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    LP2475w for $386.99 Found this deal while browsing the web today, it seems to be a really awesome price, but I cant find anywhere on the site if this is a new monitor, old stock, or a...
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    Third LCD

    Looking for opinions here. I currently have 2 Dell 2005 WFP displays (20 inch wide screen's 1680x1050) hooked up to my rig, and when im really doing work, I find I have been running out of space between the two monitors. I have been investigating getting a third monitor, but I am unsure of what...
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    Nikon buying decisions

    I am about to sink about 2000$ into a new camera setup for myself, as I have outgrown my current equipment. I have a nikon D50 right now, with a 28-80, and an 80-300 lens. They both came as part of a kit that I bought, and as i learned, are slight relics from the film age. The 28-80 isnt bad...
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    Mixing ATI and AMD

    I don't plan on moving to vista for awhile, and if I do, it would be for limited tasks that I could live without the third monitor for. Even then, if driver support for my 7800 dies, I will get a low end card when that happens, otherwise I don't see the reason to spend money if it still is...
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    Mixing ATI and AMD

    [/B] Why do you say the second card would have to be an 8400GS? I am just planning on transplanting one of the 7800's I have and use it as the second card. Its not going to be doing anything above what it could handle.
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    Mixing ATI and AMD

    I am in the process of building a new rig, and am doing my research on new video cards to put in it. The general consensus seems to be that the new 4870 is the way to go as far as "high end" cards are concerned. So here is my question: I was previously running 2 nvidia 7800 GT's across a dual...
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    Intel's gonna win!

    I don't think AMD is going anywhere. Sure they have been producing less powerful chips then Intel has for awhile now, but that does not mean they have not been selling chips at all. I still see a lot of low end desktops and laptops running AMD based processors. I used to work at an...
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    Tale of two memories

    Hey everyone, I will make this quick. I am trying to decide 3 sets of memory for my new build (Intel 9450, ASUS maximus 2 mobo). I am going to be doing moderate over clocking, but nothing insane. Overall, i want the most stable memory, thats also going to be adequate at over clocking. I got...
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    Externally hacking cell phones

    This is a really odd question for everyone, but I cant find any other group of people who would be able to give me good advice about the topic. Recently, my brother got his credit card numbers stolen and used. Now, my brother does not give his numbers to anyone. He does not use the internet...
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    DFI Lanparty Ultra making me cry! Bios Checksum error!

    Go DFI! RMA is a good idea for this problem. Once you get into completely unsolvable errors with DFI, time to give it the boot. I had a DFI a few months ago, and jsut got so pissed off, I bought a new ASUS board, and have not had ANY silly problems the DFI gave me.
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    Motherboard beeps at shutdown

    Hey everyone, got a really odd question this time. I just reinstalled windows on my computer, after a reformat of my raid to get a nice clean place to put the new install. Well, everything went well, got all my drivers and components installed, and its up and running nicely now. However, it...
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    Will smoking effect my DLP?

    I will make this short and sweet. My roommate and I just bought a new Samsung 42 inch DLP TV. We have it set up in the living room, in our apartment. My question is, because he smokes inside, will the smoke eventually start to damage the DLP set? Will the dest collect on the lamp/color wheel/ or...
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    X-Fi and external amp- No Bass

    Ok, I jsut went out today and bought a Yamaha home theater system, with a amplifier and 5.1 speakers. I get it home, and hook it up to my Sound blaster X-Fi sound card. Now here is the problem. I am using the multi channel analog inputs to send the sound from the soundcard, to my amp...
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    External Amplifier + X-Fi possible?

    The X-Fi will only output digital audio to 2.1 I have reciently run into this problem with my current speakers. Its a stupid anti piracy rights management thing. I am waiting for some community drivers that will enable digital 5.1 output. THe X-Fi is more then capable of doing it, but the big...
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    X-Fi does not support digital 5.1 output?

    After remembering an interesting review from Maximum PC, I stumled across this little gadget that will convert the analog 5.1 signal, into digital... Guess what? its made by creative... This sounds a...
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    X-Fi does not support digital 5.1 output?

    I am running a set of creative computer speakers... The 5700's I believe ( they they support 5.1 through creatives proprietary 5.1 Digital DIN line. I have been running a setup like that since the das of the...
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    X-Fi does not support digital 5.1 output?

    I have jsut been setting up my new computer, and am having trouble getting my new X-Fi Fatality soundcard to work properly. I want to send my sound out digitally, to a 5.1 Speaker system I have with digital decoders in it. However, in the X-Fi options, it only allows me digital output to 2.1...
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    Failed WIndows Install Help

    Tested the memory with memtest, came up with 40 errors when using both sticks, never had time to try each stick by itself. However, isntalled ram from a friends comp, which I know is functioning, and I still have the same install problem. I will try getting rid of the raid, and possibly jsut...
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    Windows Setup keeps looping, Won't Install

    I am having the exact same problem with my new setup, and have yet to find an answer. I have tried everything that was suggested as well. Dont want to hijack the thread, but since both of us are having the same problem, any ideas from people would be really helpful.
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    Failed WIndows Install Help

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    Failed WIndows Install Help

    I have jsut set up my new computer (parts list below), and so far it has just be plagued with setbacks. To make a long story short, I am currently looking at a box, that fails to even install windows. I had windows running on the computer a few days ago, and had all drivers installed...
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    Wrong Fitting's? or bad luck.

    I jsut ran into this exact same problem with my watercooling setup. Danger Den, and FrozenCPU advertise their size fittings differently as far as 1/2, or 3/8's goes. I ended up buying a radiator, TDX, and maze 4 SLI blocks for my setup, with 1/2 ID fittings, and a pump with a 1/2 OD fittings...
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    Raptor 150 upgrade from raptor 740?

    I just filled out my RMA request for newegg, and they are going to slap a 15% restocking fee on me to return the drives. The restocking fee for me is about 46 dollars, plus about 7 to ship it back to them, we are talking about throwing away 50 dollars here, just to get my money back for the...
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    Raptor 150 upgrade from raptor 740?

    Thanks for all your help guys, I am pretty sure I have figured out what I am going to do. I have a pair of 36GB raptors in my old desktop, that I could easily pull and put into my new rig if I want. Other then that, I am going to send back my 74's and grab one of the 150's instead. I do...
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    Raptor 150 upgrade from raptor 740? Just glancing over that review, it seems to be showing that 2 74 GB raptors are pulling ahead of a single 150 in most of the tests. As much as the 150 is faster, I might be siding with gman, and just sticking with the 740's, and...
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    Raptor 150 upgrade from raptor 740?

    I am not hell bent on keeping them, I am jsut wondering if the performance difference will be worth all the hassle and wait, I will lose performance if I run them in raid 0?
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    Raptor 150 upgrade from raptor 740?

    The overwhelming opinion seems to be that I should return the 740's, and go for a 150 instead... I am struggling with the idea. My system is about a month overdue as far as building is concerned, and I have blown my budget for all my parts for it. Let me put out one more question for...
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    Raptor 150 upgrade from raptor 740?

    Just a few weeks ago I ordered all the parts for a new rig I am building that will hopefully last me through most of college. I researched everything I needed, and went ahead and ordered them. Now, I have all the parts sitting at my house, waiting to be put together. Here is the problem, I...
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    Final check on my parts before I pull the trigger

    final bump before I start ordering.
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    Final check on my parts before I pull the trigger

    Now I know what your thinking of. your thinking of playing the game across both screens. As far as windows goes, you cant play a game across both screens. It will only play on one. I was talking about playing the game on the main scren, and having stats like teamspeak on the second. So anyone...
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    Final check on my parts before I pull the trigger

    I have run dual 19inch monitors for over a year, and have never noticed that much a performance hit. Honestly, I feel lost gaming without my dual monitors. I use the main one for gaming, and the secondary one for stats, TS, guides, or anything else like that. I will admit you pay a price for...
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    Final check on my parts before I pull the trigger

    As far as the monitors go, I am going to be running dual 2005 FPW's, which is why I picked up the SLI cards. As for the raid, I am a photoshop person, and thats what I am going to school to do, as well as the 3D modeling apps, which will benefit from the RAID system. Not to mention windows...
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    Final check on my parts before I pull the trigger

    Hey everyone, I jsut want you all to take a look at my final parts lsit for my new computer before I go ahead and pull the trigger. Motherboard: DFI Lanparty UT NF4 SLI-DR Expert Memory: Twinx2048-3500LLPRO Video Card: 2x EVGA Geforce 7800GT 256-p2-N517-AX Video Card Case: Lian...
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    Best memory for overclocking a 170

    So basically what I can infer from what everyone is saying here is buy the faster chips, with the higer CAS, to give me the ability to get a higher HTT speed? Then if the processor can handle any more, mess with the multi and htt to get to the sweet spot?
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    Best memory for overclocking a 170

    Price for me isnt really that much of an problem here. I have set a price point of 3000 on my new rig, and so far I still have about 600 $ worth of headroom in there. So really, I dont care what the price, I sjut want fast, and overclockable. This is going to proabibly be my rig for the next 3...
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    2005fpw users plz help! i am having problem with this monitor

    Sounds like it could be a driver issue with your videocard. Try updating the drivers on it, and see what happens. Also check your DVI cable and make sure you dont have any bent pins or anything like that. If none of that works, then I would say your SOL, and will have to send it back. I have...
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    Best memory for overclocking a 170

    I am going to be building a new computer soon, and I have all the parts sorted out except for the memory. I am going to build an overclocking rig around an opteron 170, and a DFI Lanparty UT NF4 SLI-DR Expert. The processor and core logic are goign to be watercooled, so I am trying to find a...
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    About to purchase widescreen LCD! (Acer 20'')

    I have the dell 20 inch widescreen, and its simply awesome. I dont know what all the hatered is about the backlight bleeding... Mine does it, but you only know its there when your displaying a completely black screen... Other then that, your never going to notice it. Some are worse then other...
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    fs: AMD Opteron 170 brand new

    I am still interested in buying this processor, but I cant get to you through PM's. Please send me a PM when you get your PM rights back.