
Peter Mann

Oct 22, 2000
Call me ancient but I once loved the Mechwarrior franchise. I yearn to climb into a mech again and kick some heavy metal ass.

Where in god's name are the Mech games ?????
I'm so bored with the cliche FPS's out there....

With the awesomeness of current and upcoming graphics hardware and engines, the mere thought of some Mech glory is enough to wet my pants, but don't see anything out there on the horizon..
Yeah, I think it's out there somewhere with Wing Commander... Those Mechwarrior RTS games they put out several years ago stunk. I think the IP is going down the toilet if another company doesn't buy it.
I really liked the Hearvy Gear games. Not as big of robots as MW but it had better graphics.
I really liked the Hearvy Gear games. Not as big of robots as MW but it had better graphics.

Heavy gear 2 was awesome. For some reason I cant play it though. I get a error saying that im missing some codec or something :confused:

Anyways Mechwarrior is pretty much dead until MS revives it or sells the IP.
A MW5 would be awesome with todays graphics capabilities. I always thought the graphics in 4 were disappointing. Could have been so much nicer. And the UI...horrible. But fun game. Especially with a joystick. The books are pretty damn good as well, until you get into the dark era or whatever they call them now.
Mechwarrior 2, and Mechwarrior 2 Ghost Bear, launched me into my obsession with computers. I Enjoyed the Mech Commander games, but I did not enjoy the mech assault games on the XBOX.

I really wish Microsoft hadn't ruined mechwarrior. :(
damn straight, i miss the mech games....

3 was so goddamn awesome.... 4 was a letdown when u consider it followed 3, but brought crappier gfx and gameplay, but still fun.

i want a MW5 so bad
We should send MS an email letting them know we don't want the series to die. Never know it could help. As far as I know the series was a big seller. This thread brings back fun memories.
I think we are over saturated with cookie-cutter FPS games and fantasy role-playing games.

Seeing as how there are so many loyal fans of the original Mechwarrior series and that there are no good Mech games out there, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that a well made game will clean up ! It couldn't be more obvious.

Heavy Gear 2 was a pretty good game but no way near Mechwarrior 1&2. Those were masterpieces, done the right way, with the submersive back story etc etc.

Everything nowadays is hack & slash. I'm just tired of that. I want to ride in the ultimate battle tank.... a mech and have massive multi-player field battles against other 'clans' on far- away worlds. Mechwarrior combines the FPS with the flight sim and strategy game.

What could be better???
If a new Mechwarrior sim came out for the PC I'd would upgrade just for that. Hell I would be happy if they just took mw2 and updated the graphics and added a bunch of multiplayer stuff. I did enjoy mechassault for the xbox, but I really do prefer the sim aspects of the pc mechwarriors
Mechwarrior 2, and Mechwarrior 2 Ghost Bear, launched me into my obsession with computers. I Enjoyed the Mech Commander games, but I did not enjoy the mech assault games on the XBOX.

I really wish Microsoft hadn't ruined mechwarrior. :(
Ever try Steel Battalion?
I just thinking about an MW5 a few weeks ago, I even discovered the old Mektek site still exists and has fresh forum activity, altho it runs slow (anyone who played MW3 should know who Mektek was as they were the primarily source for mods back then).

I thought MW4 rocked. When it was released it was very nice. Not sure what UI issues you have, I got along pretty well with the UI, but mebbe thats just me. Been awhile since I played too so maybe I dont recall correctly.

I do think single player wise MW2 was the best. I never really got into the MW3 and MW4 story lines; MW2 however really pulled me into the MW universe.

We should create a website and do a letter campaign to get MW5 going. Sad it was canceled ever so long ago.

ATM, MS is using the license just for its MechAssault line for the Xbox so I doubt they will sell it off as they are using it for 1rst party dev to support their ahrdware dev.

Mebbe we should bug MS to start dev computer games again; guarantee you if we send the product manager in charge of the IP a couple of thousand letters/emails he will think about it. I recall it worked with Sierra to get them to do QGV and they released, despite losing money on it (they at least tried and finished out the series in any event).
Ever try Steel Battalion?

Wasn't that the game with a controller the size of a small country ?

Edit: Yup it sure was :p NO i never played it, although it looked pretty cool. It was just never in stock.

If you live in the DFW area I strongly reccomend you check out They have a set of 8 PODS from the Virtual World days and are running what equats to Mechwarrior in them. But these are full blow pods... pretty cool if you like that sort of thing. They also have a forum you can check out.
im remember playing mechwarrior in pods like that at dave n busters a few years back. I pwned shit up in my timberwolf. It was like 10 bucks to play a 5 min round or something.
If you live in the DFW area I strongly reccomend you check out They have a set of 8 PODS from the Virtual World days and are running what equats to Mechwarrior in them. But these are full blow pods... pretty cool if you like that sort of thing. They also have a forum you can check out.
Damn that is tight.
If you live in the DFW area I strongly reccomend you check out They have a set of 8 PODS from the Virtual World days and are running what equats to Mechwarrior in them. But these are full blow pods... pretty cool if you like that sort of thing. They also have a forum you can check out.

A little off topic but BattleTech (which is what Mechwarrior was based on, originally a FASA board game of which Mechwarrior was the RPG element) in the pods was no where near as good as Red Planet, the VTV (Vectored Thrust Vehicle) racing game, that they had at Virtual World. Still, hands down, the best racing game I have ever played. If someone ever developed that game for PC or a Console, I would sell off members of my family, if I had to, to buy whatever was needed for me to quad boost down Headoffice in a Speck again or play Martian football and rocket along on 6 boosts into the other team's runner.

That being said, Mechwarrior was awesome. I did like Mechwarrior 4 when it first came out. They did alot to address the gameplay balance issues that existed with the earlier incarnations.
I never got very far into MW4. I played MW2 and MW3, and 3 was my favorite. In fact, this thread is making me want to reinstall it and play through it again. :) Gotta find my joystick first though...
I bet someone will get some -possibly- retarded idea and make a BTech MMOG. Pick a house of clan and start battling over the inner sphere.
I still occasionally reinstall MW4: Mercenaries. It's just a solid gaming experience. I even created a .iso image of the disk after it started getting cracked from use so I have a copy at all times on my HDD.
I think Mech Warrior 3 was the last good Mech Warrior. Mech 4 just foofooed too much you could no longer strafe and jump jet around. Only jump jet forward. They also foofooed the omni mech and made all mechs have projectile, missle and energy hard points. The customization wasn't there and the gameplay was lousy. It was all around alot worse then 3 and the graphics wasn't better at all.
I'd be down for another Mech. However, I don't have the time that I used to. I started out with Mech 2 right before the release of 3. Mech 3 I was all about clan play. Ahh the good times :D I had high hopes when Mech 4 was released but unfortunately, it sucked IMO. The gameplay online was based more on hiding behind objects, rocketing up & launching missiles, then dropping back down behind the object. Everyone seemed to do it and it was BS.
I played Mech Warrior for the SNES way back then. It was a good game for its time, but got really repetitive after a while.
I started out with mw2 and it was awesome, I played mw4 for hours on end though, and I would like to see a mw5, if done properly it could bring back so many good memories and good gameplay.
If you had a moment to ask Bill Gates any one thing, would it be for him to rekindle the MechWarrior Franchise?

I would.
mechwarrior 2 mercenaries was the pinnacle of mech gaming.

althogh it was pretty funny in wm3 i loaded up my mech with ALL heavy lasers and PPCs and did 1 alpha strike and my mech blew up in my own face because of that much heat.
I need to fire up MW 3 or 4 again ... seeing how I have a joystick for it.

I can't even imagine a MW game on a SNES, how the hell would the controls work!?
Is it possible to get an open source Mech game started? There are large followings of flight sims and fps for open source games...

Free Games making it rather big:

I'm sure some of my info is wrong, but if we work together we can surely make a crappy game...which would then spark better programers to help...get the Linux guys involved and they will go to town on it :)