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  1. Z

    New Beta Forceware Drivers --- 91.31

    ForceWare Release 90 Version: 91.31 Release Date: June 5, 2006 BETA Driver I was browsin around and this caught my eye. I don't feel like trying it out yet. I'll leave that to you guys :D . Looks like the major thing...
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    FX600-GLN vs ENS-0560G vs OZC powerstream 520

    I second the FX600-GLN. I've had it for about a month on my P180 and it has been totally rock-solid since the first POST. It's great that it has the lastest PSU specs too. It is also very quiet, and the fan does an amazing cooling job. I've never felt warm air come out from its exhaust. I don't...
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    3DMark06 score about right?

    6171 3DMarks 2656 SM 2.0 2514 SM 3.0 1965 CPU -Changed driver settings to high performance. -Installed 84.43beta Forceware driver. -Overclocked CPU to 2610GHz (290*9). Better now?
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    3DMark06 score about right?

  5. Z

    3DMark06 score about right?

    After OC to 2.25GHz (250*9)... 3DMark 5095 SM 2.0 2136 SM 3.0 2087 CPU 1704 Higher CPU score but graphics card scores are relatively unchanged...I am running the latest driver (84.21). Should this be right? ~Good luck...
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    3DMark06 score about right?

    4882 3DMarks 2134 SM 2.0 2079 SM 3.0 1381 CPU Seems kinda it just because everything is stock right now?
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    Official 3dmark06 scores here (please read first post before posting)

    4882 3DMarks 2134 SM 2.0 2079 SM 3.0 1381 CPU Scores kinda low...CPU limited?
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    X1900 Series and 7900 Series- Who Owns What? An attempt for an accurate check.

    EVGA 7900GTX...bought the following Thursday after launch day on Newegg.
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    How many x1900s and 7900s are out there?

    I have a 7900GTX, but haven't had the chance to test it out yet...until Monday comes =D Super ultra step up from my y2k Compaq w/ AMD 650mhz Athlon, 256mb RAM, and 32 mb Geforce 2 MX (had Geforce 256 before that burned out last fall).
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    DFI is a total bust, what are mobos actually capable of SLI?

    My 600W FSP Epsilon is great. Just made a build with it this past week and it has been flawless. Very quiet and cool. This was my first build and I used the DFI Expert. I ran into a problem at first but quickly corrected it by consulting the forums at DFI-Street. It takes a lot of patience...
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    7900 Series Pricing and Availability

    The EVGA 7900GTX EGS at Newegg only has 17 (it changed while I was writing this) left at the moment...looks like its gonna be gone soon again. Very glad I got it two weeks ago. :)
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    7900 Series Pricing and Availability

    Newegg back in stock: eVGA 7900GTX EGS $539.00 + $5.59 shipping = $544.59 Checked how many I could put in shopping cart and it came out to be 41. Couldn't wait anymore for the price to drop...ordered a couple of minutes ago...
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door

    Someone here must have pics!
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door I ever gonna see this pic??
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door

    If you are talking about the door, I believe you don't have to send it back to Antec according to the other threads I've read. Not 100% sure though. Why not ask Antec?
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    Rumour: 7900 GTX to cost $499, GT $299

    Ahhh mannn now I have no idea what to do with my build. Maybe I ought to skip the X1900XT, get the 7800GT and then step up to the 7900GTX or something. Are there anything about computers that stay the same??
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door

    O man no need to scare me like that Hvatum... :rolleyes: Do you feel the P180 is that bad? Thanks for the pics draconius. Is that the case with the revised magnetic door? I'm gonna be waiting for your pics daedal. I'm guessing you are getting the solid aluminum one correct? Thanks in advance.
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door

    Pics? Anybody?
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door

    Wow that totally sucks stellar, did u try RMAing it?
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door

    Ahh...thanks for the input. I'm still dying to see a pic/feedback from anybody who has the solid aluminum door from antec.
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door

    For some reason people usually talk about how cold it was when the door warped. I live in NY so it does get pretty cold up here sometimes. Pictures anybody?
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    Advice/Suggestions for New Build List

    Anymore opinions? How about the psu?
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    Advice/Suggestions for New Build List

    I am building my first system. Here's a list of the parts I'm thinking about: Definites DFI Lanparty SLI-DR Expert AMD Opteron 165 Antec P180 Can't Decide G.SKILL Extreme Series 2x1GB PC-4000 ---Or Mushkin, OCZ ASUS/Sapphire Radeon X1900XT ---Or eVGA 7800GT CO (470/1100) Enermax...
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    P180 Solid Aluminum Door

    I am planning to buy an Antec P180 for my first build (yea its gonna be tough), and I wonder if anyone knows if they are selling them with the solid aluminum door right now. Or does everyone need to call Antec for a replacement. Another thing is I've seen everyone talk about the door and...