FX600-GLN vs ENS-0560G vs OZC powerstream 520


Aug 10, 2004
How do the these three psu compare against either other?

From what I have read this is the way I see them:

OZC powerstream 520: most expensive (130-140) high efficiency quiet.
FX600-GLN middle price (117) very high efficiency
ENS-0560G: loud - low efficiency (75%) least expensive (110)

However - that's what I gather from reviews - anyone have an authorative opinion ?
amd 64
motherboard (epox sli maybe, maybe a different one)
1 hd
1 optical
2 pci card (sound, tv tuner or cheap scsi)
2gb ram
x1800xt or 7900gs (likely the 7900gs with option for second 7900gt later on)
i've been doing the math based on 2 7900gt even though intially i'll go with one and if I did it correctly that is slightly more than what fortron 500 can handle - so these three psu seem like reasonable options but i'm not so sure which of the three. johnnyguru had a good review on the ens-0560g, teh forton seem to have the best efficiency and lots of gamers like the ozc.
I just bought the FX600 and its amazing, dont bother with the 500 or 700 versions, totally reccomend it.
I second the FX600-GLN. I've had it for about a month on my P180 and it has been totally rock-solid since the first POST. It's great that it has the lastest PSU specs too. It is also very quiet, and the fan does an amazing cooling job. I've never felt warm air come out from its exhaust. I don't even need the included fan in the bottom compartment of the P180. The cables are plenty long as well--they reach everything just fine. The sleeves help out a lot as well. I've started overclocking and everything is still running cool, quiet, and solid.

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[FSP]Grace is very helpful and gets back to you with any questions quickly.

Where are you getting it for 117? That's a really price.
the Enhance ENS-0560G is a rebadged Silverstone Strider 600W. actual max power is 670W. I have one in my comp right now.

but, FSP is also awesome. I don't think you can go wrong between these. I'd just get the cheaper one, as they're both good.
J Macker said:
the Enhance ENS-0560G is a rebadged Silverstone Strider 600W. actual max power is 670W. I have one in my comp right now.

but, FSP is also awesome. I don't think you can go wrong between these. I'd just get the cheaper one, as they're both good.

That is the other way around ;)
Ok - thanks for the comments. From what I hear (or read) it seems to be that the enhance is modular and the FSP has higher efficiency (they claim 85%). The enhance has more power (not relevant for my build) and the FSP might be a little quieter (this is a tough one to call).

(ehance has a 1 year warranty and fsp 2 - not sure about customer service at either company)

Is that an accurate comparison ?
I was wondering about that. After all, Enhance seems to be a big company, and they have a ton of OEM psus. I thought that Silverstone was actually Enhance..

now, what about Seasonic? their 600w unit looks almost exactly the same.
J Macker said:
now, what about Seasonic? their 600w unit looks almost exactly the same.

Seasonic is Seasonic. They do some OEM work for Antec currently.