DFI is a total bust, what are mobos actually capable of SLI?


Sep 23, 2004
Since the DFI Expert absolutely is 100% not compatible with 600W PSU's there is no chance of being able to run 2 7900GTX 512s in SLI with this motherboard. I made a huge mistake buying this board and will promptly return it for a refund. Now that it's been determined DFI doesn't have what it takes to run SLI with 2 7900GTX cards what are motherboards that will allow this and don't have a schizoid fit when using 600W+ PSU's?
Asus A8N32 or MSI K8N Diamond Plus. They are the most well liked boards on this forum. Can't go wrong with either one. :)
peacetilence said:
Since the DFI Expert absolutely is 100% not compatible with 600W PSU's there is no chance of being able to run 2 7900GTX 512s in SLI with this motherboard. I made a huge mistake buying this board and will promptly return it for a refund. Now that it's been determined DFI doesn't have what it takes to run SLI with 2 7900GTX cards what are motherboards that will allow this and don't have a schizoid fit when using 600W+ PSU's?

What evidence is there that the DFI Expert 100% is not compatible with the 600w PSUs? I bet that it works fine with the OCZ 600Watt PowerStream SLI.
And none of the other boards, like Asus and that MSI, will give you the Overclocking options one might want. Plus, i would think the 520W OCZ PowerStream is enough to power your SLI rig...
peacetilence said:
Since the DFI Expert absolutely is 100% not compatible with 600W PSU's there is no chance of being able to run 2 7900GTX 512s in SLI with this motherboard. I made a huge mistake buying this board and will promptly return it for a refund. Now that it's been determined DFI doesn't have what it takes to run SLI with 2 7900GTX cards what are motherboards that will allow this and don't have a schizoid fit when using 600W+ PSU's?
wow just how many 600w psu's did you try?
If you read the DFI forums the mods admit that there is a problem in the way DFI motherboards draw from the 5V when they are first powered on. The DFI sucks too much power (out of spec) and it confuses high quality PSU's so they simply don't boot.

My 7800GTX 512's need a lot of juice to run, I dont think a 520w would cut it and also provide enough power for 5-6 hard drives, multiple fans, tons of USB devices etc. Also thats a really narrow upgrade path when you can't add a quality PSU to the board. I feel like a sucker buying the DFI expert.
seanmcd said:
wow just how many 600w psu's did you try?

Just read this thread http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35513

any and all high quality, high output PSU's will result in a cold boot of the DFI board unless there is a capacitor soldered onto the motherboard to trick the PSU, in which case the PSU will still get tricked or wont work at all. I have stressed to much about this motherboard, I just want my money back and to move on and forget it.

If another motherboard can provide 1.55v to the CPU then thats enough for me as far as OC'ing is concerned.
i am skeptical of a 520W OCZ powerstream not being able to power a system. Everybody says, "you need a high quality PSU, don't use Generic junk."
I ran a p4 3.2Ghz + 6800GT + 2 HDs + 2 Optical Drives + mobo and 3 PCI cards, 1gb of ram and etc with a 420 W Raidmax that i got for free with the case... and i ran all of this for aprox. 1.5-2 years. But maybe i was just lucky.
peacetilence said:
Since the DFI Expert absolutely is 100% not compatible with 600W PSU's there is no chance of being able to run 2 7900GTX 512s in SLI with this motherboard. I made a huge mistake buying this board and will promptly return it for a refund. Now that it's been determined DFI doesn't have what it takes to run SLI with 2 7900GTX cards what are motherboards that will allow this and don't have a schizoid fit when using 600W+ PSU's?

100% huh? im using an expert w/ 1kW psu.... so far so good
peacetilence said:
Since the DFI Expert absolutely is 100% not compatible with 600W PSU's there is no chance of being able to run 2 7900GTX 512s in SLI with this motherboard. I made a huge mistake buying this board and will promptly return it for a refund. Now that it's been determined DFI doesn't have what it takes to run SLI with 2 7900GTX cards what are motherboards that will allow this and don't have a schizoid fit when using 600W+ PSU's?

my pcp&c 510 SLI and zippy 700w both work fine with it.
peacetilence said:
If you read the DFI forums the mods admit that there is a problem in the way DFI motherboards draw from the 5V when they are first powered on. The DFI sucks too much power (out of spec) and it confuses high quality PSU's so they simply don't boot.

if you read the dfi forums the mods admit nothing, except that you have user error, and/or that your ram and/or psu and/or vid cards suck.
anyway, my ultra d has been running sli perfectly for a year now and its not even an sli board. maybe try one of those 250 watt psu's just for vid cards, that fit into a 5 1/4 bay. or maybe 2 of those 250 watt........

btw, are you saying that only 600watt psu's dont work? try a 700. or a 550.
Hmm I think I might bite my tounge. I got my second 7800GTX 512, did a bit of testing, ran Oblivon about 10 minutes at 1920x1200 16AA 16AF just as a test and it didn't crash, I also ran Red Orchestra with the same settings and Transparency AA and it was ok for 10 minutes or so. I looped 3dmark06 1920x1200 16AA 16AF while I had some dinner and went to the liqour store to buy scotch (yes I am under that much stress) and when I came back it was still going.

I am not sure what to say. If it remains stable I will take back everything I have said.
peacetilence said:
Hmm I think I might bite my tounge. I got my second 7800GTX 512, did a bit of testing, ran Oblivon about 10 minutes at 1920x1200 16AA 16AF just as a test and it didn't crash, I also ran Red Orchestra with the same settings and Transparency AA and it was ok for 10 minutes or so. I looped 3dmark06 1920x1200 16AA 16AF while I had some dinner and went to the liqour store to buy scotch (yes I am under that much stress) and when I came back it was still going.

I am not sure what to say. If it remains stable I will take back everything I have said.
Good stuff. I do find it a little unlikely that an OCZ 520 would struggle with your gear, although I will admit that with 2 x 7900s you're cutting it fine. I figure if you keep your PSU cool, you should be just fine (PSUs perform better the lower the temperature, or, more correctly, more inefficiently the higher the temp). If all that fails, however, you could sell off the OCZ and fork out for a PCPnC 510. It's the best single-rail PSU under 600w.
Also, I'm pretty sure the Expert will boot just fine from PSUs that don't have multiple rails. I'm positive I've seen that somewhere...:confused:
antec 480w works with the ultra-d modded to sli. no probs at all. great board, great company
Hope you got all your problems solved. I use a OCZ 520w psu and Seasonic S12 600w on an ultra D and ultra expert without any problems. I have sli as well
No problems on my ultra-d moded to sli for a year or my expert both runing an ocz 600w?!
This is a DFI Expert/Venus 600w Multi 12v Rail problem only. I have a Ultra-D and it is fine. The Expert has pissed me off something fierce. For years all you have heard is DFI talking about the powersupply regulations that they require, so I match them. Runs fine on their middle of the road board, then I upgrade and all the sudden my $230 Powerstream 600 isnt good enough for them.

You go to their support forum only to get denial and dissmissal of the problem and tell you that you are basically dumb and there is no problem. Clear your Cmos they say. Oh, didnt work?? Do it while you are on your head, with your feet wrapped in tin foil whistling dixie for twelve hours... :rolleyes:

Also this board undervolts by .03V on the core and overvolts by .07 on the RAM. Bunk I say.What I think is they are trying to flush the last round of suckers on the 939 platform so they can maximize profits. I am done. I am taking this board back for a refund (thank god I bought it local) and gonna try the A8R-32 MVP.
I have an Antec TPII-550w and its running flawlessly. I have not heard of this issues before and if it is an issues, just get a 550w PSU w/ a new Thermaltake SLI PSU :p
I think DFI made the mistake, not OCZ. So why would I get rid of the thig that is working at keep the thing that is not.

I think the reason I am sick of DFI is there complete stone wall approch to problems. They just wont admit anything. Expert comes out and fry's CPU's. Nope isn't hapening. Not us, uh-uh. But wait, here is a new bios that fixes the problem that isnt happening. What, you got cold boot. It is your lack of knowledge, you arent good enought to run DFI. But you can send us the board and we can put a capacitor on there that makes you good enough to run it.

I have seen some utterly degrading answers to problems on the street. Pissed me off and I didnt even ask them. The more and more I get into the enthusiast side of things (2 years now) the more and more customer support and appreciation comes into play. DFI left a sour taste in my mouth. I will give them the fact they they do OC like mad, but the 0.23% more you can get out of your hardware is not equalling the screwing around you have to do.

It is my opinion and I vote with my purchases. I have had allot of success with my Ultra-D, but I wont stick with them just for that.
I overreacted a bit. I don't actually have a problem with the mobo and PSU so (I am using a Antec Truepower II with SLI and two 7800GTX 512 cards and it's actually stable despite the extremetech article) My reaction comes 100% from the way DFI approches the situation. Their forum mods are really sketchy when it comes to helping resolve issues.

Not to go off track but I had a question about SPDIF on this motherboard before I had purchased it, SPDIF didn't work even though I was assured by the forum mods it wasn't a problem. Their advice to correct the problem was the complete opposite of what I had to do in order to get SPDIF to work. I ended up wasting an entire day just to get the sound to work on the motherboard. I didn't want to end up wasting more time fooling around with simple things and bad advice so that is the reason for my reaction.
While trying out the new Asus A8R32-MVP, I am wishing like hell that DFI had their ATI 3200 board out. DFI has the best mobo support around, bar none. Asus has absolutely NONE. I'm not saying the boards are flawless, but at least there is somewhere to turn to.
My 600W FSP Epsilon is great. Just made a build with it this past week and it has been flawless. Very quiet and cool.

This was my first build and I used the DFI Expert. I ran into a problem at first but quickly corrected it by consulting the forums at DFI-Street. It takes a lot of patience with DFI boards, but most people who follow what's recommended on the forums usually turn out fine. You just rarely see them posting about it.
the thing with the ASUS boards are that they work. DFI boards dont, and then their people deny it
DFI board running here almost a year now and no problems whatsoever. Rock stable.

If you know what you're doing... ;)
Darkala said:
the thing with the ASUS boards are that they work. DFI boards dont, and then their people deny it

Can people prove that these DFI boards have problems or do they just say it from word of mouth?
Darkala said:
the thing with the ASUS boards are that they work. DFI boards dont, and then their people deny it
Until you provide solid, irrefutable proof - from multiple respectable sources - that DFI boards don't work, your comment is completely baseless.

DFI boards do work. If they didn't, DFI would have a serious problem on their hands and a whole bunch of people would be completely pissed-off right now.

DFI doesn't deny anything. They work towards solutions to user's problems. Plain and simple.