Good phone for use on Verizon?


Nov 30, 2004
I recently got the Motorola Rival, and it sucks balls. I can't return it, otherwise I would. I miss calls constantly, hate the interface, and the fact that it's only a semi-touch screen pisses me off.

I'm looking for a replacement right now that I can buy on ebay, because it's too expensive through Verizon. I don't want to have to pay for a data plan, but if the phone's nice enough, I might consider it.

I'd really like something with Wi-Fi, and a QWERTY keyboard is a must. Right now I'm looking at the Samsung sch-i760, but I was wondering if there's any better options available.

I'm looking to spend $150 at most.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for any advice.
I recommend the BlackBerry Storm 9530 Phone.The BlackBerry Storm is a slick looking phone -- which elicits the expected reaction from nearly everyone you show it to.
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$199 on Nov 6th. You would need a data plan ($30ish/month).

Keyboard - check
Fast hardware - check
Good looking - not exactly, but not ugly
Exchange sync - check
Removable battery - check
Voice search - check
Small - check (a few mm thicker than an iphone)
Good camera w/ flash - check
Lots of apps - check
Great display - check (capacitive display, 3.7 inches, high res)
Free nav app - check (even better than TomTom, etc.. since it integrates with google search, is voice activated, and has google layers (sat images))
Solid construction - check (mostly metal)

I don't know of a better phone for $199 or less on verizon. Lots of good info and vids @
The droid runs 200 only after a MIR, and with a contract. My dad already extended the contract for 2 years in order to get me the Rival for my birthday, so that's a no go. If it was $200 w/o a contract, I might consider it, but it's not.

Also, I was looking into something with Windows mobile, just because I figured there's quite a few programs already designed for it.

Any other opinions?
Looks like the Droid will be the phone to get this holiday season, not that phones are typically released around this period of time. Regardless, even for $299 before MIR, it's the most bad ass phone we're going to see anytime soon, and as luck would have it, it's on Verizon's network so, there's your solution.

For all it can do, at least as far as we can tell by the previews so far and the hands on at Engadget, you could do far far worse that's for sure.

As far as Windows Mobile, I wouldn't buy anything at this point, even with 6.5 on 'em. Windows Mobile 7 will totally change the game and there's a well known history of older devices not fully living up to the requirements of a "new" version of WinMo when it's released. It wouldn't surprise me to find some of the just released WinMo 6.5 phones either having issues with a WinMo 7 upgrade next year or not having upgrades at all when it's released. Some providers are just crappy stingy bastards and they drop support for older devices - even last generation models.

Honestly I think phones come out way too fast. I'm still using a Nokia 1100 I've had for nearly 5 years now, will be upgrading to a new phone soon, but I waited a long long time to do it. I use NET10 prepaid service and was hoping they'd come out with a kickass phone that does the stuff I wanted: mp3 player, memory card capability, camera, a real 1/8" headphone jack (rare on a cell phone), and USB connectivity that actually works instead of just allowing me to charge it. Luckily, someone at NET10 apparently decided it was time to do a prepaid phone right so they worked with Motorola to create the EM326g, and I'm damned happy with it. NET10 is the only provider for it so I kinda feel "special" in a way... ;)

+1 for Droid, however...
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Looks like the Droid will be the phone to get this holiday season, not that phones are typically released around this period of time. Regardless, even for $299 before MIR, it's the most bad ass phone we're going to see anytime soon, and as luck would have it, it's on Verizon's network so, there's your solution.

For all it can do, at least as far as we can tell by the previews so far and the hands on at Engadget, you could do far far worse that's for sure.

As far as Windows Mobile, I wouldn't buy anything at this point, even with 6.5 on 'em. Windows Mobile 7 will totally change the game and there's a well known history of older devices not fully living up to the requirements of a "new" version of WinMo when it's released. It wouldn't surprise me to find some of the just released WinMo 6.5 phones either having issues with a WinMo 7 upgrade next year or not having upgrades at all when it's released. Some providers are just crappy stingy bastards and they drop support for older devices - even last generation models.

Honestly I think phones come out way too fast. I'm still using a Nokia 1100 I've had for nearly 5 years now, will be upgrading to a new phone soon, but I waited a long long time to do it. I use NET10 prepaid service and was hoping they'd come out with a kickass phone that does the stuff I wanted: mp3 player, memory card capability, camera, a real 1/8" headphone jack (rare on a cell phone), and USB connectivity that actually works instead of just allowing me to charge it. Luckily, someone at NET10 apparently decided it was time to do a prepaid phone right so they worked with Motorola to create the EM326g, and I'm damned happy with it. NET10 is the only provider for it so I kinda feel "special" in a way... ;)

+1 for Droid, however...
Right, $299 before MIR, which, while a stretch, is still a possibility; but that's with a 2 year contract. The phone's going to be quite a bit more expensive, considering my dad JUST extended the contract 2 more years in order to get me my Rival, and is unable to do so anymore as far as I know.

Just so we're all clear, I'm on my dad's family plan because I'm still in college and am a "starving" student. $30 a month for internet and email is fairly expensive for me, which is why I was considering the i760 in the first place, because it doesn't require a data plan.

The droid looks pretty amazing, but for what I'm guessing is $400+ w/o a contract, it just isn't worth that much to me to be able to goof off on the go. I only make $9.50 an hour at the school helpdesk, and am limited to 20 hours a week, so this is a bit of a luxury for me.
It will probably run $600 w/o a contract.. which is right in line with other smart phones..

If I were to get this device, I'd be leaving AT&T and my iPhone 3G.. and after watching a number of hands-on videos.. I'm very tempted to do it.. I just need to get my hands on it for a little testing first.