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    Silverstone FT03... matx

    Nice, hope the refresh is in Q3, trying to wait it out for more mATX z77 boards. Gigabyte needs to launch the new boards in August.
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    Silverstone FT03... matx

    Wondering the same thing, in the same boat but with the Corsair SE 600T. I would hope Silverstone refreshes the FT03, you know fix the front usb 3.0 header connector to be internal and not usb.
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    Corsair K60 $60 worth it?

    i don't have experience with the k60, however for a mechanical keyboard of that quality - its probably hard to beat. Do some research, there are great video reviews etc on YouTube.
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    Corsair K60 $60 worth it?

    Link? or is this a local sale?
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    large "plain" mouse pads?

    If you live near Ikea...
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    RE: Gaming PC FS

    A tad dusty, put that will be cleaned up before its shipped. Again, system specs: EVGA 121-BL-E756-TR LGA 1366 Intel X58 EVGA 896-P3-1170-AR GeForce GTX 275 Intel Core i7-920 Bloomfield (never overclocked) CORSAIR XMS3 6GB (3 x 2GB) Noctua NH-U12P SE1366 Antec P183 Western Digital...
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    RE: Gaming PC FS

    About to sell my system and i'd like to generate some interest. I'm not parting it out, selling the system as a whole. I thought i was going to game more after i upgraded, however, i found that i've been using it less and less. I'd rather sell it to someone who has time and the desire to game...
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    for sale soon...

    About to sell my system and i'd like to generate some interest. I'm not parting it out, selling the system as a whole. I thought i was going to game more after i upgraded, however, i found that i've been using it less and less. I'd rather sell it to someone who has time and the desire to game...
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    BF 2 1.5 September 1st

    any error? have you checked your event viewer? I have to disabled desktop composition for BF2 in order to play without crashing to the desktop.
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    BF 2 1.5 September 1st

    I had to reinstall everything and it worked. I made sure after the vanilla install of bf2 to see if the size was 0kb, and it wasn't. Just watch the exe size after you install SF and each patch. On a side note, i downloaded the patch from fileplanet and i was thinking that the patch was...
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    BF 2 1.5 September 1st

    if your running Vista x64 or WIn 7 64 check your event viewer for this: •A request to disable the Desktop Window Manager was made by process (BF2.exe) •The Desktop Window Manager was unable to start because composition was disabled by a running application try disabling desktop...
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    BF 2 1.5 September 1st

    make sure your remove all of the falcon presets or controller presents in the secondary column.
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    BF 2 1.5 September 1st

    i was able to play online for a few minutes right after the install. I jumped into a single player game to set controls and to get the hang of playing again. I went back into a multiplayer game and as soon as i joined bf2 minimizes to the desktop and the only way i can fix it is if i go to the...
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    BF 2 1.5 September 1st

    okay after installing and patching to 1.41 bf2.exe is roughly 7mb. I'm going to kick off 1.5 and see what happens. *update* after installing 1.5 the size of the executable went from about 7,347 KB to 6,403 KB interesting.... *update 2* okay everything works..strange
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    BF 2 1.5 September 1st

    anyone with Windows 7 64bit getting system specs:
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    Corsair H50 CPU Cooler Preview.

    planning on an i7 920 build this summer inside the Antec P183 case. I never got into overclocking and was planning on using the Noctua NH-U12P SE1366, but came across the H50. For a non overclocked pc, should i even think about this route? i'm a quiet enthusiast if anything. New Build...
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    Windows 7 Build 7100 = Release Candidate 1... kindasortamaybe

    where did you get that date and time gadget? or whatever it is?
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    non overclocked core i7 920 hsf

    Don't like the stock HSF, plan on upgrading soon. whats a good cooler that will fit on this board and not interfere with the Dimm sockets? i like the Megahalems however, don't know how well it will fit inside of my SOLO and on the DFI mobo. Intel Core i7 920 DFI Lanparty JR x58-T3H6...
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    Shutters and Intermittent Freezing

    i need some advice for anyone who has delt with computer hiccups and intermittent freezing. The computer specs are: Biostar TF720 A2+ 2GB Crucial Ballistix 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM ( BL12864AA80A ) Maxtor SATA 200GB EVGA 8800GT Corsair 520 watt PSU AMD athlon x2 5600+ 2.8GHZ XP SP2 and SP3...
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    simple calendar for news articles / blogs

    anyone know of a simple calendar that can be configured like this: month day year most blogs have something similar to this, next to the article. Similar to this website: thanks -Pat
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    GMA 950 to GMA X3100

    is the new blackbook powerful enough to handle photoshop, illustrator, and dreamweaver? I'm a designer, and i know a MBP would be the better solution, but honestly the only difference between the blackbook and the entry level MBP is the screen size and the graphics card. But how much of a...
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    Simple Accordion

    I'm a noob at this obviously: Is there away to repeat region but give the div id "test-header" and "test-content" a unique id each time it repeats, instead of it repeating the same. if there was a way to give an id like <div id ="test1-header" etc... for the first article then for the...
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    Crysis Lan?

    does anyone know if Crysis has license management keys i.e.(0000-0000-0001, 0002, 0003) etc... for just lan games? I remember having to do that with Fear before the free Fear MP came out. This would allow only lan games and single player, but obviously wouldn't let you play online games.
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    Two Birds; One Stone?

    honestly i'd keep the PC for gaming....are you a designer or videographer? I was in this boat a couple of months ago, then i realized that i needed a dedicated computer for design...and i like the all in one solution of the iMac. I'm a graphic / web designer and with games and loads of...
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    Dreamweaver CS3, repeating regions horizonally

    you rock! thanks for the tip!
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    Lightbox 2, + simple php upload integration

    its table data that i want to repeat. For example, in dreamweaver when you add a recordset on a page you can repeat all the records that are listed in SQL. If you look on you will notice that all the "images" list vertically. It would be nice to have the recordset...
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    Dreamweaver CS3, repeating regions horizonally

    only problem is, it only repeats vertically...there is no option to repeat horizontally.
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    Lightbox 2, + simple php upload integration

    as of now it has to match in order for it to work, so a random name is out of the question. I'd like to figure out a way for when you define the path of the image for it to automatically add that name so you won't have to do it twice. Its kind of annoying but in time i'll figure things out...
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    Lightbox 2, + simple php upload integration

    being a demo, i don't have all the kinks worked out...still trying to make it seamless **edit, from what i've seen you have to give the record a name for the sql to work. Otherwise it won't work properly. If you have any suggestions i'd appreciate it!
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    Dreamweaver CS3, repeating regions horizonally

    i'll give it a try and see what happens. thanks
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    Dreamweaver CS3, repeating regions horizonally

    does anyone know how to do this? when i repeat a region in dreamweaver it only repeats in a vertical fashion, is there a way to repeat horizonally?
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    Lightbox 2, + simple php upload integration works like a champ, there are a few things i need to do to make it more seamless, but for now its works! ;)
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    uploading images with php

    nevermind, i figured it out! i wasn't giving the name of the file an extention..
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    uploading images with php

    btw the live examples will be up in a few example
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    uploading images with php

    I've been experimenting with this for awhile now, and i've always run into a dead end. I'm trying to upload a file, jpg, gif, png, etc to a directory on my web server, then be able to have it appear on the page that i want. I've been able to upload a file without any trouble...The tough part...
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    Help me spec out a web develop/gaming PC

    check my specs, i can design fine with this. No problems what so ever. I know this is older hardware, however, keeps up just fine with Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Premiere, and After Effects. I can play the UT3 demo Maxed out @ 1280 x 1024, runs like butter. I know that the full version will...
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    replacing the dsl router that came with your ISP

    I currently have a westell 6100 dsl router that came with my bellsouth fast access package. I want to ditch the westell 6100 and get something that works better, and something that makes it easy to host a game. For some reason its very difficult to set the westell to forward the ports i need...
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    Dreamweaver CS3 spry menu, IE 7 error

    i was probably working on the majority of the site when you checked it. What browsers are you using when you looked at the source? Everything works fine in IE7, but the spry widget. this is my code straight from DW: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...