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  1. W

    Beyond3D Forums Close & Delete Benchmarking Discussion.

    So you are saying and "optimization" that changes the desired output from the developer, all to speeze a few more FPS, is not a cheat?
  2. W

    Disappointed with

    Shouldn't it be "so many number BEFORE a , "?
  3. W

    Beyond3D Forums Close & Delete Benchmarking Discussion.

    But is it "the way it was meant to be played"? If you can't answer yes, it is a cheat.
  4. W

    ATI Readies Massive Price Slash

    And the 7800GTX512 Phantom Edition, in some games.
  5. W

    I just thought of something, SLI 7900GTs?

    You most likely will need at least a 550watt power supply for 7900's in SLI.
  6. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    Agreed but there is soooooo much more to good cooling besides the block. These tests are done in a fixed enviornment which doesn't take into consideration what tubing the actual end user has, radiators, pumps, etc. Now through on top that with a die simulator there is no way to add all these...
  7. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    If 100% scientific methods are all that matter why are all forums flooded with "Just bought XYZ block and temps are still high" threads? Maybe because scientific methods don't take into consideration how the actual end user will install their loop? Call me stupid but all that matters is how...
  8. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    How do you expect to see the performance of a block designed to run 6 or 8mm tubing when the review site hooks up a 1/2" garden hose? What will this tell a consumer who purchases the block with plug n cool connectors that have a max ID of 8mm? This is maybe why the block came with a radiator...
  9. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    Then maybe you should stop complaining until the review happens? Better yet, stop slamming Sharka for not shipping only a block long ago when you had one and didn't bother to send it. I blame YOU for no review to date :rolleyes: Or you could always open your own etail and front ten of...
  10. W

    The New Project

    I would suggest 8mm with compression fittings. Sharka should have these if IT-Trade will ever ship the order placed and paid for weeks ago.
  11. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    This will be a defining day and could cause some of the large bore f@nb0ys to be put on suicide watch. I hope Lee's personal problems are behind him that prevented this review from happening earlier.
  12. W

    7900 GTX works at 650 MHz (merged)

    Unless they didn't know what the X1900XT was going to do on new games? Remember Nvidias marketing has been about future proof yet current cards can't do HDR+AA and such which will be important over the next few years. I will be disappointed with Nvidia if they don't do more than simply...
  13. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    I am still confused why you continue to discredit AC at every chance yet YOU BOUGHT AC PRODUCTS. Maybe all the hype was getting to you? ;)
  14. W

    New HardOCP Thread

    Very nice change!
  15. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    You obviously don't know that said person goes out of his way to discredit the very thing he purchased yet never used. Very odd
  16. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    Since you have one but refuse to use it why didn't you send yours long ago? Which leads to the real question; why do you purchase cooling hardware yet not install it?
  17. W

    The New Project

    I vote for three loops and the TJ07 case loop 1 - CPU 1, CPU 2 loop 2 - NB 1, NB 2 loop 3 - everything else. I would also look at BIX Pro's or Thermochill radiators this go around as you will get better results.
  18. W

    Nvidia to launch 90nm GeForce 7900 GPUs on March 9

    One thing not clear is if this is a "launch" or a "release". Seems more like an launch announcment followed by an actual release later. Interesting that they are stating a GT and GTX when all other sites say it will be a GTX only, just to get the performance crown back until both IHV's release...
  19. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    You should send it yourself if you are so eager to see how that product sitting in your house performs; heaven forbid you actually use it. The people who own said products have come from 1/2" systems and obviously see the value. Enough said since you clearly only have "hear say data" and...
  20. W

    Sweet! Next Gen nVidia will have HDR+AA

    This is great news for a card that will be released in almost a year...... Better news if the G71 had it.
  21. W

    Great card for MCE 2005 and Photoshop?

    The 6800 series is regarded as one of the best cards for MCE 2005. Check out under the HTPC subforum.
  22. W

    Aqua Computer Vs

    Since you obviously have ZERO clue to what actually goes on behind the scenes, would it surprise you that a company typically does banner deals and such prior to sending FREE equipment to a review website? I guess you think things magically happen........ For the record an entire loop was...
  23. W

    Was set on the 4400+ but what about the 3800+?

    If this is for gaming you are going to be CPU limited 90 percent of the time with a 3800+. There is a reason most reviews sites us a FX57 or FX60 for reviews and that is to get all they can from the video card and limit the CPU bound problem.
  24. W

    Have been planning on buying a 7800gtx, now considering a x1900xt...

    Get a X1900XT now and just replace the motherboard when the R580 boards are released. Crossfire boards are much cheaper than SLI boards so money isn't a big thing. Spend as much as you can on the CPU as these new GPU's are CPU hungry (4800+ minimum).