Help me spec out a web develop/gaming PC


Aug 27, 2007
It needs to run, in XP Pro, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, etc., Office 2003, and UT3

I am really interested in the SFF's. I was thinking a TT Lanbox, Asus P5K-VM, E6750, 8800GT?

Thoughts? Price ~$1300-1400? I can get XP Pro upgrade for $80, and the Design Suite for $210.


Sorry it's not too detailed, I just spent a while typing out a good point, and somehow my browser crashed. :eek:
I was also thinking of buying a Dell maybe XPS desktop, to keep the costs down for now, and prevent me from getting anything super special. How are they as far as upgrading video? For Dell?
i can get an asus p5b delux wifi, 2 bfg 7950gt oc, e6600, and 2gb ram from about $500 from my coworker. how well does that run what im looking for? money is an issue so i think this would be my best bet. also planning on a 22inch wiescreen.

thoughts? (on my blackjack, sorry for caps and grammar)
check my specs, i can design fine with this. No problems what so ever. I know this is older hardware, however, keeps up just fine with Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Premiere, and After Effects. I can play the UT3 demo Maxed out @ 1280 x 1024, runs like butter. I know that the full version will allow much high settings, but i like how it plays and looks. Call of Duty 4 runs excellent, Crysis however is a different story. Playable @ 1024 x 768 on High settings no AA of course...that cripples my box.


athough you may want to consider a mac if you find yourself designing more than gaming....I'm purchasing a 24'' Aluminum iMac in a few months.
I'd go with your original LanBox build instead of a Dell, if you'll be using the system for gaming.
Howabout this setup (I'm gettinga few parts pretty cheap):

Asus P5B-Delux Wifi
OCZ Platinum 2x1 GB PC6400
PSU? How many watts is neccesary?
Watts don't mean that much these days, it's where those watts/voltages are being delivered that matters. Here's a link that explains what I mean:

In any case, I recommend these power supplies since you have the budget for it:
Corsair VX550 550W PSU - $91
Corsair HX520 520W PSU - $104
Corsair HX620 620W PSU - $147

Also, it would help if you listed the prices of each part.

But a quick critique: ditch the P5B Deluxe, It's outdated and it won't support the new Intel Yorkfield and Wolfdale CPUs. Also, it's not an mATX mobo so it won't fit your SFF idea. In fact, your original build list was way better in terms of performance.