The New Project


Apr 27, 2005
I am about to begin my next build. This time I am using dual Opty 254's, 2 7800 GTX's, 8 GB of RAM, PC P&C 850, 1 Maxtor 15k 147GB, 2 additional HD's havent decided which and a Plextor. I am going to use AC gear again to H2O cool, but I am not sure of how many loops? My current system is 1 EVO 120, 1 EVO 240, Cuplex, 2 Twinplex GPU, 1 NB Twinplex SLI, Aquabay and Aquaero. Now I will have 2 NB's to cool and 2 CPU's, so I am considering 2 resevoirs and of course 2 pumps. Any thoughts?
Yeah, I think this is one of the few cases where two loops is justified. You should try some cool stuff with the dual loops though instead of the plain ones you always see...maybe something like 2 colors with the tubing twisting together or something.
I think three separately programmable loops woud be the hot ticket. :p One for the GPU's, one for the DUAL CPU's, and one for the chipsets and whatever else you want to watercool. Hmmm....maybe four loops? :cool:

Wes seems to have his shit wired much better these days. :D
any particular reason that you wnt teh maxtor atlas 15K as opposed to the seagate cheetah 15K?

i don't know about 4 loops.......but two loops might very well make sense. one thing to consider is your usage profile.

if you are running games, that will heavily load both of your GPUs and one of your CPUs. if you are doing some encoding (with optimized codecs and progs) that will put both of your CPUs and both of your NBs under heavy load, but nothing on your vid cards.

for gaming.......i would think that two loops with one CPU, GPU and NB in each would be optimal.

otherwise, the two CPUs in the same loop and the GPUs and NBs in a second loop.

so far as i know, it's arbitrary which CPU bears the brunt of the load for single proc apps in dual proc systems. that means that you're never sure which CPU and NB needs the most cooling until they start to get hot. if that is the case, a system where the CPU and the relevant NB are in the same loop with sensors, pump and fans set up accordingly would be almost ideal, with the GPUs under equal load.
DFI Daishi said:
any particular reason that you wnt teh maxtor atlas 15K as opposed to the seagate cheetah 15K?

i don't know about 4 loops.......but two loops might very well make sense. one thing to consider is your usage profile.

if you are running games, that will heavily load both of your GPUs and one of your CPUs. if you are doing some encoding (with optimized codecs and progs) that will put both of your CPUs and both of your NBs under heavy load, but nothing on your vid cards.

for gaming.......i would think that two loops with one CPU, GPU and NB in each would be optimal.

otherwise, the two CPUs in the same loop and the GPUs and NBs in a second loop.

so far as i know, it's arbitrary which CPU bears the brunt of the load for single proc apps in dual proc systems. that means that you're never sure which CPU and NB needs the most cooling until they start to get hot. if that is the case, a system where the CPU and the relevant NB are in the same loop with sensors, pump and fans set up accordingly would be almost ideal, with the GPUs under equal load.

As far as the HD goes, I checked at Storage Review and did a comparison and the Maxtor came out on top. However, I am also considering a Netcell SATA card and using a WD 140 GB Raptor for a boot drive and 3 large HD's in RAID.
1 loop would be enough if the flow rate was high enough (AKA not AquaComputer microtubing).
thewhiteguy said:
1 loop would be enough if the flow rate was high enough (AKA not AquaComputer microtubing).

and if he had a big enough case to route the butt ugly garden hose tubing you hi flow types favor ;)

To OP:

it depends on how much time and money you are willing to put in. From your parts list it seems that you're rich. If so, 3 loops should do everything you need. I'd do like dashi :

one loop for a cpu and gpu (x2) and one for extras like NB/SB/RAM/MOSFETS/etc.....
Please, lets not get into the big hose-little hose, high flow-low flow thing.
I am still stuck on the case, v2000 vs. TJ07?
theseeker said:
Please, lets not get into the big hose-little hose, high flow-low flow thing.
I am still stuck on the case, v2000 vs. TJ07?

I vote for three loops and the TJ07 case

loop 1 - CPU 1, CPU 2
loop 2 - NB 1, NB 2
loop 3 - everything else.

I would also look at BIX Pro's or Thermochill radiators this go around as you will get better results.
My temps are very stable with the two AC Rads, so I wont be swapping those out unless I go to a 360.
theseeker said:
My temps are very stable with the two AC Rads, so I wont be swapping those out unless I go to a 360.
and here i thought that you liked british hardware.......

if you were to choose to do three loops, i would think that the two CPUs in one, the two GPUs in another, and the NBs and whatever else in the third.

i just think that three won't do much better than two in terms of keeping things cool and being able to adjust flow and fans according to temp load. a loop with two GPUs in it is going to have to deal with only half the heat of the CPU loop and the NB + extras loop will deal with even less heat. hence my suggested two loop layout.
DFI Daishi said:
and here i thought that you liked british hardware.......

if you were to choose to do three loops, i would think that the two CPUs in one, the two GPUs in another, and the NBs and whatever else in the third.

i just think that three won't do much better than two in terms of keeping things cool and being able to adjust flow and fans according to temp load. a loop with two GPUs in it is going to have to deal with only half the heat of the CPU loop and the NB + extras loop will deal with even less heat. hence my suggested two loop layout.

I sold the Aston, too bad the Italians dont offer H2O parts!
My GPU temps never go above 50C as it is, my FX-55 gets a little hot, bot the NB gets the hottest by far. I agree with you on the 2 loop scenario. I am just trying to determine which case as I have yet to see a TJ07 in person. When you compare the dimensions between the two cases and the size of the TYAN MB, you will undertsand my dilemma.
theseeker said:
I sold the Aston, too bad the Italians dont offer H2O parts!
ferarri? lambo? bugatti? i remember that you mentioned already having a ferarri, just wondering if you picked up something else when you ditched the aston.

theseeker said:
My GPU temps never go above 50C as it is, my FX-55 gets a little hot, bot the NB gets the hottest by far. I agree with you on the 2 loop scenario. I am just trying to determine which case as I have yet to see a TJ07 in person. When you compare the dimensions between the two cases and the size of the TYAN MB, you will undertsand my dilemma. GPU doesn't see the hot side of 40C.........but on the subject of DP motherboards, i had a pair kicking around for a while. i know how big they are. case manufacturers note pretty clearly the max size of board that the case can accomodate. so long as you have space up-top for the rad(s) it shouldn't make too much difference.
DFI Daishi said:
ferarri? lambo? bugatti? i remember that you mentioned already having a ferarri, just wondering if you picked up something else when you ditched the aston. GPU doesn't see the hot side of 40C.........but on the subject of DP motherboards, i had a pair kicking around for a while. i know how big they are. case manufacturers note pretty clearly the max size of board that the case can accomodate. so long as you have space up-top for the rad(s) it shouldn't make too much difference.

Sorry, should have previewed first! The highest temps on either GPU has been 40-43C after 3 hours of COD2 in 19x12. In the case of the car, I am keeping my mouth shut.
In the case of the "case", they will both accomodate the MB, but from the pics I have seen the TJ07 may work better. The VC's will at the bottom of case as opposed to the top, which will leave more room for the Rad. Thanks for your input.
Looks like my vote comes in a little late so I will just say I agree with the TJ07 case. I have the V2000 and would buy it again but the Silverstone is just a smooth looking case. It does take work (more than just a little) to get your WC just right in the V2000. The TJ07 looks to be a little more "Plug & Play". Plug and Play in the sense that the TJ07 looks like it is ready to accept a triple rad at the bottom with very little modification.

Nice hardware BTW. As a former PCP&C 510 owner I was very impressed with the 850SSI. My air-cooled video cards louder than the 850. It is very quite and the rails don't move.
ShoNuff said:
Looks like my vote comes in a little late so I will just say I agree with the TJ07 case. I have the V2000 and would buy it again but the Silverstone is just a smooth looking case. It does take work (more than just a little) to get your WC just right in the V2000. The TJ07 looks to be a little more "Plug & Play". Plug and Play in the sense that the TJ07 looks like it is ready to accept a triple rad at the bottom with very little modification.

Nice hardware BTW. As a former PCP&C 510 owner I was very impressed with the 850SSI. My air-cooled video cards louder than the 850. It is very quite and the rails don't move.

It also appears that I can use a dual in the top where the fans are placed.
ShoNuff said:
Nice hardware BTW. As a former PCP&C 510 owner I was very impressed with the 850SSI. My air-cooled video cards louder than the 850. It is very quite and the rails don't move.
you're only using a small fraction of the 850's output......if by some miracle you started to strain that monster, the fan would spin up and it would get pretty loud.

i don't see how to truely strain the thing with less than a quad proc rig, since the way that they break up the 12V across the rails you can't even run a GPU pelt off of the thing......... :|

Then there are those who have so much f'n money you just get the urge to go on a bitch-slapping spree.

Seriously nice rig man. Enjoy it for those of us who can't ;)
DFI Daishi said:
you're only using a small fraction of the 850's output......if by some miracle you started to strain that monster, the fan would spin up and it would get pretty loud.

i don't see how to truely strain the thing with less than a quad proc rig, since the way that they break up the 12V across the rails you can't even run a GPU pelt off of the thing......... :|

The average user on this forum would not fully utilize or need an 850 watt PSU. That’s not the point. True...the fan will spin up in a heartbeat when/if I ever get near the max output. Hopefully that will not happen as I enjoy the silence. I actually never considered the 850SSI until my 510 started having problems. It never failed, it just starting making a weird noise. The folks at PCP&C agreed that the noise wasn't normal and made me an offer I couldn't refuse on the 850. Given the way it performs in my system I would buy the 850 without hesitation.
ShoNuff said:
The average user on this forum would not fully utilize or need an 850 watt PSU. That’s not the point. True...the fan will spin up in a heartbeat when/if I ever get near the max output. Hopefully that will not happen as I enjoy the silence. I actually never considered the 850SSI until my 510 started having problems. It never failed, it just starting making a weird noise. The folks at PCP&C agreed that the noise wasn't normal and made me an offer I couldn't refuse on the 850. Given the way it performs in my system I would buy the 850 without hesitation.

Shoot... I almost thought you were talking about my Volvo 850 ;)
I think the 850 is justified in dual proc setup. Then when you add 5 HD's, 2 7800's, soundcard, SATA card, 2 pumps, 2 optical drives and an external HD, having a little extra is warranted.
Everything has been ordered withe the exception of a few H2O parts, here it is.

2 Opteron 254
4x2GB Samsung RAM
1 WD 150 Raptor
3 WD 400~SATA3
1 300GB Maxtor external~backup
1 Netcell Revo 5 SATA card
Plextor DVD/CD External
PC P&C 1kw PSU
Silverstone TJ07


2 Cuplex XT~Have 1 already
2 Twinplex Pro NB~Have 1
2 Twinplex GPU~Have them, unfortunately Sharka doesnt have the Aquagrafix for 7800
2 EVO 240~Have 1
1 Aquaero~Have it
1 Aquabay~Have it
1 Aquabox
1 Aqua Multiswitch
Various fittings

Did I forget anything?
pixelbaker said:
did I miss that specific part of the thread or what will you be using this system for?

Autocad, immense spreadsheets and of course COD2 and BIA, I like to game as well.
theseeker said:
Autocad, immense spreadsheets and of course COD2 and BIA, I like to game as well.

So when are we going to see this rig on the front cover of the New Yorker?

BTW, Sharka has had the 7800 blocks on order for several months now. AC just can't deliver, which is why they probably recently bought a new CNC mill.
Top Nurse said:
So when are we going to see this rig on the front cover of the New Yorker?

BTW, Sharka has had the 7800 blocks on order for several months now. AC just can't deliver, which is why they probably recently bought a new CNC mill.

Alas, the Godess of H2O cooling has reared her cool head! TN, a question for you. I am going to use temp inline temp probes on the exiting side of each block and the resevoirs as well, what would you suggest? And as always any other suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
theseeker said:
Alas, the Godess of H2O cooling has reared her cool head! TN, a question for you. I am going to use temp inline temp probes on the exiting side of each block and the resevoirs as well, what would you suggest? And as always any other suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

What size tubing would you like to run? 6mm, 8mm, or 10mm? Skip the reservoirs.
theseeker said:
I am open for suggestions.

I would suggest 8mm with compression fittings. Sharka should have these if IT-Trade will ever ship the order placed and paid for weeks ago.