8800GTX still worth it?


Dec 21, 2004
like the title says is the 8800GTX 768MB still worth it? most likely wont upgrade for 2-3 years and game at 1600x1200 with minimal AA and AF, not really any new titles because nothing really grabs my eyes, also my processor will either be my E4400 oced with 2 gigs o ram, or i might get a quad, and slap it into one of those shuttles or just a P35 board(still up in the air)
Its worth the update since the next gen tech wont arrive until mid 2008.
It depends. In my eyes, yes it is worth it. Seeing that you want to wait nearly 3 years until you upgrade, it is something that maybe worth the money. In the future, as more demanding games are released, I can possibly see the 8800GTX pull away from the rest of the 8800 series.

I have one, and love it. Granted, besides GW2, I do not see any titles that grasp my mind in 08.
To me it would depend on the price I could get one for. If that price was not much more than one of the new 512 GTS's I might be tempted, but where I live they still sell for a bit of a premium. A gts is around 30% cheaper here in the UK and the performance gap between them isn't that large.
I think so as mine is arriving today. Moving up from a flurry of eVGA 7900GTX RMAs (5) and a 7950GX2.