Search results

  1. S

    OC friendly 2x1gb?

    I have 2gb of the very nice, older version of these: I've never run into a problem with them and so I bought another 2gb of the same, but they didn't have the metal clips on the back of them like my original ones did. Turns...
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    RAM OC problems

    Last week I OC'd my Q6600, and it seemed to run fine. I lowered the voltage on the CPU while upping the settings on the RAM just a bit. I got a BSOD after this due to my RAM. I put everything back the way it was (default settings) and after several hours of use I got another BSOD for the same...
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    Can't get past 3.2ghz on a G0 Q6600

    I have my RAM at 2.2volts (default), but I didn't change North/South Bridge from auto mainly because I don't know what they default to and because some guides said they didn't make a huge impact. I don't think the sticky talks a lot about it, so could someone explain it or find a guide that...
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    Can't get past 3.2ghz on a G0 Q6600

    Alright, well Intel says their max recommended vcore is 1.5, so can I assume I can get to about 1.46 and not have to worry about killing my CPU for at least a year or two? What about my HSF?
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    Can't get past 3.2ghz on a G0 Q6600

    Current working setup @ 3.2ghz on a P5K Deluxe: vcore: 1.375 multiplier: x9 FSB: 356 I tried getting to 3.4ghz with 1.38~ volts (I've read 1.4volts is too much for an everyday setup), but I get BSOD's after about 20s of Prime 95. My RAM is at 5-5-5-15 and 1:1 ratio. Could it be my temps? My...
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    Tightening Tuniq Tower 120?

    The springs aren't fully compressed, but it's a little bit close, so I guess I'm at (or close to) an ideal right now since all looser combinations have given me higher temps so far.
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    Tightening Tuniq Tower 120?

    Since this is a huge cooler I figured that I'd need to tighten the screws. I'm getting decent temps right now (low to mid 30s with a Q6600 G0 at stock), but the problem is that with my Asus P5K Deluxe and Silverstone TJ-09 the screws can actually touch the motherboard tray if I go too tight. So...
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    Good temperatures for a nwely installed Q6600?

    So any opinions on the new temps?
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    Good temperatures for a nwely installed Q6600?

    I reseated the HSF so that it would blow air out towards the rear fan instead of the top fan. I also converted both top fans to intake and left the mid-section as intake. So far my temperatures have been 10C lower on the first two cores (46C to 37C) and about 5C lower on the last two cores (40C...
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    How to setup cooling in a TJ09?

    I just got a new PC (Q6600 G0, 8800GTX, Tuniq Tower 120, 2gb Ballistix...), but the CPU runs a little hot, so I was wondering what intake/exhaust setup you would suggest for a TJ09. I have 5 Scythe SFF21F's and 2 stock Silverstone 120mm fans if I need more. My Tuniq Tower 120 is currently...
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    Good temperatures for a nwely installed Q6600?

    Right now I have 5 120mm fans: 1 rear exhaust 2 top exhaust 1 mid section intake (towards GPU) 1 in between HDD cages My HSF is blowing air to the top of the case where the top vent fans blow it out. I was pretty sure that I had too many exhaust fans, but I just followed a guide. So...
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    Good temperatures for a nwely installed Q6600? Those are my temps just after about 30 minutes of Supreme Commander on a G0 Q6600 at stock clock speeds with AS5 and a Tuniq Tower 120. My idle temps are 5C lower than the CPU, Core #1, and Core #2 temps shown in the picture; while my...
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    W2207 or 2007WFP?

    Right now I'm debating between these two monitors. I need at least 20in mainly for PC and 360 games, but I'll also be watching some movies. My budget is about $350 and I'm open to any other monitors (as long as they're at least 20in).
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    Striker Extreme vs. Bad Axe 2

    Difficult in what way? I'm probably going to go with the Bad Axe 2 (60%), but I want to know if the Striker has any OCing advantages, or maybe there's a completely different board that'll OC even better.
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    Striker Extreme vs. Bad Axe 2

    Hey, I've asked this same question on this board before, but I've decided to change a few things, so I was wondering about which I should go with. My future system: E6600 OC'd as high as possible G.Skill HZs 2gb ddr2-800 320gb HDD e-SATA 1x 8800GTX eVGA ASC3 750watt PSU Both the Bad...
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    Best and cheapest 22in-27in LCD?

    How about the 2007WFP for a 20in? It's $360, a bit more than I'd like, but a refurbished one is about $260. Is there any reason not to get a refurbished monitor? I have bought a few refurbished parts over the years from Dell and, so far, they've all worked flawlessly.
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    Best and cheapest 22in-27in LCD?

    20in monitors are alright if they have a significant improvement in visual quality over the 22in. Any input on the 226BW?
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    Best and cheapest 22in-27in LCD?

    Alright, so if I want to watch an HD-DVD with my 360 I can use any of these monitors? So between these 2 monitors: the E228 and the Westinghouse; would the E228 be the best choice? I can get it for about $250. I don't really like the look of the BenQ, which is why I didn't include it. EDIT...
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    Best and cheapest 22in-27in LCD?

    Now it's between the Westinghouse and the BenQ. About HDCP, I'm probably going to go the easier route and buy the HD-DVD drive for my 360 and play movies off of that, so I'll only need an HDCP monitor. The BenQ is labeled explicitly as HDCP, but what about the Westinghouse? Or even the E228?
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    Best and cheapest 22in-27in LCD?

    I just read another thread that was talking about how all 22in LCDs are TN. I'm not exactly sure on what TN is, but they were referring to it as being bad, while in the sticky it said that TNs were really good for gaming. Can anyone clarify this a little more? I was able to increase my...
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    Best and cheapest 22in-27in LCD?

    I'm really liking that Westinghouse mainly for the better 360 support and price, but is there more to the Dell? I can get both for about the same price so I'm still a little undecided. Are there any other models that I should look at as well?
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    Best and cheapest 22in-27in LCD?

    I've got a tight budget between $200 and $300 for a widescreen LCD for my new computer. I don't know as much about monitors as I should, so I'm asking here: what would be the best monitor for me if I like to watch movies and play PC and 360 games on it? I've been lurking on this board for a...
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    Patriot PC2 6400 2gb

    I do prefer the G.Skill HZ's, but in that other topic about them someone said that the newer revisions were no longer D9 or as OC-able as they were in the older revisions.
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    Patriot PC2 6400 2gb

    Anyone know anything about these?
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    Patriot PC2 6400 2gb

    Here's the link: I read some articles that said that these were really OC-able and cheap at $125. Does anyone have any experience with these? I'm looking to find some good, relatively cheap RAM for this setup: E6600 eVGA...
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    Best 2gb memory for my system?

    I'm going to be building this soon: E6600 OC'd as high as possible 320gb PR HDD Badaxe 2 8800GTX I've looked on this forum for some RAM, but I couldn't find anything that was good for OCing an E6600. Any suggestions?
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    AGP club

    I'll join, I've got an XFX 6800 128mb AGP unlocked with 16pp and OC'd a bit. It's served me well for 3 years (new one coming in June).
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    8800GTX or an EN8800GTX

    I read an article in MaxPC that compared the EN8800GTX to the regular 8800GTXs, and they said that the EN was significantly better than the regular version (I don't think it's even OC'd) when using just one card, but in SLI 2 8800GTX's are much better than 2 EN8800GTX's. EN8800GTX...
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    8800GTX or an EN8800GTX

    C2D E6600 2gb ddr2 800 RAM 320gb HDD Badaxe 2 TJ-09 That's the computer I want to build in June, but I don't know which video card to put in it - 8800GTX or the EN version? I don't think I'll ever SLI my cards, which directs me to the EN, but I'm still not sure which one is better for my...
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    8800GTX or an EN8800GTX

    Sorry for the double post, just ignore this topic and let it be deleted.
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    Is it possilbe to OC a prebuilt's CPU?

    Thanks, I know that I can overclock my video card (6800 OC'd to ~360/~450 agp), but in the BIOS I can't change the CPU options, so I guess I can't, but here's the rest of my specs: 305watt PSU generic Intel mobo (not sure exactly which one) P4 2.8ghz HT stock HSF 160gb HDD 6800 OC'd AGP 1gb...
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    Is it possilbe to OC a prebuilt's CPU?

    I'm thinking it's not possible, but I'll ask anyway... How do I OC my Dell 4600's 2.8ghz P4 HT? What program do I need to "unlock" this ability?
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    TJO9 & TUNIQ TOWER 120

    Not to steal your topic, but what about a Zalman 9700? Will that be able to fit in the same conditions?
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    I need a good 975x board

    I've been told that since I'm only going to use a single EN8800GTX I should get a 975x mobo, but when I looked at some benchmarks it looks like the 680i chipset beats it in almost every category. Right now, I have the Striker picked out, but it's not too late to change. Would a BadAxe 2 be a...
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    Stacker 830 fans?

    Thanks, I think I'll look into getting a fan controller and not spending too much. I've got about $60 left over for this build and so I think I'm just going to get about 5 Yate Loons ($4 per fan). I'll spend the rest on the fan controller.
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    Stacker 830 fans?

    Thanks, that Scythe one looks pretty good, but any info on the Yate Loons?
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    Stacker 830 fans?

    I'm getting a stacker 830 evo in a few months for my new PC and I was wondering what fans I should put in it. Also, I was wondering how many fans the case can support, I've heard most people says seven, but I've heard others say nine. Any confirmation on this? Anyway, I heard that Yate Loon fans...
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    Fans for a stacker 830 evo?

    Which fans are best for the stacker 830 evo? I thought there were seven spaces for 120mm fans (4 side, 1 rear, 2 front), but I saw a site that said it had space for 9 120mm fans, where are the last two (if they exist)? I don't know much about fans, but I do know that I want it to be relatively...
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    Good mobo for the E6600?

    Thanks for that link. I think I'm all set now.
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    Good mobo for the E6600?

    I picked out this one at newegg: It's expensive, but they don't have anything cheaper, and I want to try and buy everything from one site unless there is a significant price difference somewhere else.