How many x1900s and 7900s are out there?

Which do you own?

  • X1900XT, X1900XTX, X1800XL, X1800GTO, X1800XT

    Votes: 50 45.9%
  • 7900GT or 7900GTX

    Votes: 59 54.1%

  • Total voters
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Jul 21, 2004
Anyone who bought one of these cards, cast your vote, let's see how big of an issue availability really is.

EDIT: To fallguy and rick...especially considering how much longer the x1900s have been out, I think this is a fair way to judge the you guys agree?

Oh and if you have 2 of either of these cards, please post and say so!
I own 2 7900GTs, I bought them the 10th of march though, just 1 day after they where launched.
I have a 7900GTX, but haven't had the chance to test it out yet...until Monday comes =D

Super ultra step up from my y2k Compaq w/ AMD 650mhz Athlon, 256mb RAM, and 32 mb Geforce 2 MX (had Geforce 256 before that burned out last fall).
Why bring up my name? I never said that there were more X1900 than 7900's. Stop the trolling already.

2x X1900's here.
^eMpTy^ said:
EDIT: To fallguy and rick...especially considering how much longer the x1900s have been out, I think this is a fair way to judge the you guys agree?
Maybe the poll should be "Who thinks the pictures of the various etailers desks full of 7900 series cards was their entire alotment at launch?"

Again, given this forum is more bias than Nvnews, no.
There should be an additional selection for those owning 2 7900 cards or 2 1900's. Then we would also have some insight into the impact of Crossfire and SLI on supply.
Many people realize how worthless 3DMark is and don't run it, so this isn't a perfect indicator. But hopefully things balance out on both sides. The data from Mentok's 3DMark05 and my 3DMark06 benchmark tracking shows this (i manually added counts from after last update of each to make it current as of now):

~1640 3DMark05 scores:
7900gt 9
7900gtx 8
x1800xt 11
x1800gto 0
x1800xl 8
x1900xt 4
x1900xtx 13
ATI X1800/X1900: 67.9%, NV 7900: 32.1%
(less than 3.3% of all the scores are these cards)

~330 3DMark06 scores:
7900gt 14
7900gtx 12
x1800xt 9
x1800gto 0
x1800xl 8
x1900xt 14
x1900xtx 10
ATI X1800/X1900: 61.2%, NV 7900: 38.8%
(~20% of all the scores are these cards)

I expanded CF and SLI entries into 2 cards for each: 1 X1900XT CF score = 2 X1900XT cards, for example.

What's funny is that both of our lists are split at or close to 50:50 for counts of 7900 vs X1900 cards. That says something. :p
HeavyH20 said:
There should be an additional selection for those owning 2 7900 cards or 2 1900's. Then we would also have some insight into the impact of Crossfire and SLI on supply.

I would like to see a more complete break down to be honest. Not for the e-penis contest that this was intended for, but just because I am curious. Im curious how many people bought a 7900GT over a 7800GTX, or a X1900XT over a XTX, and just overclocked them, etc.

Interesting numbers, pcx. Can we hug and be friends, and stop rolling eyes at each other?
And, the lists do not have a number of the 7900 results entered yet. And, still, according to the list of submitted results, we are already at a 50/50 split less than a month after the 7900 release. Interesting.

The breakdown would be nice. Not sure how we would do it, but it would also be nice to see what card people upgraded. So, did they go from a 6800 GT to a 790 GT? Or, and X1800XT to a 7900GTX. It would also give insight to brand crossovers.
fallguy said:
Interesting numbers, pcx. Can we hug and be friends, and stop rolling eyes at each other?

HeavyH20 said:
And, the lists do not have a number of the 7900 results entered yet.
I mentioned that I added in the scores from after the last update. It should be current as of now for the respective threads.
pxc said:
Many people realize how worthless 3DMark is and don't run it, so this isn't a perfect indicator. But hopefully things balance out on both sides. The data from Mentok's 3DMark05 and my 3DMark06 benchmark tracking shows this (i manually added counts from after last update of each to make it current as of now):

~1640 3DMark05 scores:
7900gt 9
7900gtx 8
x1800xt 11
x1800gto 0
x1800xl 8
x1900xt 4
x1900xtx 13
ATI X1800/X1900: 67.9%, NV 7900: 32.1%
(less than 3.3% of all the scores are these cards)

~330 3DMark06 scores:
7900gt 14
7900gtx 12
x1800xt 9
x1800gto 0
x1800xl 8
x1900xt 14
x1900xtx 10
ATI X1800/X1900: 61.2%, NV 7900: 38.8%
(~20% of all the scores are these cards)

I expanded CF and SLI entries into 2 cards for each: 1 X1900XT CF score = 2 X1900XT cards, for example.

What's funny is that both of our lists are split at or close to 50:50 for counts of 7900 vs X1900 cards. That says something. :p
now that is data! deep down inside everyone runs 3dmark to see what their rig will do ;)
fallguy said:
Why bring up my name? I never said that there were more X1900 than 7900's. Stop the trolling already.

2x X1900's here.

Because you started another thread bitching about availability...and I figured this was a good way to see what the real situation was...are the cards just really popular? or are they really rare?

Since you hold the opposite opinion I do, I naturally wanted your thoughts on this method for deciding what's going on. If you agree that this poll is a good indicator, then I think we can lay the issue to rest based on its results.
R1ckCa1n said:
Maybe the poll should be "Who thinks the pictures of the various etailers desks full of 7900 series cards was their entire alotment at launch?"

Again, given this forum is more bias than Nvnews, no.

That's just laughable. This forum goes with the times...when the 9800s were king, this forum consisted of prodominantly ATi supporters, now that nvidia has been taking it to ATi for a couple of years, there are a lot of nvidia fans...

That's not bias, that's just public opinion responding to changes in the market...

Claiming that this entire forum is biased against ATi is just plain paranoid.
^eMpTy^ said:
Because you started another thread bitching about availability...and I figured this was a good way to see what the real situation was...are the cards just really popular? or are they really rare?

Since you hold the opposite opinion I do, I naturally wanted your thoughts on this method for deciding what's going on. If you agree that this poll is a good indicator, then I think we can lay the issue to rest based on its results.

Actually, my post was simply stating facts. NV has a supply issue. Of course they are popular, NV is very popular as a whole, and both the GT and GTX are both very good cards. Popularity was never an issue.

No I dont agree this, or any poll is a good indicator. Why? Because my position was never that more people wanted ATi, or NV cards. It is that NV is not making nearly enough cards for demand. And they certainly didnt make near as many compared to the 7800 series. And that ATi has caught a lot of flack for lack of availability, and now its NV that has the problem. Yet they dont catch nearly as much flack as ATi did. There is a problem somewhere. Hopefully they get it worked out soon.

pcx's data shows many more X1900's than 7900's in his results. That doesnt matter to me. The 7900's would have even more in his results if they were more widely available. There is a huge supply issue. I dont know why you cant understand this?
fallguy said:
Actually, my post was simply stating facts. NV has a supply issue. Of course they are popular, NV is very popular as a whole, and both the GT and GTX are both very good cards. Popularity was never an issue.

No I dont agree this, or any poll is a good indicator. Why? Because my position was never that more people wanted ATi, or NV cards. It is that NV is not making nearly enough cards for demand. And they certainly didnt make near as many compared to the 7800 series. And that ATi has caught a lot of flack for lack of availability, and now its NV that has the problem. Yet they dont catch nearly as much flack as ATi did. There is a problem somewhere. Hopefully they get it worked out soon.

pcx's data shows many more X1900's than 7900's in his results. That doesnt matter to me. The 7900's would have even more in his results if they were more widely available. There is a huge supply issue. I dont know why you cant understand this?

No it's not stating's stating your perception of the facts...which is that they have a supply issue...

For example, if they are in fact just selling them out because everyone wants one...that's not a supply issue, that's having a really good product...

The entire difference between ATi's supply of cards and nVidia's supply of cards could be simply that people are buying more nvidia cards...and your "facts" ignore that possibility...
Sapphire X1900XT here. Waited for the card 2 months.

It seems that there are about ~10 7900 cards in the whole country (Finland). So from where I stand these "hard launches" are paper tigers.
Have a x1900xtx myself, friend has a x1900xtx and a x1900 mastercard.

All 3 bought @ microcenter.
pxc's data is grouping the X1800/x1900 versus the 7900GTX in the precentages. There are no more X1900's on the list than 7900 GTX's. He notes this, as well. Considering the X1900 has been around since January, it looks like NVIDIA is doing quite well keeping up with demand for the 7900 GTX.

I think it is short-sighted and ignorant to attribute lack of supply to production problems and yields. Demand is the real issue. Production is currently running just fine. You do not make very single 7900 GTX card for product launch then shut down production. You keep production numbers in check to follow demand, so that you do not flood the market and kill any margin.

And, why is the X1800 series even part of the poll? That is kind of a pad. That is a 7800 GTX competitor released late. The real competition is between the X1900 and the 7900 series cards. And, GTO, XL included? Well better include the 7800 GS (90 nm refresh parts), etc on the NVIDIA side. This poll provides little or no insight with the ATI value cards included.
I will sum it up this way, for all the hard of hearing.

NV has a supply issue for sure. When 7800 GTX launched there was tons of cards available the day it came out. There never was a tight supply. With 7900 we have not even received all our allocation. OC cards are especially hard to get. We just got confirmation on Friday of some more cards shipping but XFX could not fill all of our order. We took what we could get and were very happy to have it. (Funny thing was to date the 7800 512mb cards were easier to get than 7900 OC cards. Even the XXX 7900 GT cards.)

ATI the X1800 launch was about the same as NV's 7900 launch. Very tight supply. Heck X1800 CF cards only were available in any sort of quantity the week before 1900 launched.

X1900 launch was like 7800 GTX 256MB. We had all the boards we needed. Except for Master cards. They were kind of short on them we the first week (We did have them just not many) but they quickly became easily available.
I will add that in addition to etailers having both the 1800 and 1900, brick and mortar store had them too. Maybe I am blind but there is no trace of a 7900 series card at a brick and mortar store today.
Actually, I saw a bunch at the local Microcenter when I was there last. The GTX and the GT were available. But, I am sure those 20 cards were gone within 24 hours. But, I guess you could go back for the X1900XTX left in the display. :D

I never recieved the GTX 512 I ordered.

Now I am glad, as the XTX is a better card.
With all due respect to Ati really need a reality check if you think ati is selling even close to Nvidia. There is a reason you cant find the 7900 in stores and its not what you claim...its call high demand. They sell too fast cause people is dying to get them unlike the 1900. Truth hurts I know. Lets try not to be blind.
I am not even going into the Mythical IQ superiority claims either... both ATi and Nvidia have advantages over the other so claiming one is superior IQ wise is totally a biased point of view.
Got my eVGA 7900GT from Monarch about two weeks ago, haven't tinkered around with OC yet...but it shoudl be fine (I bought the superclocked version).
XFX 7900GT extreme. Lucked out and got it in a brief in-stock at the egg week before last. Loving it so far, can't wait to OC it. :D
fallguy said:
There is a huge supply issue. I dont know why you cant understand this?

Maybe because I can buy a 7900GT if I wanted to? Or a 7900GTX? Spend 5 minutes shopping online, and you can find a card. They're in ~low~ supply, but there isn't a "huge supply issue" if the cards can be found within a few minutes.
fallguy said:
There is a huge supply issue. I dont know why you cant understand this?

Why is it then that I can find some in-stock at many different merchants if I look through several at random at any given time? You wouldn't be able to even find ANY instock ANYWHERE if there were a "huge supply issue" like you are baselessly claiming. I can BARELY understand blind loyalty to one manufacturer because you like their products, but claiming propaganda that are pure lies like this? Just amazing...
Another data point:

Keep in mind the X1900 cards have been available more than twice as long as the 7900s.

ATI Radeon X1900 1,654 0.91 %
NVIDIA GeForce 7900 Series 733 0.40 %

7900 sales seem pretty normal so far. Check back every few days to see the changes and make your conclusions from that. :p
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