Decent Budget Video Card

Banana King

Aug 14, 2006
Thanks for taking the time to review this post. I am currently building a budget gaming rig, and eventually plan to purchase and HD3850 for it, but am presently unable to do so because of a limited budget. I was wondering if there were any video cards (keyword: decent) that you would recommend capable of providing average gaming performance until I can pick up an HD3850.

-Thank You
... what's your budget? what monitor resolution? what games? what settings? other parts?
Total budget is $600 for an E4500-based system, $550 of which has already been used up. Plan to run on a standard CRT monitor, low resolution, probably have to be medium-low settings on new-ish games for only a $50 card, wouldn't it?
Receiving parts from NewEgg. I'm no fan of budget video cards either, if I'm going to go all the way to $100, I'd might as well just spring for an X1950GT or a 2600XT. Maybe I'll just go with onboard video until I have the funds necessary to get a decent card. And no, I do not require DX10 because I do not plan to install Vista just yet.
Cool cool, have fun building.

I just noticed you said you'd get a HD3850 later, I'd personally not even waste the time with another video card and just get the HD3850 later.
Cool cool, have fun building.

I just noticed you said you'd get a HD3850 later, I'd personally not even waste the time with another video card and just get the HD3850 later.


Saving up you might actually see prices drop and save you some money.
Also the 8400 is really abismall. If you ARE looking at that price point you would probably be better off with a 6800 or something instead of the 8400. No point in buying a card because its DirectX10 if it can't play anything.

I had a 8400 for about 2 days...replaced it with a 6600GT and such a substantial improvement.
I have a 6600GT (XFX, 128MB, Silencer) I may be looking to get rid of, if you're interested. I just ordered a HD3850, so my 1950GT can go to the server. PM/e-mail if interested: [email protected]

You created 3 threads asking the same question and got the same answer in each thread :eek: . You want to build a gaming rig and yet you rather have a better CPU than a better GPU. A lot of people suggested that you should get the HD3850 over any ~$130 GPU. You said that you don't have the budget but you could always cut your CPU budget a bit and yet you don't want to :( .

You want people to give you a suggestion but in the end you don't want to listen to them, so why do you need to ask this same question over and over again? Just get any ~$130 GPU and hopefully you won't regret it later ;) Even the old AMD X2 with HD3850 would be better than any Intel CPU with a ~$130 GPU for a gaming rig :D
I'd rather get a E6550 vs a E4500 for $45 more... 130MHz more, lot faster FSB, more L2... wtf you'd waste your time with a E4500?
Sorry for the repetitive posts, alg7_munif, but I'm just one who cares to ensure that I am making the right decision before I go and spend quite a time's savings upon something I'll regret later due to insufficient research on my part. I am willing to sacrifice some processor power if it means getting a decent video card, but am merely exploring the other possibilities before doing so.

*Edit* Thanks for the offer, Down8, but I think that I'll just take alg7's advice.