Possible fan problem with TT Armor?

Mr. Wolf

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 8, 2006
I've noticed that sometimes the big 25cm fan in my TT Armor case does not spin. It just wobbles or rocks back and forth. The only way I can get the fan to spin properly is to shut down my PC for several hours before powering on again. Is this a problem? Is there a way to correct it?

Thanks for any comments!
That sounds like a problem.

My power supply used to do that.
I put a yate loon in it and all is good.
Or shoot them an e-mail, FWIW...I mean the case has a warranty does it not? I think it would be ridiculous for them to want you to RMA the case, they'd probably either just send you a replacement fan, or remove/return the defective fan...

Try either this tech support link or their eRMA service. May not work, but it's worth a shot.

[edit]Yeah - all products have a 3 year warranty, with the exception of the 5 year term on PSU's. Oh, and on the 'may not work' bit...I guess I still just feel burned on an MIA MIR that they never squared with me on my Armor. It took a complaint to the general support link, and a thread in their unofficial official forums before I ever got any reply...Which was nothing more than a 'we couldn't contact you @ your supplied e-mail' (BS they didn't even try otherwise it would have been caught by my junk filter at least)...Then nothing after that. You may have better luck with support than I did ;).
I spoke with tech support at AVA. They're sending a replacement fan. Hope it solves the problem.