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  1. M

    Help with Raptor HD being slow

    have you enabled write caching from within device manager? Having it off can make a huge difference in performance.
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    What am I doing wrong? E6400 can't 400FSB

    It was Geil Black dragon 4-4-4-12. I thought in theory it should run up with those timings up to 800MHz but in practice it was not to be. I my try to tighten them later but at the mo just don't have time...
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    Low-Profile 775 HSF?

    what about the Zalman CNPS8000? 62.5mm tall which might just fit as the case is 82mm. will be tight though!
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    What am I doing wrong? E6400 can't 400FSB

    I have a very similar setup (p5b, E6400 &ddr2 800), and did quite a bit of work on my overclock last night, so its all still fresh in my mind. The main thing I had problems with was my memory timings and speed. It seems I was trying to run the memory too fast and with too tight timings (the PC...
  5. M

    Can my PC simply not overclock?

    I assume your motherboard is the MSI P35 Neo Combo? If so review seems to indicate your FSB can be raised from 200 - 500 MHz. I believe this was on a board running bios v1.0 so whilst updating may help you it may not be the root of your problem. If...
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    8800GTX still worth it?

    To me it would depend on the price I could get one for. If that price was not much more than one of the new 512 GTS's I might be tempted, but where I live they still sell for a bit of a premium. A gts is around 30% cheaper here in the UK and the performance gap between them isn't that large.
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    Upgrading my 6600GT - recommendations?

    I may be tempted to go for a 2600XT instead of the 7600GT if I was in your place, the comparison at toms hardware site puts it around 20% faster. Overclockers have one at around £68:
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    Hard drive size discrepancy

    System restore enabled? I may be wrong but I believe it reserves a certain amount of space on your root drive.
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    CPU too hot, no PWM, what do I do?

    If I remember rightly most 4 pin CPU connectors will fit on 3 pin motherboard headers as well (3 wires for fan speed monitoring, 4 for control, you may notice the guiders on the side of the connector are offset for this purpose). If you have one available try plugging the fan into a different...
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    Critique needed please

    Noise is not my primary consideration, at the moment I've got a couple of 75cfm case fans which could never be considered even remotely quiet. I'm looking for performance first, noise second. I understand that having a res is more for convenience than anything. If it gives nothing yet...
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    Critique needed please

    I'm thinking of building a water loop to replace the CPU cooler in my sig. I'm rock solid at 3.2 MHz but have to push 1.5v (bios setting) to achieve this. Idle temps are around the 50C mark, with load temps around 65-70 (TAT, 100% loading). To go faster would mean even more heat and I don't...
  12. M

    low temps on watercooling? please advise

    Don't have much experience with water, however in the past my observation has been that they way thermal paste is applied can have a huge impact on temperatures. With AS5 I've tried a thin layer applied all over with a credit card (dire result), a blob in the middle (better), and thin line down...
  13. M

    e6400 and Scythe Ninja B hotter than I'd like

    I have almost the exact same setup, E6400 & Ninja Rev B. The way in I differ is that I have a 120mm fan at the front and an 80mm at te side sucking air in as well. At stock speeds I idle at around the same as you: 33 - 35C, however under load I only increase to around 45C. @3200 MHz it idles at...
  14. M

    Intel Core Duo Processors?

    First I would like to say I have limited experience with either of these processors, however a quick internet trawl has come up with the following: Core Duo T2250 1733 MHz 2048 KiB 533 MT/s 13x 0.762/1.3 V 13.1-31 W Socket M May 2006 LF80539GE0302M Core 2 Duo T5200 1600 MHz 2048...
  15. M

    Looking for graphics card cooler

    I've just today received the Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZV9 and it kicks ass! The idle temps on my X1900XT were around 70C with its stock cooler, following fitting of the zalman they dropped to around 45! Given that arctic silver 5 takes a while to bed in I expect them to drop a couple of degrees...
  16. M

    Your suggestions for overclock this new rig

    I believe a quirk of these P5B's is that if you are using the "auto" setting for your vcore instead of a given value in the bios, when you raise the FSB your vcore is raised in line. I imagine this is how AI suite would do it too, so keep a wary eye on your temps if you go down this route...
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    Question about applying AS5 to a C2D

    I've tried a few variations on these instructions, ranging from a great big thick line a few mm deep to almost nothing. I found the best temperatures were obtained from a thin line probably 1-1.5mm in thickness right down the centre. I also put a couple of very thin lines at the outer edges...
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    Alright boys, what did I do wrong?

    Could it be something to do with the windows guest account? Don't have too much experience with XP pro but with the home edition it buggers up your file sharing if it is turned off.
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    Re-using stock heatsink

    Evening all! I have recently upgraded the heatsink on my e6400 to a scythe ninja, and am wondering if it it safe to re-use the HSF on my P4 650 system? I am aware the P4's run pretty hot in comparison to the C2D's, and am a little unsure that although they both take the same socket (LGA775)...