Hard drive size discrepancy

Mar 6, 2003
Hello, I have a 250gb Maxtor DiamondMax Plus hard drive. The C drive is a 48gb partition and when I look at its properties in My Computer windows says I've used 38gb, however if I highlight all the folders in the C drive and look at the properties window says I've used 23gb.

I am surprised that I could have used 38gbs in my C drive since all I do is keep my program files and a few personal files. If I right click the program files windows reports my program folder is 16gb large and my documents take up about 4gb and with the final 3gb in random folders/desktop. I am unable to find the remaining 15gb of used space.

I've tried clearing out my temporary files and running disk diagnostic programs that supposedly delete useless files. Can anybody help me figure out why there is a discrepancy? Is there something I'm not taking into account? I am dumbfounded by this because I've been trying to stay diligent in keeping my c drive clean. My only conjecture is that the program files are being counted twice because I have the administrator and my account in windows, that'd make the total program files 16x2 = 32gb and then the 7gb in the random files would make 39gb.

Also I'm sorry if this has been addressed in anohter topic, I spent sometime searching the forums and couldn't find any topic close to this one.

Thank you for the help.
check the recycle bin... and if there's a file in there, check its size.
Here is a free app that is similar to SpaceMonger, it will show you what is taking up your hdd space. Hope it helps.
System restore enabled? I may be wrong but I believe it reserves a certain amount of space on your root drive.
System restore enabled? I may be wrong but I believe it reserves a certain amount of space on your root drive.

Not just a certain amount but approximately 12% not to mention your page file is probably on the c drive and that is typically 1 to 3 gig in size