Aqua Computer Vs

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Limp Gawd
Dec 23, 2005
Wasnt there going to be a thread where AC vs a another wc company.
Fahey said:
Wasnt there going to be a thread where AC vs a another wc company.

It seems to me that EVERY thread here eventually turns into AC vs. something.
seniorpaul said:
It seems to me that EVERY thread here eventually turns into AC vs. something.

QFT, and then it morphs into hi flow v low flow, and then degenerates into morons v dumbasses. :rolleyes:
So basically this thread can be locked, seeing as it has no real purpose.
boof said:
So basically this thread can be locked, seeing as it has no real purpose.
I think it's purpose is to start a flame war.

Which is...
1. Childish
2. A waste of time.
Actually, there was supposed to be a review of aqua computer parts vs low flow parts by an american source, and I think thats what he was referring to. I've yet to see it though.
I didnt want to start a flame war I just remember reading back that some one is getting some AC topline parts against I think Innotake or what brand they are. I just remember it was going to be a review on those.
Punx_Clever said:
Actually, there was supposed to be a review of aqua computer parts vs low flow parts by an american source, and I think thats what he was referring to. I've yet to see it though.

Sharka held up the parts (again, not to say I am surprised :rolleyes: ). Wes was supposed to send them to Lee at Systemcooling four weeks ago, and has been giving him excuses up until now. TN said that the XT and a few other parts were shipped on Friday, so we might see a review in a couple of weeks.
So Im right ha :p Im waitng to see it. At first I thought it was already done with and everyone was done talking about it.
Erasmus354 said:
Sharka held up the parts (again, not to say I am surprised :rolleyes: ). Wes was supposed to send them to Lee at Systemcooling four weeks ago, and has been giving him excuses up until now. TN said that the XT and a few other parts were shipped on Friday, so we might see a review in a couple of weeks.

Since you obviously have ZERO clue to what actually goes on behind the scenes, would it surprise you that a company typically does banner deals and such prior to sending FREE equipment to a review website? I guess you think things magically happen........

For the record an entire loop was sent, not just a block and few other parts. Upwards of 500.00 worth of stuff for FREE.

Sorry for the rant but I hate mis information, not to say I am surprised :rolleyes:
Waterc00L101 said:
Since you obviously have ZERO clue to what actually goes on behind the scenes, would it surprise you that a company typically does banner deals and such prior to sending FREE equipment to a review website? I guess you think things magically happen........

For the record an entire loop was sent, not just a block and few other parts. Upwards of 500.00 worth of stuff for FREE.

Sorry for the rant but I hate mis information, not to say I am surprised :rolleyes: was the info that was posted by TN stating that the block (at least) was being provided by IT trade, at their expense, and only being handed off by sharka?

oh, i could care less about the rest of the kit......just the block could have answered all of my questions........give it every performance advantage conceivable, by all means: don't cripple it with small tubes and a weak pump when reviewing it. do the performance tests, note the pretty tubes and features, put up some good numbers regarding how well the thing actually works.

everyone knows it looks nice. what everyone doesn't know is how well it performs in a well administered test.
Waterc00L101 said:
Since you obviously have ZERO clue to what actually goes on behind the scenes, would it surprise you that a company typically does banner deals and such prior to sending FREE equipment to a review website? I guess you think things magically happen........

For the record an entire loop was sent, not just a block and few other parts. Upwards of 500.00 worth of stuff for FREE.

Sorry for the rant but I hate mis information, not to say I am surprised :rolleyes:

As I recall a number of months ago IT-Trade included an entire assortment of AC gear (or was it just a Cuplex XT?) which was intended to go to SystemCooling. This was not at the expense of Sharka mind you, it was at the expense of IT-Trade. That gear was subsequently lost, or refused to be sent to SystemCooling. At least that was what TN said, who I believe pushed to get that gear sent for review.

Then after Sharka got a new shipment of gear this January, Lee told me that he was supposed to be getting "an entire AquaCool system" including a Cuplex XT sent for review the week of January 14th. I sent an email to Lee inquiring how the review was going and I got this reply:

Would you believe I have not received the WB yet? Sharka said they were shipping it back in January. In fact I received an e-mail today from Sharka saying they would send it this week... This makes the third time they "said" they would send it to me. We'll see... :)

That was on February 9th, about 4 weeks later. So excuse me if I am confusing the third time Sharka said they would ship something with "banner deals".

Just thought I would include my information from TN about what was shipped out on friday :

Wes told me that Lee had a death in the family and wasn't able to do it a few weeks ago. However, they swore to me that they sent a XT, Evo 120, Aquastream, and a plexi Aquainlet last Thursday. They will also be getting an Aquaero and Multiswitch after they do the first review.

So basically that is a block, pump and radiator. Which I characterised as the block and a few other things. Also I would be curious to know whether Lee actually had a death in the family which prevented Wes from shipping something. Seems to me it makes no difference if you had shipped the items earlier.

EDIT : And for the record I have 100$ worth of FREE AquaComputer equipment I was willing to ship to Lee a month ago that wasn't because Sharka was supposed to send it. So excuse me if I am a little upset to wait so long for a review on account of Sharka.

EDIT2 : Cuplex XT 100$, Evo 120 55$, Aquastream 115$, Aquainlet 50$ TOTAL : 320$ Seems to me that is decidedly less than "OVER 500$"
Erasmus354 said:
As I recall a number of months ago IT-Trade included an entire assortment of AC gear (or was it just a Cuplex XT?) which was intended to go to SystemCooling. This was not at the expense of Sharka mind you, it was at the expense of IT-Trade. That gear was subsequently lost, or refused to be sent to SystemCooling. At least that was what TN said, who I believe pushed to get that gear sent for review.

Then after Sharka got a new shipment of gear this January, Lee told me that he was supposed to be getting "an entire AquaCool system" including a Cuplex XT sent for review the week of January 14th. I sent an email to Lee inquiring how the review was going and I got this reply:

That was on February 9th, about 4 weeks later. So excuse me if I am confusing the third time Sharka said they would ship something with "banner deals".

Just thought I would include my information from TN about what was shipped out on friday :

So basically that is a block, pump and radiator. Which I characterised as the block and a few other things. Also I would be curious to know whether Lee actually had a death in the family which prevented Wes from shipping something. Seems to me it makes no difference if you had shipped the items earlier.

EDIT : And for the record I have 100$ worth of FREE AquaComputer equipment I was willing to ship to Lee a month ago that wasn't because Sharka was supposed to send it. So excuse me if I am a little upset to wait so long for a review on account of Sharka.

EDIT2 : Cuplex XT 100$, Evo 120 55$, Aquastream 115$, Aquainlet 50$ TOTAL : 320$ Seems to me that is decidedly less than "OVER 500$"

You should send it yourself if you are so eager to see how that product sitting in your house performs; heaven forbid you actually use it. The people who own said products have come from 1/2" systems and obviously see the value.

Enough said since you clearly only have "hear say data" and only one side of the story.
Waterc00L101 said:
You should send it yourself if you are so eager to see how that product sitting in your house performs

Enough said since you clearly only have "hear say data" and only one side of the story.

Lol, People hear have been waiting for MONTHS to get accurate outside data on AC gear. But no one who sells the stuff has stepped up to the plate. Now you say it is up to the buyer to get it reviewed.

You sir are full of crap.
It is absurd the amount of attention given to AC gear on this forum. The stuff is nice looking, but its performance measures are based on hearsay. When procooling gets the block, tests it, and lets me click the AC button on their graphs then I will be happy. Until then it would be best to treat this stuff as just another WC solution. Damn.
MikeyB said:
It is absurd the amount of attention given to AC gear on this forum. The stuff is nice looking, but its performance measures are based on hearsay. When procooling gets the block, tests it, and lets me click the AC button on their graphs then I will be happy. Until then it would be best to treat this stuff as just another WC solution. Damn.

on what basis do you define "absurd" as the amount of attention? and yes, the stuff is good looking, and the hoses look cleaner and are easier to route, esp for those cooling more than cpu & gpu. As far as performance, what is the big deal? It porforms well enough for most cases, except for those who want/need that upmost out of their watercooling system. Obviously, a large diameter, hi flow system, properly built with appropriate pump and rad, is going to perform "better". But since it suits most WC needs on performance, and some of us like the looks of it, I just don't understand the retarded need for some to troll AC threads and trash the product. It's juvenile. what you said here makes most sense:

"Until then it would be best to treat this stuff as just another WC solution"

actually, it's makes sense to treat AC as another WC solution after the review. The most important question to ask yourself is "does this suit my needs/wants out of a WC system?" if yes, cool, if not, then don't be an idiot and bash those who do, just because it doesn't suit your needs . :eek:
Another thread that amounts to nothing at all but trash talking. Time to go again.......... ;)
topcat989 said:
on what basis do you define "absurd" as the amount of attention? and yes, the stuff is good looking, and the hoses look cleaner and are easier to route, esp for those cooling more than cpu & gpu. As far as performance, what is the big deal? It porforms well enough for most cases, except for those who want/need that upmost out of their watercooling system. Obviously, a large diameter, hi flow system, properly built with appropriate pump and rad, is going to perform "better". But since it suits most WC needs on performance, and some of us like the looks of it, I just don't understand the retarded need for some to troll AC threads and trash the product. It's juvenile. what you said here makes most sense:

I'd say it get's an absurd amount of attention. No matter what a person is looking for in WC somebody will come along and tell them they would be best off with a full on AC kit. Even if they said they want max performance. Or if they specified 1/2". No matter what they specify i guarantee you you're gonna see someone spam the thread and say "Buy AC gear, go on go on go on".

Pretty absurd if you ask me...
And the same thing happens when I want to get AC, the next fool is waiting around the corner to tell me that I should buy XY ;)
I would love to see a direct head-to-head comparison of an AC loop with a large bore system....using the same components and mounted in a case, please.

If find the lack of hard information about AC gear to be somewhat puzzling given the very vocal and obviously heartfelt enthusiasm of it's proponents.

I like the look of their stuff and can appreciate the benefits of the smaller tubing (I've wrestled with enough 3/4" Tygon to understand the limitations), but numbers would be nice.

To a certain extent I think the AC contingent has brought some of the contraversy upon themselves.
Top Nurse, one of, if not the most outspoken advocates (her sig even consists of a dig at large bore users), has spent months and major buckage on a system that, as far as I can tell, has yet to circulate a single drop of water.
Yes, it looks great and the intelligence and craftmanship employed is obvious, but fer crissake- how does it perform?

Wouldn't a direct comparison be to everybody's advantage?
Demon_of_The_Fall said:
I suppose you're right Shoggy, everyone really does just push their own agendas. At least when this review comes out we'll know at last what situations each setup should be recommended in.

Somebody should get a Cuplex XT out to MaxxRacer over at XS.

Looks like he has a very thorough block testing rig in the works.

I have offered to him, he has his hands full right now with a lot of other blocks to test though so not sure how long it would be before he can test it.
Yeah just saw your post. I'm sure he'll be eager to test the AC block, just because testing on them is so rare.

His results will definitely make for interesting reading, I havent seen a better testing setup. I do hope he pumps some volts into the chip to make the results valid for overclocked setups though.
topcat989 said:
on what basis do you define "absurd" as the amount of attention? and yes, the stuff is good looking, and the hoses look cleaner and are easier to route, esp for those cooling more than cpu & gpu. As far as performance, what is the big deal? It porforms well enough for most cases, except for those who want/need that upmost out of their watercooling system. Obviously, a large diameter, hi flow system, properly built with appropriate pump and rad, is going to perform "better".
i also think that it's obvious that a large bore system is going to perform better, not look as nice, and not have as many bells and whistles. some others insist otherwise. some people insist that because A-C equipment is from germany it is somehow able to perform just as well, which is fallacy.

if the high flowing loop, with better cooling, doesn't get you a higher OC, then you could just as easily blame your hardware for capping out elsewhere rather than the high performing loop for not letting you go farther. its just that A-C users seem to be the type to throw up their hands and spend more money rather than getting down and dirty with a soldering iron.
Assuming that the AC gear is going to be somewhat on par with larger diameter parts (being generous), and given that it looks nice, why do we have so many AC evangelicals on here? It's not as if you're going to get significantly different performance by using it, and the looks are just a matter of taste. Nevermind the slightly higher cost. I like my apogee, It peforms better than my 6002 (which was a proven performer), looks decent, and didn't cost me an arm and a leg. Yet, you don't see me on here stumping for swiftech every day of my life. When I come on here I just want to read about legitimate watercooling topics, not baseless fannboy bullshit and viral marketing.

ps: nice word filter [H]
MikeyB said:
Assuming that the AC gear is going to be somewhat on par with larger diameter parts (being generous), and given that it looks nice, why do we have so many AC evangelicals on here? It's not as if you're going to get significantly different performance by using it, and the looks are just a matter of taste. Nevermind the slightly higher cost. I like my apogee, It peforms better than my 6002 (which was a proven performer), looks decent, and didn't cost me an arm and a leg. Yet, you don't see me on here stumping for swiftech every day of my life. When I come on here I just want to read about legitimate watercooling topics, not baseless fannboy bullshit and viral marketing.

ps: nice word filter [H]

At the risk of being mean and it seeming like this is a personal shot at people.

One reason why there might be so many "AC evangelicals" here is because they have been shunned from many other watercooling forums. I know that TN is banned from at least one forum.

Now I have no problem with this forum being open to all sides of the coin, I think that is a good thing. I am just pointing out the sentiment on many other water cooling forums. An interesting sig from another watercooling forum : " Wanna talk about Koolance? Take it to the [H]."
<Big Bore Users> RETORT
<Kyle> ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTENCE OF TERMS is so useful in times like this.
penguin said: is so useful in times like this.
well, it's entertaining at least.......

feeding the fish.......feeding food........hmmm........nonsense or weird coincidence?

i don't think this thread is likely to last much longer. i'm looking forward to the review all the same.
Demon_of_The_Fall said:
I'd say it get's an absurd amount of attention. No matter what a person is looking for in WC somebody will come along and tell them they would be best off with a full on AC kit. Even if they said they want max performance. Or if they specified 1/2". No matter what they specify i guarantee you you're gonna see someone spam the thread and say "Buy AC gear, go on go on go on".

Pretty absurd if you ask me...

funny, i could say the exact same thing in that if every person looking for WC, even if they state it's for acoustics and use some light OCing+ some bling, will get it's share of


so 1/2 of the attention AC gets is trolling and bashing, which i agree, it's absurd :rolleyes:

DFI Daishi said:
......... its just that A-C users seem to be the type to throw up their hands and spend more money rather than getting down and dirty with a soldering iron.

This look like i mind getting "down and dirty? or like i'm afraid of a soldering iron? methinks you generalize a bit too much ;)

your logic here is the same thing as chastizing someone for not building their own porshe from scratch....even if they had the skills to do so- some of us don't want to spend the time but are willing to spend the money- and we like the looks-- you know what? AC isn't even my first choice, i'd rather have gone with MIPS for everything, simply because I'm not so keen on plexitops for WC gear. Plus i like the solid look (and probably feel :D ) of MIPS.
I went with AC becuase of logistics, MIPS was too much of a pain in the ass to deal with to get everything i wanted over the pond....

MikeyB said:
Assuming that the AC gear is going to be somewhat on par with larger diameter parts (being generous), and given that it looks nice, why do we have so many AC evangelicals on here? It's not as if you're going to get significantly different performance by using it, and the looks are just a matter of taste. Nevermind the slightly higher cost. I like my apogee, It peforms better than my 6002 (which was a proven performer), looks decent, and didn't cost me an arm and a leg. Yet, you don't see me on here stumping for swiftech every day of my life. When I come on here I just want to read about legitimate watercooling topics, not baseless fannboy bullshit and viral marketing.

ps: nice word filter [H]

I've said it before, i'll say it again, arguring about WC systems is pretty stupid to me. If someone ask about what to get, i'll state that i like AC, but have had good experiences with swifty. If they want that last frigging 1/2 degree possible w/o going to active systems (pelts, phase-change, etc..) then I'll suggest a Hi flow set up with a big assed rad and pump to go with it. Anything less than that, AC will suite the bill just fine. As will most other kits. Hell even the low performing systems have their place, and a market for them. Resorater anyone? How much sense would it be to knock a guy who says he likes his resorater? "you should have gone DD you NOOB!". :rolleyes: Same thing with peeps knocking the AC gear.
Now that MIPS gear has class.... It should be MIPS vs. all instead of AC vs. all. Don't believe I've seen any better look blocks than the MIPS ones, they look much more industrial and solid than anything else I've seen. The CPU block reminds me a lot of the Alphacool Nexxos XP.

Props on the HDD and PSU mods, good work.
DFI Daishi said: was the info that was posted by TN stating that the block (at least) was being provided by IT trade, at their expense, and only being handed off by sharka?

oh, i could care less about the rest of the kit......just the block could have answered all of my questions........give it every performance advantage conceivable, by all means: don't cripple it with small tubes and a weak pump when reviewing it. do the performance tests, note the pretty tubes and features, put up some good numbers regarding how well the thing actually works.

It was actually Aqua Computer who sent the XT to Sharka via IT-Trade about 6 months ago. All the rest of the stuff sent to System Cooling came out of Sharka's pocket. The whole point of sending the complete system was so people would know what a complete AC system would do for them. IIRC, it was sent with 6mm push-fits and 3/8" hose barbs which will become the test bed for the AC system. Over the next few months Sharka will keep sending them new stuff to see what the difference, if any, by using HWL radiators and other mix and match watercooling gear. Expect to see an Aquaero, Multiswitch, and associated temp and flow devices soon as well. :D
Eramus354 said:
Also I would be curious to know whether Lee actually had a death in the family which prevented Wes from shipping something.

My bad. :( It wasn't a death, but a very sick family member.
MikeyB said:
It is absurd the amount of attention given to AC gear on this forum. The stuff is nice looking, but its performance measures are based on hearsay. When procooling gets the block, tests it, and lets me click the AC button on their graphs then I will be happy. Until then it would be best to treat this stuff as just another WC solution. Damn.

Performance based on heresay? Just what do you think goes on around here? :p

This ain't a Consumer Reports lab...
sprocket said:
I would love to see a direct head-to-head comparison of an AC loop with a large bore system....using the same components and mounted in a case, please.

If find the lack of hard information about AC gear to be somewhat puzzling given the very vocal and obviously heartfelt enthusiasm of it's proponents.

I like the look of their stuff and can appreciate the benefits of the smaller tubing (I've wrestled with enough 3/4" Tygon to understand the limitations), but numbers would be nice.

To a certain extent I think the AC contingent has brought some of the contraversy upon themselves.
Top Nurse, one of, if not the most outspoken advocates (her sig even consists of a dig at large bore users), has spent months and major buckage on a system that, as far as I can tell, has yet to circulate a single drop of water.
Yes, it looks great and the intelligence and craftmanship employed is obvious, but fer crissake- how does it perform?

Well I don't see to many reviews about atomic bombs, but a bunch of countries sure want them. Perhaps it is because it will get the job done that they want to do...common knowledge?

As far as FF goes I am going on a simple assumption. My Koolance EXOS lets me OC my AMD 2600+ to within the range of what others are doing with watercooling gear. Since it is obvious to me that the AC gear has much more capacity than the Koolance stuff I don't feel compelled to prove to anyone what it will do as I know it will do what I want it to do. Common knowledge?
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