A Frightening Trend In Online Gaming

you want 'nade spam? Try dealing with a medic with a supply crate in Quake wars....sheesh! :eek:
Seriously though, 'nades are just part of the game. Some will abuse; most will use them as they were intended. Just got to deal with the no-skill spammers.....usually by means of a well-placed head shot...:D
While I get irritated that people will spawn camp and spam nades (playing BF2), I don't think there is much you can do to correct the issue. America's Army attempts to fix this by limiting your spawning to once per round and making the spawn areas further apart from each other. But AA allows a bunch of grenades per person, so they tend to get tossed frequently once you are within range.

Haven't played CoD4, so couldn't speak about it. I have had the bad experience with BF2 maps where I spawn and instantly die due to a number of spam 'naders camping. I would switch to a different spawn location and have a similar experience. I think one map I managed to die 7 times at 7 different locations without having time to move after spawning before I got fed up and just stayed dead.

I do find it interesting that often the people who complain about snipers are the ones tossing grenades over a wall to a spawn point. And vice versa.
The inherent problem is that we haven't had a truely "realistic" shooter in about 6-7 years. Even Raven Shield had nadespam. On certain maps like [MP] Training, the first 20 seconds was a nade toss event. I think the best handling of the grenade problem was to make grenades a kit option that you had to select. If you selected grenades you would be forgoing a secondary weapon for example. Ghost Recon 1 made you forgo your M9 if you wanted Frags. For forgo your M9 if you wanted an M203 or a LAW. Really makes you think twice.
When I read the title I thought you were gunna say something like "spouting obscene and racist remarks". :) But I guess that trend kicked in a few years ago.

Nades? Some games have way too much nade spam. For instance, the ship level on COD 4. God, that just gets old.

For the most part though, it's fine. Especially if you can throw them back :D
Anyone ever play a 8v8 or 10v10 match in fy_iceworld in CS1.6 with flashbangs and HE grenades enabled?

Once the round starts and all of those nades come flying through, you're pretty much SOL because you can't see worth jack shit and your health is pretty much all gone

Round ends.
You spawn.
Flashes & Nades come everywhere.
You die.
Round ends.

Rinse & Repeat
I am beginning to notice a frightening trend when playing games ("realistic" PC shooters, specifically) online. It seems that the already huge population of people who derive the majority of their kills through randomly throwing of grenades is growing. On the tactical side, a grenade should not be utilized as one's primary weapon. It should be used when a large group of enemies is encountered in tight formation. On the entertainment side, I believe that random grenade kills are quite cheap and rather irritating to many players who are there to have fun and not to take advantage of the game's parameters. I do not believe that grenades should be removed from games, for there is something truly satisfying abut seeing a chain of kills appearing on one's screen. I do believe, however, that something should be done to limit their exploitation in online matches.

I agree with you! I hate it when people throw 'blind nades' over buildings in COD4 and get kills.
I agree nade spaaming sucks. Classic case is the Carantan map in COD2, grenades are coming over buildings over walls you name it. I do like the servers which have "rules"....
It's a crowded pub; did you NOT expect people to randomly toss 'nades? Chaos prevails in a pub..

Oh, and here's yet another reason not to play TF2; no grenades. Makes everything a lot more enjoyable.
i disagree completely, most nade kills are the result of a skillful throw. I have yet to play a "modern" tactical shooter where the blast radius on nades was ridiculous and the damage given was completely unbalanced. I'm assuming you're talking about CoD4, at which point you need to quit camping and avoid radar detection... it's that simple. nades in graw2, cs:s, cod4, rs:v, and even gta4 are completely reasonable.

kind of agree sometimes fluke though
The point is: what is fun. Games are made to be fun. I find nade spamming unfun, so I like to play on servers which monitor and discourage such activity. If your not having fun, take your marbles somwhere else.
I'm not gonna agree with the OP 100%. But he does have a good point. I play black hawk down. and the spawn points in there are similar to what i think he is tlaking about in his 2nd post. It does get frustrating when people chuck 'nades randomly.. but its part of the game. But, i there are many people who actually use their nades like they should. They throw them in the group on a small map or something.

just my $.02
No one said nades were fair, same as IED's in Iraq, but people use them.

I'd take nade spamming over spawn camping any day. They'll run out of grenades faster than bullets.
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Valve for the wise decision to remove the 'every class has hand grenades' nonsense from Team Fortress 2, prior to release.

They removed a lousy mechanic. No relying on server-specific rules. No relying on server-specific configuration. I know I can join any TF2 server, and know that I'm dealing with the same rules, every time.
Good lord, justifying something bad by saying "well at least it's not something worse"

How about neither? I refuse to believe theres no decent game dynamics wich supports it.
some think so. hey its the developers job to keep it from happening right? whatever it takes to win, thats the mentality.

I disagree completely. He didn't say anything about cheating. Cheating and playing within the confines of how the game is made are two different things.

You might think nade spamming is comparable to cheating, but by definition, it isn't.....it's your opinion.

Anyway, the point of my post is where do you get off putting words in his post? If you don't like the was the game is made, don't play it. Quite simple really.

Grenades in Day of Defeat: Source are amazing and they're very important. They're not just for fun like in CS or just for throwing randomly like in CoD games.

Smoke grenades can save groups of people from snipers and machinegunners and frag grenades can take out hidden snipers/MGs and save many lives. If you throw them randomly you'll rarely get any kills (unless it's at the start of a map when everyone rushes the middle point) so I think it all depends on the game and how you play it.

I've never had a problem with grenades in any online game except if you count CS/CSS and people who flash their own team. Then again I do not camp the same spot so I rarely get killed multiple times with grenades.
While we're at it, does anyone here use anything other than auto-assign? I could swear to god I'm the only person ever to play FPS games that has even seen the auto-assign option, let alone clicked on it.
I always use auto assign, which means you're put on the team with less players, and thats always the losing team because most people switch from the losing side to teh winning side until autobalance kicks in.

Frustrating playing the underdog, especially in games like TF2 where you can't really do a lot to actually aid the team on your own.
I am beginning to notice a frightening trend when playing games ("realistic" PC shooters, specifically) online. .

This is your problem right here, the games you are talking about are not "realistic" in ANY way, shape, or form, except the fact that they use real world weapons, gear, etc.

COD4 isn't even CLOSE to "realistic", anyone that thinks or says so is in some dire need of a reality check. Calling COD4 realistic, is like calling Counter Strike realistic...

There are no real world tactics is use here. People don't really lob grenades like 50 yards, through a window with precision.

If you want "realism" then you should try operation flashpoint or Armed Assualt (Flashpoint being better IMO). This is as close to real as you will get in a game.
This is your problem right here, the games you are talking about are not "realistic" in ANY way, shape, or form, except the fact that they use real world weapons, gear, etc.

COD4 isn't even CLOSE to "realistic", anyone that thinks or says so is in some dire need of a reality check. Calling COD4 realistic, is like calling Counter Strike realistic...

There are no real world tactics is use here. People don't really lob grenades like 50 yards, through a window with precision.

If you want "realism" then you should try operation flashpoint or Armed Assualt (Flashpoint being better IMO). This is as close to real as you will get in a game.

No they aren't. They aren't remotely realistic. If they were you wouldn't be able to get a running on swing/stab knife kill against a guy wearing that much gear and body armor. It is a game. It is supposed to be fun to play. They make it look as realistic as possible and more importantly they try to make it fun. Most of the time making it fun means that the realism needs to be toned down some.

I can't stand the realistic tactical shooters. I'm not remotely patient enough for that. I like the arcade style military games like COD4 because they are more entertaining to me.
in CS:S A nade can't kill a player with full health, the most I've ever been hit for is 85 with body armor, :p
Also...as far as setting custom rules go, I think thats perfectly acceptable, if somoene buys/rents their own server they have every right set whatever rules they please, as long as they state said rules when you enter the server using some sort of MOTD I don't have a problem with that. If you don't like rules then leave, simple as that.

That is the most important part. It's THEIR server. So, it's THEIR rules. If they put it in the MOTD, abide or go elswhere.

I will admit to not caring for nade spam, but it is part of the game. I would be a lot more pissed if they removed nades from CoD4. That is the only way to totaly stop nade spam.
in some games it seems like you can throw it the length a football field if you look at the right angle. making grenades so you can't throw them really far is another way to reduce grenade spam.
I disagree completely. He didn't say anything about cheating. Cheating and playing within the confines of how the game is made are two different things.

You might think nade spamming is comparable to cheating, but by definition, it isn't.....it's your opinion.

Anyway, the point of my post is where do you get off putting words in his post? If you don't like the was the game is made, don't play it. Quite simple really.


my point is 'cheating' has a different definition to many in the gaming world. Stacks up like this in terms of gameplay that people deem cheating, from mild to most hated.

1. 'Cheap', but effective tactics(camping, grenade spam, using known overpowered weapons that are clearly not balanced and will probably be patched).

2. Bug exploiting within game(first party)(reload bug, damage bug, see through wall in certain places, etc, )

3. Third-party cheats(full-on wallhacks and aimbots)

Where do you draw the line on whats acceptable?

Some people think its acceptable to play the game any way they can, that their ability to get a third-party cheat gives them passage to demolish people online because of it. Some people just want to win more than others and they do what they have to do in order to accomplish their goal similar to how the US tortures the enemy for the greater good. :D(half-joking there)
I am beginning to notice a frightening trend when playing games ("realistic" PC shooters, specifically) online. It seems that the already huge population of people who derive the majority of their kills through randomly throwing of grenades is growing. On the tactical side, a grenade should not be utilized as one's primary weapon. It should be used when a large group of enemies is encountered in tight formation. On the entertainment side, I believe that random grenade kills are quite cheap and rather irritating to many players who are there to have fun and not to take advantage of the game's parameters. I do not believe that grenades should be removed from games, for there is something truly satisfying abut seeing a chain of kills appearing on one's screen. I do believe, however, that something should be done to limit their exploitation in online matches.

it should be used when it gets the kill or does the damage. If your getting hit by noobs "randomly" (although apparently not if it gets you) throwing nades then... well sorry bud your not very good at that game.
haha in halo 3 online, half of my kills are usually from grenades but not randomly..if i see two people fighting i throw a grenade in between them and get both their kills.

Stick grenades are your friend when someone has a shotgun
The problem with multiplayer games is that you have to play with other people. People will eventually ruin the game.
This is your problem right here, the games you are talking about are not "realistic" in ANY way, shape, or form, except the fact that they use real world weapons, gear, etc.

COD4 isn't even CLOSE to "realistic", anyone that thinks or says so is in some dire need of a reality check. Calling COD4 realistic, is like calling Counter Strike realistic...

There are no real world tactics is use here. People don't really lob grenades like 50 yards, through a window with precision.

If you want "realism" then you should try operation flashpoint or Armed Assualt (Flashpoint being better IMO). This is as close to real as you will get in a game.

If you read my posts in their entirety, you would discover that I am not talking about Call of Duty 4 at all (I have not even played the game).

By means of true realism, Red Orchestra got close, too, but ultimately fell short.

And what Chombo stated is completely true.
I agree with you.Theres nothing more I hate than a little p@#%! scared to get into a fight,insted he will run by and throw grenades in a room full of people fighting.Were not throwing grenades at each other,so dont come with your cheap skillz and try to get a cheap kill.