Sweet! Next Gen nVidia will have HDR+AA


Jul 11, 2004
nVidia has given us the go ahead to post their next gen part will have HDR+AA, like the R520-580 series.

Should be good news for all who value this feature, and will be making a high end buying choice between the G80 and ATIs next.

(I verified this is for the G80, not G71)
I would have expected no less.

HDR+AA will be important moving out from here since a lot of new games will be using HDR.
I also expected no less. There may be even further image quality improvements beyond that as well. I bet the G80 and R600 will be [H]ardcore. :D
no surprise here, if G80 didn't have HDR+AA from the get go that would have been dissappointing
RoffleCopter said:
no surprise here, if G80 didn't have HDR+AA from the get go that would have been dissappointing

Not surprising, but nice to have it confirmed. (IMO anyway)
So any idea when we'll actually be seeing a G80 part?

I don't like the idea of G71 comming next month and then 4 months later G80 comming out. And 512 GTX is only 3 months old now.

I think they should just skip G71, at least for add-in cards, as G71 will represent a bad value if G80 is going to have DX10 along with HDR+AA.
They have to release the G71, being top dog is more important than providing the best value. If you provide the best performance now, people will assume you will be the best performer in the future. Plus the x1900XT(X) is threatening to eat their high-end (high margin) market unless they put up something better and importantly more available than the 7800GTX 512MB.

Of course staying ontop of the performance game you will never find a 'good value', especially right now with the seemingly rapid release of the 7800GTX 256->512MB->G71 and the looming release of windows Vista and Directx 10 cards coming by the end of the year.

Personally i think i'm going to hold off until the G80/R600 series cards. I just got my 7800GTX 512MB SLI setup through the evga step-up program so i should be good until the fall when everyone is expecting the new cards to come out. It still is temping to ebay the suckers and get the G71 tho.
They would have to be retarded not to have that, I can only imagine what would happen if it came out without it rofl.
Juic3 said:
They would have to be retarded not to have that, I can only imagine what would happen if it came out without it rofl.

You "rofl" pretty easily IMO.

When you consider ATI spent 18 months putting out cards with no SM3, no EXR HDR, no soft stencil shadows, this was newsworthy and worth posting.

Or how about that ATI still can't put out a multicard solution that lets you play most games in a mode other than non-geometry scaling tiling?

The point is you can't assume companies will have features because their competitors do.

nVidia let the focus group people report this before the press, presumably you WANT info?
Cmon it wouldnt be funny to see the big guy(nvidia) not come out with these features in the NEXT gen card ?

Heck I skipped the x800 series cause they were missing the features you just mentioned.
Juic3 said:
Cmon it wouldnt be funny to see the big guy(nvidia) not come out with these features in the NEXT gen card ?

Heck I skipped the x800 series cause they were missing the features you just mentioned.

Not too funny for nVidia, but I agree with you it would have been surprising. :)
This is great news for a card that will be released in almost a year...... Better news if the G71 had it.
Why did nv release this info, they dont have that great card in there hands with the g71 and hope that ppl will hold out for the g80 ?
Spank said:
Why did nv release this info, they dont have that great card in there hands with the g71 and hope that ppl will hold out for the g80 ?

Beats me.

Someone in the group had asked if it was possible the 7800s would get HDR+AA in a future driver release.

The response was that they would not as it is a hardware limitation, but that next gen would have it. I asked if we could post that as I figured any info is better than none, they said OK this morning.
Waterc00L101 said:
This is great news for a card that will be released in almost a year...... Better news if the G71 had it.

I'm unaware of the release date for the G80, so I'm guessing you are too unless you work at nV or an OEM? :confused:
I think we all could have guessed it would be in G80, and also that it wouldn't be in G71 since G71 is the same technology as G70. As long as G71 is appreciably faster than an x1900xtx, I don't think it will really matter since there still aren't any games that can use HDR+AA.
Rollo you got a link for that info. If not fine. Can you verifi the 32 pipes and the core clock also the memory speed. Also the thing that I am most interested in. Is there going to be HDCP implamented by any of the card manufacturers as this is very important to me.

If so this could be the deal maker for me to move to NV products on high end cards


Sorry rollo as I thought you were talking about the G71 not the G80.

So if NV is giving you the go ahead on that info can you say if this card is a unified arch. Because I really don't believe it will be unified but any info on that would be well recieved
I have a thought..........G80 gets released in March,,,,boy that would blow everybody away
Yes it would indeed. But Nv is a tuff cookey to crack on getting anykind of reliable info from. I can safely say even though I believe ATI is ready with there 64alu unified tech they won't release till just befor vista. But I would love to see the 32 pipe G80 released now.

As it would save me a lot of $$$ on replacement cards.Because my present customers get a free replacement to SM4 and HDCP cards . I wouldn't have to replace anything after the release I can only dream.
$BangforThe$ said:
Rollo you got a link for that info. If not fine. Can you verifi the 32 pipes and the core clock also the memory speed. Also the thing that I am most interested in. Is there going to be HDCP implamented by any of the card manufacturers as this is very important to me.

If so this could be the deal maker for me to move to NV products on high end cards


Sorry rollo as I thought you were talking about the G71 not the G80.

So if NV is giving you the go ahead on that info can you say if this card is a unified arch. Because I really don't believe it will be unified but any info on that would be well recieved
Sorry dude, no link, from email to me.

Also, as far as pipes/core/memory speed goes, I'll know that ahead of release but won't be able to post it. (NDA)
So the G80 is coming in 4 months? If so, I guess another round of upgrade is in order after swiss trip in june.
That means, I won't be biting on the AM2 move...
Just make them faster IMO. I disable HDR in every game I can because it's just simply annoying.
Good thing they're supporting it, considering HDR+AA is a solid, fixed requirement for Direct3D10.
Waterc00L101 said:
This is great news for a card that will be released in almost a year...... Better news if the G71 had it.

The g80 is due in june this year. :|
Cypher19 said:
Good thing they're supporting it, considering HDR+AA is a solid, fixed requirement for Direct3D10.

And where do you have that from? AA was never a requirement, it was always an optional setting to increase IQ.

Thanks for the info Rollo!
Rollo said:
You "rofl" pretty easily IMO.

When you consider ATI spent 18 months putting out cards with no SM3, no EXR HDR, no soft stencil shadows, this was newsworthy and worth posting.

Or how about that ATI still can't put out a multicard solution that lets you play most games in a mode other than non-geometry scaling tiling?

The point is you can't assume companies will have features because their competitors do.

nVidia let the focus group people report this before the press, presumably you WANT info?

I think his ROFL is justified, why? becuase we are at a point where we can run all the games at high resolutions with all the eyecandy on, so who would want spend $700 on a card that doesn't let you do that? I don't care if the 7900GTX or G80 plays at 1000000FPS if it doesnt let me turn all the things that make a game look good it's utterly useless as a high end part
1c3d0g said:
And where did you hear this? :eek: So fast already? Oh...my... :cool:

Thats been the rumor for months. The inquirer reported this awhile ago I think. My gut feeling says it may be delayed a bit longer though. Why release a Dx 10 card when Dx 10 won't be released for another 6 months ? Unless microsoft is going to release dx10 for XP, releasing a dx10 card wouldn't make sense.
omg.. don't tell me you're going to need vista for dx10....
I'm pretty much not getting vista.. they expect me to buy a new monitor to play movies and music?
they expect me to pay for music? :D