Good temperatures for a nwely installed Q6600?


Feb 20, 2007

Those are my temps just after about 30 minutes of Supreme Commander on a G0 Q6600 at stock clock speeds with AS5 and a Tuniq Tower 120. My idle temps are 5C lower than the CPU, Core #1, and Core #2 temps shown in the picture; while my Core #3 and Core #4 temps are about 10C lower. I installed the CPU and HSF about 3 hours ago, so it might be a little off of what my temps will be in a few days or a week. Also, I am looking to OC soon, so are these temps low enough to safely OC, or should I reseat the HSF and try for lower temps before I do anything else?
The temps seem about in range.
Have you followed the directions from AS website on application?

For my cpu, generally only 2-4 degrees difference between cores.
Doesn't seem like a big deal though. =)

Try to measure you load temps while running prime95. Might get a better estimate of full load temps.
Is your Tuniq Tower 120 fan pushing out the air to the back? Since you have the eVGA 8800GTX it's going to eat up the case with plenty of heat since you don't have a side fan. I have no doubt that the eVGA 8800GTX is heating up the system and your cpu. I have the Silverstone TJ07 but have modify the flowing of the fans with extra fans.

If I were you, I'll try to modify the 2 fans on top. Put the first fan(probably above your CPU) at the end sucking out the air and the other one blowing in cool fresh air. That way you have a nice flow with cool air coming in and heatsink fan will suck in that cool air and blow it out the back and top.

Another thing is that if you're using the stock cooling for your eVGA 8800GTX. Take out all the back brackets so that the heat can dissipate through them. Maybe adding in another 120mm fan blowing against your eVGA 8800GTX. Hopefully you have enough room to place that fan on top of your PSU and make it stick with some double sided adhesive. This will blow some air against you eVGA 8800GTX and some right out teh back. It dropped my video card temp down 10degrees when I did that. If you room is really cool, maybe try two top fans sucking in the cool air.
Right now I have 5 120mm fans:

1 rear exhaust
2 top exhaust
1 mid section intake (towards GPU)
1 in between HDD cages

My HSF is blowing air to the top of the case where the top vent fans blow it out. I was pretty sure that I had too many exhaust fans, but I just followed a guide. So tomorrow I'll switch the top fan (not above the CPU) to intake.
Right now I have 5 120mm fans:

1 rear exhaust
2 top exhaust
1 mid section intake (towards GPU)
1 in between HDD cages

My HSF is blowing air to the top of the case where the top vent fans blow it out. I was pretty sure that I had too many exhaust fans, but I just followed a guide. So tomorrow I'll switch the top fan (not above the CPU) to intake.

That's not good. What you're doing is that it's taking the hot air from the GPU and sucking it into your CPU heatsink. The other fans it too far away blowing against your video card. You would like to have it directly at it. I mean if you have no cool air coming in, what's the point really? It's like I'm in my hot room with the door close but windows is open blowing out the hot air. The heat just stay constant until you open the door and you'll cool down your room with a nice flow of air coming in and hot air going out.

Or try this. The back intake and the two top outake. That way you don't have to reseat your heatsink and see what temp you're getting for you GPU and CPU. Or else reseat you heatsink and so that it's blowing out the back with back fans outake, one above the CPU outake and the other intake. See what will give you better results.

EDIT: oh well. No matter what because you'll need to take out your heatsink since it's in the way of unscrewing your fans...
I reseated the HSF so that it would blow air out towards the rear fan instead of the top fan. I also converted both top fans to intake and left the mid-section as intake. So far my temperatures have been 10C lower on the first two cores (46C to 37C) and about 5C lower on the last two cores (40C to 34C). So now that all my temps are in the 30's, would I be in a good position to OC soon-ish? Also, now that I have the HSF oriented properly, I only have the top two fans to worry about. I think the first fan should remain as an intake fan since it cools the HSF and the GPU to a small extent, but I may convert the second fan to exhaust since I only have one exhaust fan now; although, the two exhaust fans are far apart, so it might not help, but it couldn't hurt to try it out.
For me, without any overclocking - my idle temps were around 35degrees. And load was around upper 40s to very low 50s..

If you'd like you may try to overclock just a little bit, to see how it affects the temps.