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  1. B

    The "Sweet Spot" Of Game Prices

    What is the price point for which you wait for a new game to fall before you consider purchasing it? I have friends that are die-hard members of the get-it-the-day-it-comes-out mindset, while others insist upon waiting for an interesting title to grace the bargain bin before doing so. For me...
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    A Frightening Trend In Online Gaming

    If you read my posts in their entirety, you would discover that I am not talking about Call of Duty 4 at all (I have not even played the game). By means of true realism, Red Orchestra got close, too, but ultimately fell short. And what Chombo stated is completely true.
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    A Frightening Trend In Online Gaming

    Thank You.
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    A Frightening Trend In Online Gaming

    I didn't know that scoring kills by randomly throwing grenades makes you a better player.
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    A Frightening Trend In Online Gaming

    This is true, but then wouldn't it make sense to classify servers based upon player's style instead of just game type? I know that Xbox Live has attempted to do this with Gamer Zones, though such features should be specific to the game, not just the network it's featured upon.
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    A Frightening Trend In Online Gaming

    I'm talking about those people who run up to a wall, lob a grenade in the general direction of the enemy's spawn point, and wait for the kills. It's especially fun when you've just respawned and instantly die. *Edit* I'm not bashing grenades, only those that use them to compromise the fun...
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    A Frightening Trend In Online Gaming

    I am beginning to notice a frightening trend when playing games ("realistic" PC shooters, specifically) online. It seems that the already huge population of people who derive the majority of their kills through randomly throwing of grenades is growing. On the tactical side, a grenade should...
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    Budget Gaming Combo - What do you think?

    I recommend a Gigabyte board instead. The bios settings are well worth the small price hike.
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    New comp part list

    You can't go wrong with Corsair for power supplies, but if you could spring for a modular, uh, model (a member of the Corsair HX series), you would have much better cable management. But that's just my opinion.
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    Out Of The Loop - Please Help

    Hey guys- I've been out of the technological loop since about mid-January, at which point a I finished building the system described in my signature. Has anything truly monumental or at least notable happened since then?
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    My 5000BE arrived today.....

    I received mine about a month ago for use in my new build. Runs great - fast, cool - the awesome packaging is simply a bonus. You won't be disappointed with your purchase, trust me. Don't forget to hold onto the black edition stickers, too.
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    Which one is best? OCZ, Mushkin or Corsair?

    Mushkin has a line of power supplies, too. Are they any good?
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    These Parts + This PSU = No Issues, Right?

    Looking into a PSU for a mid- to low-end gaming build ($800) The parts list is as follows... LITE-ON Combo Drive - COOLER MASTER Centurion 5 - Western Digital...
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    HD3850 512MB Versus 2900PRO

    Just looking around for a good midrange video card. Down to two now - The HD3850 512MB Edition - $199.99 <> And the 2900PRO - $164.99 <> With a $35 price...
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    AMD, Please Don't Die

    Hornet, I am not a die-hard fan. Nor did I purchase a "botched" product (5000+ Black Edition, in fact). When AMD sees that everyone is ignoring Phenom and continuing to buy its older models, it will hopefully acknowledge defeat and return to its roots of low-priced, quality processors. I...
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    AMD, Please Don't Die

    I have recently decided to use an AMD processor - rather than an Intel - in my new system build. One would think that my decision would have been based upon performance, accessibility, overclocking potential and all the other aspects of a good CPU. No. My decision was based almost...
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    Decent Budget Video Card

    Sorry for the repetitive posts, alg7_munif, but I'm just one who cares to ensure that I am making the right decision before I go and spend quite a time's savings upon something I'll regret later due to insufficient research on my part. I am willing to sacrifice some processor power if it means...
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    Decent Budget Video Card

    Receiving parts from NewEgg. I'm no fan of budget video cards either, if I'm going to go all the way to $100, I'd might as well just spring for an X1950GT or a 2600XT. Maybe I'll just go with onboard video until I have the funds necessary to get a decent card. And no, I do not require DX10...
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    Decent Budget Video Card

    Total budget is $600 for an E4500-based system, $550 of which has already been used up. Plan to run on a standard CRT monitor, low resolution, probably have to be medium-low settings on new-ish games for only a $50 card, wouldn't it?
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    Decent Budget Video Card

    Thanks for taking the time to review this post. I am currently building a budget gaming rig, and eventually plan to purchase and HD3850 for it, but am presently unable to do so because of a limited budget. I was wondering if there were any video cards (keyword: decent) that you would recommend...
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    $130 Mid-Range Video Card

    Okay, since my budget does include shipping, stretching it $30 isn't that big of a deal. By the way, what makes the HD3850 such a good mid-range card? It seems like everyone recommends it now.
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    $130 Mid-Range Video Card

    Looking for a mid-range video card to accompany an Intel E4500 budget gaming build. DX10 is not necessary because I do not plan on crossing over to Vista quite yet. All other components are priced out, leaving just about a $130 margin for a average video card. I've heard some decent things...
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    OK, I'm pretty sure that this is the setup that I will be going with, unless any of you strongly disagree with any one of my selections G.Skill 2GB RAM E4600 Core 2 Duo Processor GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS3L P35 Motherboard XClio Goodpower 500W PSU Sapphire X1950GT GPU Western Digital Caviar 160GB Hard...
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    Another question - At this point, I don't have too much time to just sit down and work on overclocking a processor. For a model that would perform well at stock (gaming performance is an absolute must) until I have some free time, should I still go with an Intel build? Also, someone had...
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    That's interesting. Although DDR3 RAM would probably be lower in price by then (one would hope), I'd rather just be able to update my processor without having to worry about purchasing another cooler, motherboard and set of RAM just to keep up with technology. Even so, I hope that lack of need...
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    Thanks so much for the help, guys. I will probably be posting a final parts list within the next month or so, but this definitely helped me on my way. Now my main goal is just deciding on a decent motherboard, changing my PSU from that horrific Rosewill (probably to the Corsair as Danny...
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    Okay, thanks for the help. It will probably be a toss-up between the E4500 and E4600, but the Black Edition's price is still pretty enticing. Through NewEgg's customer reviews, it appears that Intel motherboards tend to have better reputations than those made for AMD chipsets (certainly a...
  28. B

    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    In that case, I'll probably just ignore the E6550. By the way, the E4600 is still somewhat in my price range - what are the multipliers like on that compared to the E4400? I'd imagine that the performance difference would not be that significant between the two, regardless.
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    Wow, those Intels are looking much better now (especially the E6550). Just one question though - I'd be going with the 5000+ Black Edition if I were to go AMD at all. The benchmarks in the links are merely labeled "5000+". Would there be any performance difference between the generic 5000+...
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    The main reasons why I am considering the 5000+ for my first build are due to its unlocked multipliers (ergo a high overclocking potential), price tag and raving reviews by owners. Apparently, it can be overclocked to 3.1ghz without changing the stock voltage and still runs fairly cool (65nm...
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    What are the advantages to going Intel versus going AMD? Does it really just depend upon what one wants to do with the system?
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    $600 AMD Gaming PC

    Thanks for taking the time to review this build. I'm still hesitant in deciding on a motherboard (probably going to be a sub $100 gigabyte board) and graphics card ( most likely between the 8600GT and 8600GTS). Parts List For First Build Rig: COOLER MASTER RC-690 Case Western Digital...
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    Common PC Building Errors

    Just thought it was a good idea to create a thread for those new to computer building (myself included) as a reference to common beginners' errors and what to do to avoid them. While certain building aspects go without saying (grounding oneself before handling parts, etc.), I'm sure that there...
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    Buy Now Or Wait?

    Just wondering if I should buy a CPU now (a E6850 or Q6600, probably, but possibly a 6000+ or a 6400+) or simply wait until the new ones are released towards the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008. I'm currently in the process of pricing out system components on NewEgg for what will become...
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    They should really try to keep the MW3-esque customization, too.
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    Oblivian, mod screws magika regen.

    The only thing that I can think of would be that you may have the "atronach" birthsign, the one that prevents you from regenerating magicka. I have downloaded plenty of mods, and have had not problems with them [so far]. Hope that helps answer your question.
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    Rainbow Six: Vegas Question

    Here is a question regarding Rainbow Six: Vegas: is it possible to customize one's character without going online? I'm pretty sure that the character customization menu is only accessible after going to Xbox Live in the multiplayer menu. But, being one without Xbox Live, I am eager to know...
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    Test Drive: Unlimited Question

    Here is a question regarding Test Drive: Unlimited for the Xbox 360: is it possible to buy new rims or an interior after a car is purchased? I know that one is able to select rims and an interior at the time of purchase of a vehicle, but I do not know if one can go to a particular shop and...
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    Rainbow Six: Vegas Question

    Here is a question regarding Rainbow Six: Vegas: is it possible to customize one's character without an additional controller? I'm pretty sure that the character customization menu is only accessible after going to multiplayer options and then selecting a game mode, namely split-screen. But...
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    Question About Test Drive Unlimited

    How do I sell a car in Test Drive Unlimited while OFFLINE ? Please respond soon.