3DMark06 score about right?

could be the cpu score holding you back, but the sm 2 and 3 scores look a little low though

what driver version are you using
After OC to 2.25GHz (250*9)...

3DMark 5095
SM 2.0 2136
SM 3.0 2087
CPU 1704


Higher CPU score but graphics card scores are relatively unchanged...I am running the latest driver (84.21). Should this be right?

~Good luck Xephian...hopefully you don't have any hitches. Let me know how it goes.
I have a comparable machine, looks like your SM scores are low

my score, specs and overclocks in sig

3DMark Score 6018

SM 2.0 Score 2562
SM 3.0 Score 2512
CPU Score 1866
I got my 7900GTX EGS last night so havent had much time to play around but here is my tops score...

3DMark 06 6750

2902 SM 2.0
2784 SM 3.0
2101 CPU

3DMark 05 12253

Card is OC'ed to 710/1868

Loving this card!!