Overclocking Gigabyte x38 DS6


Dec 24, 2005
Hello all, I cannot seem to overclock my x38 ds6 any more, I upgraded to the f8 bios. The bios fixed many issues and my sysyem is rock solid but I cannot even attempt to overclock my 3.0 E6850. Any suggestions, I was thinking of stepping down to the f7 bios.

Also Gigabyte states that it can handle the new 45nm processor and I was thinking of stepping up to the new quad cores,has anyone done this.

Besides the overclocking issue, this is the most stable board I have ever had so I really do not want to trade out but I want to play again.

My memory is gskill 1000 mhz, 4 gig (2x2gb) but I was already over clocking on it already. Anyone running 8 gig on this babe, I have vista 64 and all the others state that is make a great difference, but if I overclock alot of posts are stating their are voltage issues.

Any Advice on these issues would be greatly appreciated.
What were the problems present when you were using the older BIOS?
Is the new BIOS required for quad core?

I have an early X38 DS4 (before any reviews appeared) which has been fantastic with the default BIOS.
No issues running an early E8400 (harder to overclock high) @ 4.1GHz.
All I can suggest is perhaps you did not "load factory defaults" after the bios update ? Need to clear out everything a basically start your OCing over again and not just bang in the old FSB settings etc. You might also try. clear the cmos per the manual, "load factory defaults", reboot, then reburn the the bios,, again "load factory defaults", reboot and then start changing your settings and begin OCing. There are a zillion things the bios sets that you do not see. Worth a shot anyway.

I know of no game that is coded to use 4GB ( I am sure someone will know the exceptions) much less 8. Unless you run a bunch of other stuff while gaming I dont think you will see much of an increase and 8GB (all 4 slots filled) is hard on the MCH and usually hampers OCing. . But DDR2 is cheap as dirt right now so hard not to say to pick some up and give it a go and see for yourself. Vista will like the extra memory.
I was having memory issues, the f8 bios fixed that by enhancing memory performace. Well it did make the system stable, but even if I jumo thp mhz and ounce over 333mhz, the bios does its power reset safety thing and goes back to normal.
Thanks Bill, I had already cleared cmos, but I read your post and decided your probably right so I really cleared cmos.

I took off the door to my box, upluged it, reset the cmos and took out the battery just to make sure. Damn 280 GTX :D is so big had to take it out too, put it all back and rebooted. Got my checksum warning went into the bios and reset the memory timings. Booted all the way in, then reboted and reset the mhz just to 366 x 9, and came up like a champ. I will start playing again.

Has anyone put a q9xxx 95 watt on this babe and pushed it, would really appreciate some specs.