Search results

  1. Q

    The official "clean desktop" club.
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    Post your pc screen shots!

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    Google Nexus One Avail. Jan 5

    I'm pretty sure it won't be released until later this month.Coming to Verizon spring 2010
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    Google Nexus One Avail. Jan 5

    Good bye LG ENv Touch. Hello Nexus1!
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    Is It Safe To Game On A Plasma TV?

    I have a 50 inch panasonic G10 plasma. Games and movies never looked so good :) It's been stated in this thread numerous times: burn-in is a thing of the past. There is image retention but its temporary and usually clears up pretty quick. As long as you don't leave a static image on the display...
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    Who really needs new generation high-end video cards?

    People that sit around all day playing their favorite game 3dmark. They run their benchmarks, see their score jump a few hundred points and that gives them the satisfaction/justifcation in their $500 investment even though they have no friends outside the vacinity of their own bedroom to share...
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    Apple Wanted 'Laptop Hunters' Ads Pulled

    Looks like Microsoft has complied with Apple and has edited one of the "Laptop Hunters" ads featuring Lauren.
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    Need help with my sql query

    Sorry about that. I'm using DB2 QMF (Query Management Facility) v8.1 on a z/OS box. There are really no other requirements other than to get rid of the duplicates. It does not matter how I go about it. To me, the easiest way was to find the max timestamp for each duplicate and eliminate the...
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    Need help with my sql query

    Thanks for the reply. There is no support for olap functions. Can you recommend another way to count the row numbers?
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    Facebook, MySpace: A Race/Class Divide?

    what are you trying to say?
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    Need help with my sql query

    Hey guys. I have some clean up to do on our data hub. I'm trying to eliminate the duplicate source keys on all of our hub tables and ran into a snag. The query I have so far identifies the duplicate keys and shows a count of how many duplicates there are for each. SELECT SOURCE_KEY,COUNT(*)...
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    What's your favorite phone on Verizon

    Actually both devices have a physical keyboard. I have the env touch and love it.
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    Windows 7 Pre-Orders Dominate Amazon Sales

    Nevermind. I found the answer. They come together.
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    Windows 7 Pre-Orders Dominate Amazon Sales

    Are the 32 and 64 bit discs packed seperately or together?
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    Free Autocheck

    Received it this morning. Thanks ebolamonkey!
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    Free Autocheck

    PM sent
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    Four Reasons Why iPhone Owners Hate AT&T

    I do not need unlimited everything so why pay more for it? It doesn't make sense to me and my needs. I only use maybe 300 minutes/month at most and don't text often. The way I see it: Pay for what you need not what the best bang for the buck is.
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    Four Reasons Why iPhone Owners Hate AT&T

    I just preordered my iphone 3gs and have no complaints at all. At&t service in charlotte is pretty good. Although I would like to have text messaging included in the data plan, I don't mind paying an extra couple bucks for it. I can afford it. Plus my employer gives a 15% discount on all att...
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    Your CPU progression

    AMD Athlon 2500+ Core 2 Quad Q6600 Not as [H] as the rest of you guys :p
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    Killzone 2 for 1$ when you buy a PS3 from dell + 15%

    I was planning on getting a ps3 in a couple of months, but I don't think I will come across a better deal than this. Im in for one. Thanks op.
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    Games you are looking forward to

    bayonetta god of war 3 ff13 starcraft 2
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    Apple Rejects Religious-Face App

    All of these anti apple articles are getting old. Please post interesting articles.
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    Post Your 3DMark Vantage Score!

    P7123 Cpu score- 30648 Gpu score- 5672 why is my cpu score so high?
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    Warner Bros. Picks Blu-Ray Over HD-DVD

    It seems Paramount is following Warner Bros. lead
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    24kt gold ipod touches

    omg that looks fantastic!
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    Free Chicken and Coke from Chik-Fil-A

    just got mine today.
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    One Free Joost Invite

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    macbook cooling fan

    I have a first gen macbook and just recently installed smc fan controller. The app states that fan 1 runs at its specified rpm and fan 2 runs at 0 rpm. Does that mena i only have 1 fan running or am i suppose to have 2 fans. If the macbook does indeed have 2 fans, does this mean one of my fans...
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    4.4lb Dell XPS M1210 12in Notebook Core 2 Duo $999

    that dell m1330 looks like a sony vaio sz...can't they be more original
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    What Free Softwares for Apple Users???

    Quicksilver is a nice quick launch program. Much better than spotlight. Its free too.
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    Blizzard Announces Starcraft 2

    i pee'd a lil
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    Thanks for the link. This sucks. E3 has always been great in the past. It gave me something to look forward to in the summer. I guess all I have looking forward to this summer is working and going back to school. :(
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    When does E3 take place? What are the big name titles coming out for the consoles and pc? Is it still in LA? I heard that it won't be as big of an event that it usually is and will only allow a few number of people to attend. Is this true? Summer time is almost here and Im just trying to get all...
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    What's in your 360/PS3/Wii right now?

    PS2 - Marvel v. Capcom 2 (great 2D fighting game) 360 - Dont have one Roommates Wii - Wii Sports (bowling rules!)
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    ATI to come out with their new video cars soon

    In Soviet Russia, ATI cars dirve you! :p
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    What games have you regretted buying?

    James Bond 007 Agent Under Fire. That game sucked balls.