP installed already.
I don't want the Vista to overwrite the XP, because i don't think I will be satisfied from that OP.
So how do I install two OP's on one computer? I need a guide to it or you can tell me easily?
You'll need to create a new partition on your drive, you can use GParted (free) to do this, use the live CD, and once that's done, install Vista on the new partition, and your set.

If that's not enough information, try this.;)
I read a very good guide,
but I have a problem... After I burn the "gparted-livecd-0.3.4-6" and reboot, it's not working, it's starting the XP everytime I try.
I checked and it's seems that the CD-ROM is the first one which should work when the computer starts. But still it's not working. What should I do?
Did you burn it as an image (correct) or just as a data disc with the file on it (incorrect)?