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  1. W

    worth the upgrade?

    I do not think so, remember if you are overclocking your processor you are over clocking the board as well, and the memory how far can you go is a factor as well. I know on most motherboards that as you overclock the processor the memory steps up as well. There is a way around that so as you...
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    E8600 GIGABYTE GA-EP45-DS3L OC questions

    Well I have 4 x 2gig on my x38-dq6, and I had alot of stability issues when I overclocked the processor and the memory together, so in the giga bios, I set the memory to a lower standard around 900, then overclocked and stepped up to around 1066 with my 6850 at 3.6. Mine is probably volatage...
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    Overclocking Gigabyte x38 DS6

    Thanks Bill, I had already cleared cmos, but I read your post and decided your probably right so I really cleared cmos. I took off the door to my box, upluged it, reset the cmos and took out the battery just to make sure. Damn 280 GTX :D is so big had to take it out too, put it all back and...
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    Overclocking Gigabyte x38 DS6

    I was having memory issues, the f8 bios fixed that by enhancing memory performace. Well it did make the system stable, but even if I jumo thp mhz and ounce over 333mhz, the bios does its power reset safety thing and goes back to normal.
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    Overclocking Gigabyte x38 DS6

    Hello all, I cannot seem to overclock my x38 ds6 any more, I upgraded to the f8 bios. The bios fixed many issues and my sysyem is rock solid but I cannot even attempt to overclock my 3.0 E6850. Any suggestions, I was thinking of stepping down to the f7 bios. Also Gigabyte states that it can...
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    3xGateway 30's

    Listen it looks like you really want to run those three 30's at max resolution, so you most likely will need a vid card each. If cost is an issue, (Which since you are buying 3 30's it should not) Pick the highest card for your primary when you game and a lower card for the other monitors. Also...
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    Multple Monitors on Crossfire

    Hello All, I have an Motherboard with an Intel x38 chipset, I need to run three monitors, but I still like to game some. Will the ATI cards in crossfire run multiple monitors meaning three. left to right 1280 x 1024, 1900 x 1200, 1280 x 1024. Any info would be appreaciated. Looking at two ATI...
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    3 monitors, 2 video cards, 1 9800GX2

    I have an 88ooGTX running my 24 inch and a simple 8600gt running two 19 inch with no problem. You will need to work with the nvidia control panel some but mine works perfect.
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    Thermaltake Armor+ = Sexy

    I am curious and I know I am off topic from this thread, but How are you running three monitors with an SLI setup. SLI only supports one monitor that I know of, are you using a seperate PCI Video card, if so may I ask what the model is.
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    Question on Cross Fire

    I found my answer, Thanks
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    Question on Cross Fire

    With SLI on Nvidia you can only run one monitor, can you run two monitors on crossfire.
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    XiFi vs. Audiy 2zs

    Thank You for all your advice,
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    XiFi vs. Audiy 2zs

    I have an audigy 2zs, is the XiFi really anybetter, please let me know what you think.
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    Worth the upgrade?

    I agree with batman there, If you spend most of your time with software that Can use the Muticore processors the Q6600 would be the best choice. If you are like me an do not have a lot of software that uses Multicores and needs speed, get a E6850 and bump it up a little.
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    what's the avg vcore for a 3.6ghz OC on e6750/e6850?

    I had the newest Bios, but it would never post. I do have to say I like the fact that the board would just reset immediately and I could just go right back in. Thanks, I was under the assumption that the 1600FSB on the board would be fine so I did not mess with it. I have overclocked some but I...
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    what's the avg vcore for a 3.6ghz OC on e6750/e6850?

    I have a x38 chipset Gigabyte, but no matter what I set in the bios it will not overclock. I set the FSB to 400, 1.4v for the voltage, I lock the PCI-e bus at 100 to insure, my fsb on the motherboard is rated to 1600, do I need to increase its voltage as well. Need some advice. Thanks
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    Music Juke Box

    I am looking for a good Music Player that has a good catagorization and plays well, converts to MP3 and maybe could play movies as well. Thanks
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    I need hard suggestion

    Try this case, it is quiet and cools well.
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    Looking for a new case

    I have the Silver Aluminum Armor, and man unless you are going Silverstone or Lian Li, the armor is the best mid price case you can get. It is big and tall, the top part is plastic and can be removed for water cooling, the 25 cm fan is great keeps my system cool and it is quiet, then a 120 and a...
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    QX9650 in stock

    Okay Now lets not get carried away, its only 3 8800GTX's. He probably has them linked through the new NVIDIA SLI Cable (The Crack Cable). :p
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    Not your typical E6850 vs Q6600 Thread

    Mofo65, May I ask if you are overclocking, what are you running at, FSB and Volts on that E6850.
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    Not your typical E6850 vs Q6600 Thread

    Thanks for the replys, I was wanting to get the E6850 because I just wanted to get a comfortable overclock on air. I can get the E6750 but at 2.66 trying to push that high will require that the chip be pushed to high, but since they are binned the same it may no difference, who knows. I was...
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    Not your typical E6850 vs Q6600 Thread

    Will the E6850 go to 3.6 comfortably on air cool, with out much hassle and still allow speed step and all that. Also if it does or if anyone has done it on Air Cool, what is the voltage you are running on that CPU.
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    E6300 to Q6600, how excited should I be?

    Previous :Stock 9x266 (1066 FSB) = 2.4Ghz crank it up to the next "stock" FSB 9x333 (1333FSB) = 3Ghz or try 9x334, I think the next FSB strap kicks in a 334, and might make it a tad bit easier to overclock. How much did you kick up the voltage too.
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    Wait for the Penryns?

    Go ahead and build now with a x38 chipset if you want with a q6600, then when the right penryn comes along than snatch it up then sell off, trade or build another machine with the Q6600. Just a thought if you need to build now.
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    New build now or wait for X38s to drop in price?

    I am curios, since the second PCI-e slot is true 16x: I have an xfx 8800gtx I assume I could load it in the second slot as primary and get it away from the processor to spread out some heat in the case. I am hoping someone with a x38 has done this.
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    gigabyte p35 motherboards

    Thanks for the reply I will look at the other boards you metioned, also thanks on your opinion on the extremes. Yes I still have the 6600 and at the time it was the top of the line and made me happy. But I need alot of processor, I was even thinking zeons for a while, but decided not to. My 2.4...
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    gigabyte p35 motherboards

    I was looking at the p35, I need a good overclocker as well. I bought the 6600 dual core when it came out and overclocked it to 3.0 and it did well at the time, I do alot of video and audio edit for fun. I am thinking the qx6850 or new QX9650, I do not need SLI and I already used a Belkin...
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    6600 Quad vs. 6850 Duo

    I guess I should tell you some details, the computer 50 percent office, adobe , video edit. 50 percent for games: Comand and Conquer, Neverwinter, Guild Wars etc.
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    6600 Quad vs. 6850 Duo

    I am putting together a Vista Machine, which would be better a Quad 6600 w/1066 FSB or the 6850 Duo w. 1333 FSB. Post your opion please, Thanks.
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    Possible fan problem with TT Armor?

    Probably Need a New One,
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    A Good Practical Case

    Both of these are great. Depending on the sizw of your video card and other stuff, for a midsize I would recommed the Enermax. For More Serious Users, I would recommend the Thermaltake Armor Regular or Plus.
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    Post pics of your old rig!

    56k Warning :eek: My Old Rig, Antec Case, AMD 3000XP, Abit KV7, 512mb, 2x200gig, ATI 9800pro. Still in serves as a second computer, plays movies, music, yada yada. Was demoted by my intel 6600 dual core, 8800GTX, 2 gig Cosiar extreme.
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    DS3 Rev 3.3

    LOL, Well I solved my problem above. First rule, always test removable parts. When booting up it woul take two to four time before I could get into windows. Each time a cold boot. I would start to see the windows black screen and wham cold boot. Thought I had a driver problem, no. Thought I had...
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    ASUS P5N32-E SLI Problems

    I had a SLI set up with two 7900GTXs and a Asus P5N32-SE, I do not know what the 7300 pull wattage wise, how ever in the games is when you have them working the hardest. This is only a suggestion, use the power supply calculator to make sure. Walt
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    DS3 Rev 3.3

    I am having the same problem. I have switched Memory Voltages,Different Memory, Reloaded Windows on a different drive, heck I even changed the processor. No Luck, 3 or 4 tries from a cold boot. I will RMA and get another one? Walt
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    Need a Comparable Card

    My brother needs a new card, but not alot of money. He had a 6800gt, what would be a modern comparable card to the old 6800gt. Thanks, Walt
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    Thermaltake Armor owners

    Like You I bought my Armor without the side fan, but it was not available then. I bought the whole door and fan together from If you have active cooling on your motherboard and great airflow it probably will not that much difference. It lowered my Asus P5N32-SLI temps 7...
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    Need a Solid Intel Board

    Thanks for the fast reply, what memory are you using? Also are you running to OS on a raid 1 setup. Thanks
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    Need a Solid Intel Board

    Musts: Need To Run OS On Raid 1: Solid as a Rock: Be able to handle a XFX 7950GT. Does not need to overclock? Thanks,